Too easy, but great game. 3.3 stars
Wed Aug 26 2020 c.ReaderI got all my players up to 100 overall, once that happened there was no point. I did that in an hour. Plus I found a glitch, if you constantly swipe your finger you get a touchdown every time. And how come there is no out of bounds.
Also why can’t you have to try to recreate your team later on after like 3-4 tournaments. I have a million coins and I can’t even use them.
I recommend this game but you’ll be done with it after a day.
Also I suggest doing runs as well. That would be fun, make the RB more useful instead of him going out for a pass when you should’ve just used a TE then. Also why can’t I upgrade my OL but I can upgrade my DL that seams to do nothing. They get a TD every time.
Also why do I get 2 TDs and it’s over. Make it harder. Make it a timed game. You don’t fade to have a kick off. Just restart on the 20 Yd line every time.
Plus, why is it if I get tackled at the 1 yd line I have my second attempt at the 10? Makes no sense.
Also is it possible to drop a pass? You throw it at them and it’s like they have glue on their hands. Never once have I seen the WR&RB drop a pass. Especially the RB, they don’t also have the best hands.
Can we also pick our own play? I’m tired of them doing something random every time.
Crap game to be honest
Mon Apr 27 2020 Chloe Nicole DorsettLook I saw the game and though it was gonna be fun. At first it was but immediately I noticed some problems. 1. Too many ads. I’ll be playing in the middle of a play and an ad will pop up. So I’ll have to watch the ad and when I get back to the game I immediately get tackled. 2. Plays aren’t right. Let me explain. I’m not a football person at all. I’m in the band so I know like a little. But when I would swipe left or right to avoid tackling the tackler will jump and they won’t even be near me yet I get tackled. So I never can do the first play good I always have to use the second or third play to score. 3. It’s fun for a little bit but when you keep slowing down and having no energy you can’t move away when they tackle you. So you’re screwed on the first play. There’s not much you can do to help yourself. Also the opponents that you play will never score on mine so it’s like you constantly will win. Which I understand is the point but to have a little more FAIR challenges to it would be nice. Like if you were able to pass the ball once you run out of energy so you don’t get tackled would be nice. But it doesn’t happen. So overall 1 star. Hope this helps. Maybe they’ll upgrade and make it better so I’m hopeful and gonna keep it. But might not play for a long time.
Fun at first but way too easy
Tue Jul 21 2020 65FASTBACKMANAt first the game was somewhat challenging because I’d never played it before. That being said, there are some major issues with it. First, it’s way too easy. I’ve played probably several hundred rounds by now and haven’t lost one of them yet. In fact, I’ve only dropped I think one pass and that was just to see if it was possible to do so. I know it’s just a game but it’s very unrealistic to have someone be able to run up from behind you at a distance of over 10 yards and still tackle you from behind.
On top of that when you’re playing defense, the other team will sometimes say they’ve run the ball. How do you run the ball? Upgrading your players doesn’t really do anything as I believe you’re playing against the computer and besides the computer scoring a touchdown against you every time while you’re on defense, I haven’t noticed any difference while I’m on offense and playing against them. It would be nice to make it more difficult, to play against actual live people as opposed to a computer and if you played defense as well as offense. Because even if your defense is maxed out for upgrades, they still get scored on everytime when playing in the higher up leagues.
Fun Game, But Broken With No Incentive
Fri May 15 2020 anon4822I really enjoyed the game for the first couple days. It was a simplistic for of the game most of us love. It was a cool idea to buy better players or upgrade your own to be the best team possible. The first problem that arose were the ads. They came after, what felt like, every play. Unbelievably annoying. The next problem that came up, was a sort of wall of enjoyment. I upgraded all my players so my team was a good as it could be very early on. Also, the teams are just so easy to beat. I score every play almost, which brings me to my next point. The gameplay is broken. The WRs stop their routs for no reason, but it doesn’t matter because the CBs can’t guard them. Once the ball is caught, you can just avoid being tackled by running diagonally. They literally can’t tackle you so you score every play. I’m sitting here with all 100 overall players, scoring every play, with millions of coins. It didn’t take me long at all. Maybe it would add more of a challenge if there was a defense mode. Good idea with poor execution. You’ll keep this game for a week max.
Sun May 10 2020 naguitar9.0Like most others say, it’s fun at first, but there’s inherent flaws. I don’t run into ads because I just turn on airplane mode and play so it doesn’t bother me. But there’s not much to do. You just keep restarting in a different league and there’s no sense of pride in winning. Upgrading your players don’t do anything at all. Nothing. It’s only there for you to kinda measure how far you’ve come. But even then as your progress through the leagues the game don’t get harder. The receivers don’t continue their run even though we as the QB can throw it the whole length of the pitch. On top of that there’s so many loopholes. Even if the opposing players catch up to you, they’ll miss their tackles. You can throw and do nothing and expect to get close to the end zone. That’s one loophole I found. The other is that you can keep straffing. Like you can strafe for forever even if you lose stamina and the opposing players won’t catch up. Give it a try. But apart from that it’s boring. There’s no sense of achievement. Everything is far too easy. And there’s not much to come back to after the initial download.
Decent but repetitive
Fri Jul 02 2021 ThatSportsGuyInTheCornerLike a lot of other people have said, this game has great potential! But there is a lot of flaws. Like maybe add an actual goal as the seasons just go on and on. Once you max out all your players and costumes it gets extremely boring. I got really excited when I beat the first seasons but it just kept going on. Also it would be a lot more fun to make the gameplay somewhat realistic. I mean it’s so easy to just run all the way to the end zone on 1st down. The defense is just utter crap. Also they should really add like a head 2 head sorta thing like some other games have like madden, 2k, mlb or fifa. Because right now it’s so easy and boring to play cause you just keep playing against bots. The original concept was nice but it just gets boring. I was originally gonna do 3 stars but I’m gonna go for 2. It could even be 1 or 1 1/2 to be honest. I just think this was such a swing and a miss and a real shame of an opportunity
So many bug, can’t play long
Fri Oct 14 2022 Plaid11Let’s see, where to start with the issues. First, very difficult to upgrade your players because of a strategically placed ad banner. You have about 10 seconds to upgrade them when you first open the game but then the ad banner appears and never goes away. Second, the game will randomly stop responding during a game. I’ve only made it through 1 game so far because the app messes up at some point. Third, ads that pop up during the game won’t allow you to ever close it out. It’s a decent game that I would play if it worked but it’s not like I’d miss it if I decide to delete it. I’m pretty close to doing that and I just downloaded it today, not even an hour ago. If they fix the app, it would probably be kind of fun but not sure yet. It also seems like you’re going to have ads pop up after every completion, so be prepared to get tired of those real fast.
Fun at first
Tue Oct 18 2022 chaoz194This game is awesome at first. My first problem with the game: ads. So many ads. You just got down? (Or as they call it, attempts) you get an ad. The good thing about this, though, is that you can just turn on airplane mode. My second problem: this is barely like football. The terminology is weird (as I mentioned above), upgrading your players doesn’t do a thing. Also, with their “attempts”, you only have three. You don’t have to make it 10 yards to get 3 more “attempts”, you only have three for the whole field. My third problem: ther is no sense of winning. You don’t feel like you just accomplished something, you just feel nothing. It’s so easy to win. You can get to the touchdown line in 2 downs. You can score a touchdown with no second down if your good enough. But after you complete your league, it just throws you into another one. In summary, this game doesn’t last, it’s not like football at all, and there are a ton of ads.
Ad bar placement
Wed Oct 26 2022 LT schenkSo I seen this game that caught my interest and seemed that it would be a fun game to pass the time. When I opened up the app I noticed a huge issue with the game immediately with the ad bar placement which blocks me from upgrading any of the players in the game and basically killed it from me being able to even start wanting to play this game. I can’t see myself playing or spending time on something I can not progress on when the option is there but can’t access it due to a flawed ad bar placement. It could have been placed on the very top of screen where there isn’t much to block, but instead it’s at the bottom of the screen where the upgrades for your team is located at. I would have really liked to give this game a go, but as I have said can’t even try the game when I can’t access the Major things that is needed to progress in the game which are the upgrades for the team.
Crap and fake promises
Fri Apr 22 2022 Noah Wilson BeasleyThe only way I could play the game is by spending $5 to remove ads. Which worked for 30 minutes and then i got ads again, including ads covering content. That’s ridiculous, I’ve played bad games with a ton of ads. But when I pay money to remove ads it always works. This one didn’t. At the bottom of the screen where u see your players and upgrade them, ads came back. And in the middle of the game. I also maxed out 100 overall players on both sides of the ball in less than an hour and it just repeats everything and my 100 overall receivers get exhausted and get caught after 20 yards. Add something else this game literally lasts an hour. Add multiplayer or let us play defense or something. Honestly solid idea and potential, y’all just messed it up. And please dear God remove the ads covering content at the bottom of the screen. Thank you