I love this game!
Tue Apr 02 2024 tjluxI love this game, so the 5 stars are genuine. I have been playing for several months, and it has been y favorite form of stress relief. However, lately something’s changed. If you’re not perfect, you won’t like this game. It used to be different, but now, if you have 18 cars to move, you get 18 moves. No room for mistakes, not even one. Also, several times, I have been playing, having made no mistakes, and all of a sudden it says “no more moves”! Then I have had to watch between 75-90 seconds of ads before returning to the game, which is really bad when you’re racing someone for first place. Now I find myself playing less and less, because these glitches are so frustrating! I tried to report this, but couldn’t find any way to do so, not even through settings. I’ll be back when these problems are fixed!
👇🏼Honest rating👇🏼 Too hard and too many ads.
Mon Jun 10 2024 Ace bandage 69Hi, it’s a fine game, just, a few things I don’t like.
1. I am on level 57, okay? So I try to play, and it is like there is no way to get the level beat with barely any moves at all. Like, 30 moves and 30 cars? Really? The developers are just flat out telling you that you have to be perfect and can’t mess up at all. I ain’t watching a stupid ad for a minute and a half just to get 5 more moves. No! 2. You literally have to watch an ad for every single thing that you do! 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ Not cool and not fair. 3. The levels get harder and harder as you go, correct? Okay, so I noticed that the moves usually get lower and lower the higher you go. Like I said though, usually. So don’t rat me out if I’m wrong. 4. I’m ALWAYS in a really high placing. Like rn I’m in 79th place. On level 57. Like what?!?!?! 5. I’ve also noticed some glitching in the game. Like when I have the lights, they will be on like 3 seconds, and I’ll go, and they turn to 0 and I get -2 moves and it’s not fair! But anyway, this is a good game if you like ads, extremely hard levels, and unfair stuff like this. So yeah, like I said, it’s a fine game. It just… needs some changes and updates. So thanks for reading this review. Developers please respond. 😊😊
How long can you go ad-free after paying $6.99?
Wed May 29 2024 Christine Lee70I can live with the fact that Nat and Leilani are the bots assigned to my profile. I can even live with only having just enough moves to clear the screen, as long as I keep earning sufficient helicopters to keep up with my occasional mistakes. The repetitive nature of the game, and stable difficulty levels as I play actually works in my favor as it’s these very factors that makes the game nearly addictive and works to soothe my (very) frequent anxiety. I don’t mind the near constant, “buy me,” or “rate me” pop-ups (so much). What I can’t live with are the ads between each screen. That is too too excessive. So I’m very suspicious of this “go ad-free” $6.99 offer. I saw a game where you paid that FOR ONE HOUR! Outrageous. But the game let you know that before you bought. The fact that this developer, with numerous shady habits already, doesn’t specify? Makes me wonder if they are worse. I agree with an earlier reviewer who acknowledged the developer will likely never read this (at least other developers, though their responses are trite and indicate they may not have actually read the review, at least has something set up to at give the allusion someone somewhere is reading it.)
New update…hoax!
Sat Apr 06 2024 MiernBefore today, I would have given this game 5 ⭐️! Today I updated for the “bug fixes” as usual, yeah right! What I found out instead, y’all cut down the extra moves which were around 3-10 per level to ZERO, leaving a player with no room for error! As if we don’t watch enough ads per level, a plethora of ads, that I don’t usually mind, but knowing you don’t have any leeway and there will surely be these extra ads has slowed down my gameplay dramatically. I am usually the winner weekly, and have reached the pinnacle weeks ago, but liked the game and how it helped my dexterity so much that I continued playing. No more. First of all, I don’t like the deception you used in getting players to update. If I hadn’t, I would still have all those extra moves to use. Secondly, I like seeing how quickly I can play, and where is the fun is forced slow play. Goodbye, Traffic Escape! I am leaving. Another winner can take my place. PLAYERS BEWARE OF UPDATES! This one really screwed gameplay up!
Also, I think the player list is a hoax. I am always the winner. Other people say the same. The names seem to be fictitious. Does each player have a list of fictitious names just for them? Seems odd and too coincidental that so many people would claim to be winners! 🙄
Sat Mar 02 2024 KenwaiiyDo you really think that people are that stupid that we can’t figure out that robots are playing the game instead of actual players a lot of the time? I work hard to get the score that I have and maybe people don’t like it that I get way ahead of them, but what right do you have to play for them so that I can only gain a certain amount each time? That’s really not fair and it takes the fun out of it. Could you please stop doing this and allow us to play legitimately and you do the same please. I have been analyzing this for quite some time and I can tell that it’s bogus. As soon as I stop the robots stop when I start they start in it doesn’t matter how much time I wait I can go away for two hours and it still the same thing. That’s just wrong on every level. And it certainly does not give a true representation to those who are interested in playing the game. Please fix this and I’ll put you back to a five star rating. I love this game for the games sake but I don’t wanna play against robots, I’m not a robot. I expect to plate against other humans. This game is great for my memory and everything else for someone in the elder age group. Thank you for your time.
Great Game But…
Sat Jul 27 2024 lil dondiI love this game. I like to play it when I’m looking to kill some time. I paid to have the ads removed and I haven’t experienced one ad so far unless I choose to watch one for additional moves.
There are a couple of downfalls to this game that I must mention. It’s very repetitious so it’s a matter of remembering how you played it before. I’m in Legend League and win consistently. However, I’ve noticed that when I’m playing the 2nd place player’s points increase 10 points at what seems like random increments. No real person would play for 10 points every few minutes. Besides, wouldn’t they also get those 25,50,100 coins every once in a while? It’s not fair for their points to keep increasing even if they’re not playing. This is why I believe that my opponents are really bots. Also we shouldn’t be dropped down in leagues once we’ve reached a higher league. There should be challenges added to make it less monotonous and unique rewards.
Pesters you after purchasing - never gets difficult
Wed Mar 27 2024 MelonHeadSrIt was a good little game and I played a few levels and like to pay for things I use. I expected to play without interruption after paying, but the offers to buy coins, tickets and whatever happen almost continuously. You can decline them of course and move on, but it is relentless. I’ve also been asked to rate the game at least 20 times. I tried rating it after about 5 or 6 times thinking it would leave me alone after that, but no…every 10 games or so I get asked again. It really never gets very difficult. It is fun, but I’ve yet to fail at solving a level and even the most difficult so far take less than 30 seconds. Good puzzle type games should get increasingly difficult and be tough enough to cause you to occasionally fail. So since I can do it quickly, I thought I’ll try one of these “see how fast you can do 10 levels compared to others” but in order to do that, once again you have to watch an ad. Five dollars is not the end of the world, but I regret spending it on this particular game.
My favorite besides one glitch…
Fri Mar 22 2024 WPBloggerI’m still giving this game 5 stars just because, it’s my new “go to” game when I’m waiting somewhere. But there’s one glitch & I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed it. Sooo… I’ve been playing this regularly for the last few months. I’ve gotten to 1st place a few times with a score of over 10,000+ and each time there are two following right behind me. But the funny thing is, that they both seem to come on at the same time & come close or eventually pass me if I’m away for any good amount of time living my real life. Lol. It’s just weird. It’s either some “AI” built into the game or someone hiding behind two names. I’d love to know if anyone else has noticed the same thing?
At first I wanted to give less stars because of this pretty transparent issue. I usually don’t like timers or competitive scoring But it’s a good game.
Great little stress reliever game!
Wed May 15 2024 JoyfluteI am loving this little traffic game! If you give the developers $5 for no ads, there really aren’t any ads unless you “hit” the little pedestrian or go through a red light! I don’t play that race with other players, because you never win and that eliminates another ad. So I just play and play while I watch TV and for some reason, it seems to be a stress reliever for me. Traffic should be stressful but this definitely isn’t lol! It’s easy enough, and even if you mess up, you watch one 30 sec ad and you’re through the level. They have all kinds of cars, backgrounds, and exhausts to choose from (and spend a whopping 99 cents if you want!) The more difficult levels aren’t really that horribly hard but are definitely more fun! Great game, developers! More cars, backgrounds and exhausts please!
Good game, but lots of ads
Sat Jun 22 2024 gigie007This honestly is a good game, and I’ve had it for about a month and I’ve almost made it to level 800. There are a few things that I’m annoyed with. One is being is that there are soooo many ads. Basically to the point where it’s after every level and I have to exit the app and come back just to avoid ads and that’s super frustrating. My second problem is I feel like some of the levels are super easy and some are super hard. I feel that the levels are the same just repeated multiple times. Front get me wrong, I think some of levels get harder, but I feel like it’s unrealistic to have some levels where there are thirty cars and only thirty moves. That’s super annoying and unfair because you have to retry multiple times and sometimes I even skip the level as a whole so I don’t have to do it multiple times. Overall, it’s a great game, but the creators of the game need to change some things, LIKE THE CONSTANT ADS!