Fri Jan 22 2021 גןעThis game is so much fun!!!! I’ve recommended this to all my friends. I love how you get to spin the wheel and actually feel it moving. The catergories and characters are so cute. You can actually compete against real people in REAL TIME not just an AI. There are different modes to spice it up a bit and you can get cards like from a vending machine that can give you rewards. The leagues to level up have definitely made me more competitive. 😂 BTW- I am not a paid user so I do deal with the ads. The ads aren’t terrible. You only get them every few questions. Lately they’ve added a new update where you have a little hamster that you can name and feed by answering questions. This is so cute! If you’ve stuck through and read the whole thing, thank you! This is one of my favorite games and you should totally get it! Bye!
Edit- OK, so as I mentioned before, I love this game. Another thing I want to mention is sometimes if you’re playing Triviathon, you’ll get an ad smack in the middle of answering questions. This is OK because it doesn’t interfere with how many q’s you’ve answered or the coins you get but it can be a little annoying.
Great Game, WAY too many ads
Tue Feb 27 2024 MAGIC TACOS 5000I love this game, I have always loved this game. I used to play it a really long time ago and recently just picked it up again, it’s just as I remember, with some fun new aspects. I love the fast match, makes it easy to just keep playing. I like the tournaments. They also added a trivia “TikTok” where you scroll and answer questions for coins (unnecessary, but fun I guess). I do love this game, however the gameplay to ad ratio is INSANE. Every time you get a question wrong, thirty second ad. Every time you finish a match (win or lose), fifty second ad. Advertisements surrounding the screen, on the top and bottom, during every game. Every possible trivia question accompanied by “watch an ad to have an advantage” pop up that also halts gameplay. I understand ads, keeps games this awesome free, but there has got to be a limit. Sometimes it’s honestly a deterrent; is this game worth the crazy amount of interruptions that drain my battery? I think that cutting back on ads, maybe just getting rid of the ad after EVERY wrong answer would suffice, would allow the game to be even more enjoyable. Do download this game if you don’t care about that many ads, it really is a great game if you can look past them. However, how hot my (new) phone got just by the amount of ads in 30 minutes of playing might be a reason not to download. (Not to mention I get very awkward very sexual ads; KIDS play these games….)
Ruined their own app
Sat Mar 18 2023 Emily 0071Trivia Crack would be a 5-star game if it weren’t for the insufferable ads that pop up on the screen every 5 seconds. The ads ruin the game for me. Every time I get a question wrong or go to play a mini game, I have to sit through a long ad that I’ve seen a million times before. I never leave reviews but I found the advertisements on this game to be so frustrating that I came here to leave my first review today. When you go to click the X to exit out of an ad, a pop up comes up taking you to the app store download page for that ad. I have to “X out” of their ads 3 times before it actually goes away. I cant even stand being on Trivia Crack for more than 1 minute now. At this point, I spend more time watching ads than I do actually playing the game. The concept of this app is great and it used to be super fun to play, but the ads have completely taken over the app now. I would much rather spend time playing other similar apps than this simply for that reason. It’s very unfortunate because I did used to love to this game, but again, can not handle the insane pop ups and unskippable ads. I’ve spent the last year or so deleting and reinstalling Trivia Crack, each time forgetting how bad the ads really were, but I think this time I will be deleting it permanently and looking for a trivia app or something similar without any of the ads. I’m sure there are better apps out there. Do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time downloading this game.
Great Game!! Inconvenient Ads :/
Sun Oct 24 2021 Gspark27I understand the game needs ads to fund making new features and to play the people that produce it. Trust me, I want the people who made this game to make all the money they worked so hard for and more, however, there are so many ads that pop up in the middle of you playing. One of the biggest issues is that I'll answer a question and an ad will pop up!! I just want to play uninterrupted. If the adds only happened once you lost I think this would be a lot better. To clarify, I'm not opposed to ads at all. In fact, I'd be willing to watch ads for advantages like coins, "right answers", or even just hearts (although Imm at a surplus at the moment and don't need more). Another of the biggest problems for me is that sometimes when I press " watch an ad to get another chance" and I actually WILLINGLY sit there and watch an ad, IT DOESNT GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!! I'm sure this is a glitch, but its one that makes me want to stop playing. I love this game. Ive played it off and on for years, same with my mom and a few other family relatives, but with the constant bombardment of ads and the annoying glitches, I can't imagine my interest will be kept. Please fix these issues!! I want to keep playing this game! Again I commend everyone who's worked on this game and I sincerely hope it lasts a long time.
Great game…waaaay to many advertisements
Sun Jun 20 2021 JcmcwillI love playing this game. I actually purchased the full version which you would think would eliminate ads. If anything they got worse. Every single thing you do pops up an ad (if not two) in between each game. If I paid for it I shouldn’t have to endure all of these ads trying to sell me more upgrades, etc. or at least give me the option to disable them. It is ridiculous and I want my money back. Shame on you Etermax for getting people to pay for this and still bombard us with advertisements.
Don’t believe me? Keep reading the reviews here on the App Store. You will see this complaint all the way back three + years…they don’t care about you. The very few times that they reply to a complaint on the App Store, they use the same cut and paste response telling you to email their support to tell them your problem. Etermax, why can’t you answer our questions and complaints here on the App Store reviews? Everyone should be able to see your lame explaination. You want us to email you because you don’t want potential new players to see your answer about the ads you force us to endure throughout the games. Whatever executive at Etermax made the decision to blast us with ads should be fired for ruining a great game solely for the purpose of fattening the paychecks of him/herself and those who sit on the board.
Do your self a favor people of planet earth…do NOT pay for this game!
Shame. Shame. Shame.
1/2 the time waiting!!
Thu Mar 18 2021 FjgdnjuuuI gotta say that if you love ads, lots and LOTS of ads, then you are going to absolutely soil your under shorts waiting to play this game. If you get a question wrong, there’s an ad. If you get a question correct, there’s an ad. If you are the loser in any contest, there’s an ad. If you are the winner, there’s an ad. Download this game and I swear that for the time you are logged on to it, you will spend at least 1/2 that time waiting for ads to complete. Maybe if I changed my perspective so I started seeing the ads as gameplay and the trivia questions as small, interruptive annoyances, perhaps then I wouldn’t mind so much, but since I downloaded Trivia Crack because I like to play games involving trivia, I’m unable to reverse my perspective in this way. I understand Etermax is a business and, thus, must turn a profit, but I don’t understand how the powers that be consider such an extraordinarily high amount of ad placement between every loading screen, every response to a question (right or wrong), and after every multiplayer contest like Survival (win or lose) to be a path to long-term users. I do spend money on this game. Not much, but some. Yet eventually, no matter how much I build up my mastery level, one day, SOON, an ad will pop up, push me to the brink, and I’ll double click, swipe right, and delete the game. That time is approaching. Too bad Quiz Up has been discontinued...... ☹️
The amount of ads is beyond ANNOYING!
Mon Dec 09 2019 NateggyOverall this game is extremely fun and very informative. If you like trivia, this game is for you! I enjoy the variety of questions for each category and the challenges the game has to offer. This app would’ve gotten 5 stars from me had it not been for the ads popping up every 2.2 seconds. Also, if you run out of lives, after every game played this obnoxious tab pops up and says “buy more lives”!!! I don’t want to. I said no. I shouldn’t have to close the tab requesting money for lives after every game played. I’m aware that I’m out of lives, I just used them all. Quit asking for money every 5 seconds. You know, this would be a great app if you’d just remove HALF OF THE ADS and make it more about being an entertaining trivia game for people all over the world rather than a money making machine. Don’t you make enough money as is or do y’all just insist on being greedy? I get it, ads bring in money. So what? Doesn’t need to be overdone. Also, the price for purchasing the app to get rid of the obnoxious amount of ads is a little overpriced in my opinion. Especially for what the game has to offer. Like I said, the game itself is 5/5 stars but the ads make it 1/5 in my book. So, if you’re into trivia games and a buttload of obnoxious ads I’d download this game and have a blast!
Way too glitchy and too many microtransactions
Sat Nov 07 2020 imhungryandaproblemConstantly glitching. I wear headphones and listen to music while I play, and the audio is often distorted. It doesn’t do that on other apps. There’s also no way to mute in game audio like sound effects. Not to mention the ads. I know you have to make money, but can you not show so many awful ads? I get one all the time for this “foot doctor” app that’s just someone popping a bunch of disgustingly animated zits on a disembodied foot. It makes me want to throw up. I’m not sure who controls which ads I get shown, but I would appreciate a way to block or report specific ads.
The game just really wants you to spend money all the time. They introduced a pet recently, and if you don’t feed it cookies it gets sad and runs away. How do you get cookies? You play the game, or you can spend some in game currency which is basically impossible to get without paying. The pet is designed to be adorable, and it just comes off as emotional manipulation. Beyond that, so many of the questions are low quality. I get that they’re community submitted, but there should be some way to report that a question has a typo, is written poorly, or is in the wrong category.
On a positive note, I do like the minigames. Most of them boil down to “the main game with a twist”, though. I enjoy this game, but I wish the app wasn’t awful.
Mon May 01 2023 SupaDupaPatoSuch a shame, I love the game and I’ve been playing it for years. There’s just too many interruptions and inconsistencies with it. After every wrong question I get an ad and 2 pop-ups, EACH TIME. It’s so frustrating especially when you try to click out with the teeny little ‘x’ in the corner but it takes you to the downloading screen. Then when you get a question wrong, you also get the opportunity to watch an ad and answer a different question, which would be nice if it worked more than 10% of the time. Most times I don’t even bother, but sometimes I’ll have hope that it works and I’ll click on it, only to see the same result as the last however many times where the ad ends and I don’t get the free turn. Even if I watch multiple ads for the free turn it just doesn’t work and I lose the turn anyway, as well as my time.
The ad situation in this game makes it almost unplayable.
On top of that, the “cookie” situation for the pet. It’ll ask for more and more cookies to feed it as you level up, but the game barely gives you any opportunities to get 1 cookie anymore. That poor pet stays hungry until it just runs away because I can’t play every hour of my day in hopes to get enough cookies for it. This game used to be 5 stars, what a shame.
Sun Dec 06 2020 frustrated_student72absolutely incessant ads. Probably the worst case of ads i’ve ever seen in an app. It’s not even the length or anything. Every time I click the screen there’s an ad. Whether it’s for another app or product or within the game it’s self there is no escape. There’s not a single break from ads. Even when I’m winning I get an ad. At the very least you should only get an ad after you’ve lost the point or when your streak is over. But they even happen between points. I had this app a few years ago and I do not remember it being this infuriating. I want to use this app because it has the most amount of users and reach so I trust it. But it’s not even that good. There are too many game options it’s so confusing. Also i wish there was a mode where you had more time to answer so that I could read the question out loud to others and discuss. A non competitive option so you could just challenge yourself and friends to answer trivia questions. Also the questions themselves are pretty inconsistent with super dumb questions and very advanced questions. There should be a better way to pick the level and age group of trivia questions you get. The ads make me literally scream and I suggest not putting yourself through the agony of having to press x 5 times in a row just to get to the next page.