Wed Jul 24 2024 JJGunnerOk, I’m sorry, I really like the idea of the game, but I just could be better. I saw an ad for this game, and it looked so fun! I immediately fell in love with the cute monkey faces in the banana bunches. But when I downloaded it…I was disappointed and disgusted that they lied. There aren’t even any monkeys, only grapes. And there are SO MANY ads!!!!! 😫😩😤 It angers me. So, here’s some advice from a girl who loves watermelon and monkeys: delete this game, and buy QSWatermelon: MonkeyLand!!!!! Best game ever!!! Only one ad between every round!! So your game won’t get interrupted a hundred times! And… they have DANCING MONKEYS!!!! SO CUTE!!!!! And bananas!!! Also, I just think the fruits are so much cuter in QSWatermelon: MonkeyLand. Also, it’s a little more challenging in my opinion. And, there is a mystery fruit after you combine two watermelons!!! So fun!! I am yet to get to it, although I play it SO MUCH!!! While this game, I got two watermelons pretty fast, and was disappointed that they just disappeared, and I got no surprise or reward. It was underwhelming. Anyways, all to say, if you like the idea of watermelon drop, but need something better, download QSWatermelon: MonkeyLand, and enjoy the monkey fun! 🐒🐵🍌🍌🍉🍉
Sincerely, Hyan ♡
Physics Make no Sense
Thu Jul 04 2024 souleater1173So I actually saw and played a lot of ads about this game, which is what got me to play it. A lot of the reviews are about the numbers of ads and frequency, which are all relevant and true. But I actually have a complaint that just makes the game unplayable for me. The way the fruit interact make no sense. There is no reason that fruit that should merge don’t merge, and instead bump each other to the other side of the screen or be stacked on top of the other. It was so frustrating to lose because my board was mostly filled with two dragonfruit that were stacked on each other and refused to merge. Overall terrible game, I’m only giving it 2 stars instead of 1 because it is a fun concept.
Love the game lol but……
Thu Jun 20 2024 PandicornicopiaSo overall this game is amazing and the whole thing is so fun I love it😍
But the one thing that annoys me is that there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many adds there is also this other annoying thing that just randomly pops up like take a break like we don’t wanna take a break and watch an ad that’s not a break that’s just frustrating so if you could please cut down on the ads and take away the break thing that would be wonderful and I don’t want you to just say oh thank you for your response we try and support all of our people that play this game blah blah blah blah blah I don’t want wimpy little response to this OK people who made this game I want you to actually fix it not just say OK thank you for your response and then not doing anything actually fix it please don’t just be a stick in the mud
Okay hear me out
Sun Jul 14 2024 Hazel-WolfThere is tons of adds and sometimes the fruits don’t merge. I will say that if you are like me with a bunch of anxiety disorders, and Panic disorder, you might like this game. I personally look past the flaws. It brings me down after a panic attack and is a good distraction during overwhelming moments or when I’m just overwhelmed for no reason. I hate the sound and the music so I have it off but everything else about the game besides the obvious flaws I enjoy. It just bring comfort and calmness during a hard time. All in all it’s a great distraction when I need one. Plus side my baby brother likes playing it too lol. Just try it. If it isn’t your thing fine but if it is at least you have a game that will keep you busy for hours when you need it!
This game
Thu Jul 04 2024 🌻mcKayla🌻This game is a great game in general, but there are some ads and I’m not trying to be rude but the creators of this game or updaters or whoever could maybe try to cut back on the ad a little bit .I was playing levels and it was a really fun game at all then all of a sudden there are all of these ads. I still enjoy the game and I probably would not delete it if I had to delete a mobile game, but the ads are a little much for my case I was in the middle of a level and an ad popped up and I was like well OK that’s normal cause that’s how companies make money and then after that I almost died so it was like another ad to just keep me going and I wasn’t mad at that point, but then it kept giving me ads and ads and ads all over again so this game all in all is a great game but be prepared for some ads.
It’s the orange’s fault
Thu Jul 18 2024 tbrubastrashMy favorite game right now but I must say it’s the orange’s fault every time. And sometimes the green . The small fruits are fine. The coconut and up is also alright. But every time a grape turns into an orange it messes up whatever I had going on. Falling on top of small fruits and trapping them. Rolling around too much making more green apples and pink fruits that just take up space and refuse to merge sometimes. The ads in the middle of playing are very annoying. I can understand an ad in the beginning and end but an app during the game is too much and I’ll probably end up getting tired of this game and deleting it because of it. But as of this review, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank me later
Wed Jul 10 2024 Kgeorge84Someone said they got an ad every 2 and a half minutes.. boy were they lucky! I was getting them every 45 seconds (but you can close them after about 15 seconds by tapping on your screen). I was unable to finish a level with less than 8 ad interruptions. Which really mess up your game because they but in even in the middle of dropping fruit.
Well, if you’re not doing anything important, waiting for any important calls, or need your phones data/wifi service for any reason simply close the game and slip in to airplane mode and ads are gone. The developer does not offer an option to purchase ads free and it’s unplayable with the number of ads, otherwise I wouldn’t suggest this. You’re welcome
Adorable time killer
Wed Jun 05 2024 Nightfall29Absolutely adorable game that I enjoy playing very much, but the amount of ads it shows is a little ridiculous. I don’t mind an ad if you fail a level or finish it, but as I’m getting to it that’s too much. Mind you, this is only after about two minutes of playing, it says “take a break” and shows an ad. I could see after 10 minutes straight, but not what seems like every 2. This is a game I would definitely pay to get rid of the ads, and gladly!, but there is no option for it. If you have time to kill, great game if you don’t mind ads; if you’re trying to get as far as you can in a limited time frame, this game might get frustrating real quick. Otherwise it’s an adorable time killer.
Such a skibidi game
Fri Jul 12 2024 bluey123heheOverall this game was very fun, i saw an ad for it and downloaded it because why not. There are a bit of ads but i just turn on airplane mode while playing and it’s fine. Sometimes the fruits don’t merge always or are very close to but don’t, but it’s not that much of a bother. I know that there are better versions of this game but I think that this is a very well made and entertaining game. I rated 4 stars because there is always room for improvement and i think adding a screen before the game starts and when you enter the game would be a great idea and a huge boost for this game.
Tue Jul 16 2024 AwjoalI thought that this game was simple and I’m sorry, developers… dumb at first. I love it’s simplicity! I love that there are not a lot of levels with stupid annoying challenges to have to complete to move on to the next level. I am still not even sure if there is a next level. I am still trying my best to get 2 watermelons together to see what happens. The ads are annoying but short and can be clicked off quickly. Ads are necessary in order for people to make profit for things that they want to share. Thank you! I love this game! 😃