It’s a great game but….
Tue Apr 09 2024 MichaelM82It’s a great game but…. I get all way to the bridge to find out the game is not finished? Why would you release a game with only short amount of gameplay?? I don’t understand why developers do this. And there’s no way to contact support and there’s no way to save your account because I was going to delete the game until the update came out but I don’t lose all my progress I made, it a great game but I am very disappointed
Watch Ads Instead of Playing the Game
Wed Jun 19 2024 daniel._.murphy147I downloaded this game a few days ago. It looked fun on the App Store, had good reviews, and didn’t seem to be too “pay-to-win”. I started playing and loved it, the graphics are great, animations are very smooth and appealing, and the story line is simple but what you want from a mobile idle/exploration game. The game started off with a fairly normal amount of ads. Some of these ads are forced ads (where you are shown the ads without choosing to watch them) while others are incentivized (I.e. you get 10 iron for watching an ad). Lots of games use this and I typically avoid games with primarily forced ads. I’m not against ads as I knew developers have to make their money back and time spent etc. but the amount of forced ads in this game is appalling. What starts off as an ad every 10 minutes when you first start playing turns into an ad every 2 minutes or less. It’s impossible to play this game. I’m not sure what you need to do to fix this but I had to have given over $100 in ad revenue to this dev team in just my few days of playing. Good luck to anyone who gets this game… Oh and forgot to mention you can get rid of the ads for a small fee of $9! Not worth your time or money.
Ads no sound
Sat Jul 20 2024 PinkMilkisI would have given this 5 stars BUT every time I play an ad sometimes SOMETIMES there's this particular ad that would play no sound and when getting the reward after the ad plays, the game itself would not have sound either. This is very VERY annoying!! To the devs: "Please fix this issue!!" Other than that I enjoy playing this game very much and I'm also enjoying your other games. I'll be trying out your newest game as well. I've invested a few bucks for removing the ad banner and forced ads. Just wish you guys (the devs) would make it so that the paid players don't have to keep watching the ads. What's the point of paying for removing ads when I have to watch them anyways for extra rewards?? Other games I've invested my money don't do that. Maybe in the future, you (the developers aka devs) would allow your paid players to not have to watch ads for extra rewards??? It would be soooo nice if you would consider my idea... I'm sure other players would enjoy the game more as well).
Good but - can’t finish without paying?
Sat Apr 06 2024 JoshuaBurkeI like this game a lot. More than I thought I would actually. I am to the point in the game where I need an item for my horse to take it over the bridge. That item is in an Expedition, and nothing I do will allow me to get my CP high enough to do that expedition. I’ve invested 3 days of idle loot gathering, and doing prior missions for chests, etc, and I am still short.
I don’t mind paying for games, and I don’t even mind in-app purchases to smooth things along. I do not like it when I should be able to complete the game watching ads and using time to my advantage, but can’t.
I’m sure that the answer is that I can either spend N more days farming loot, or spend $6 to move ahead, my choice, but it’s challenging to have the time scale be a certain duration for most of the game and then here toward what I assume is close to the end it increases so dramatically.
Nice start but too short
Thu Jun 20 2024 Animelover01This has an interesting story but it is really hard to stay interested when the game is too short and every level at end game looks exactly the same. You can only play the alien mines levels once each and then it’s back to the same old boring one level that you pay over and over to accumulate more and better gear. Over and over and over and over. At least with their other game which was ac zombie surreal one, you could go backwards to old levels (because some hard higher concentrations of certain things) and they added some boss levels that you could tune the difficulty on (and were also worth doing on repeat) not this one though. I regret purchasing the stronger weapon upgrade . I’m at the end of the game. There’s nothing fun to do. There’s no reason to keep collecting items because you can’t use them and you can’t sell them. I am legitimately bored of this game.
Good game but wrecked by Ads
Tue Mar 26 2024 JegisxIt is a fun game but you have to watch ads for everything, IF, you hope to do anything outside of waiting endlessly.
Example, you can pay for no “ forced ads”. Great. But if you upgrade you harvesting tool, eventually you needs nails. To make 20 nails you need to wait 20 mins, or watch an Ad to speed it up. Once you get the nails, you go to upgrade your harvesting tool, or the rail cart or the whatever, you need to wait again for that timer. It very quickly becomes 20 mins plus just for the nails, rail cart, harvest tool and etc. So what do you do? Wait or, yep you guessed it, watch one or more ads. Why? Because if your wait time is longer then 20 mins then you need to watch 2 ads or else sit and wait. And this is if you pay to get rid of the random, “ mandatory ads”.
Seriously, who wants to play a game just to be told every 5 mins that you have to wait in order to progress in the game. So your options are to wait constantly to do anything or watch ads back to back to speed things up.
So good game, horrible design and execution. I eventually had to delete it and rank it just above a dumpster fire for entertainment value.
Fun game, excessive ads
Sat Jun 01 2024 MellesandeI like the game, the graphics, the mechanics. Its fun, It’s engaging and even addicting. Except you are inundated with forced ad watching that seems to be based on a timer rather than milestones. I can accomplish very little without being ripped out to watch an ad. I was even forced to watch an ad MID COMBAT. That was kind of the last straw. This is in addition to the 100% up time on banner ads at the bottom of the screen. It’s too bad. I’d probably spend a lot of time here but the ads are just too much.
Same old boring theme
Sun Mar 24 2024 Dangit89This game looked to be promising, but once you start it, the action quickly degrades to “beat on everything with a stick, then upgrade your stick with materials, and if you don’t have enough just watch ad after ad after ad.” This is unfortunate because it could be so much more. All the missions could be different, but they are almost all simply repair missions. Let’s all hope that somewhere out there, an amazing, inspiring western-themed game is in development and will soon be available for those of us looking for “something more.”
Fun but short
Thu Jul 25 2024 Gore346477The game is fun in the beginning but you need a certain power level before you can play the new redundant levels. So it becomes an auto, timed play that you just do. I haven’t played a level in almost a week, just log in and collect the timed stuff. Really no reason to play anymore, since it ends once your ready to cross the river. It’s gonna take 3+ months to get to this point and for what reason? Nothing after it, deleted.
The ADS every 2 minutes
Tue Apr 23 2024 SpartanRed07Game is calming and good story line with amazingly calm gameplay. THE ONLY THING ALL OF YOU can learn, is that you don’t gotta force it to ONLY be playable with internet. Why on earth you think is alright and that someone likes it?!?! You could’ve earn more by simple cosmetics or to buy materials with real money(?)
For real, it is a bother that only online play JUST to force the AD streaming is unbearable and unbelievable. Just now, as I am writing this; 3 ADS have been running.