Wed Nov 27 2019 luxe_22Hello! I love this game but think that there should be easier words to pick. I also believe that the developers of this game could and would add easier words to pick if they knew that people playing this game really want them.
Now this game is amazing and I have been playing for over a year. It’s perfect for all ages and helps with spelling and adds new words to your everyday life. The only thing is that when your playing, some of the words that you try to do ARE real and that the words the game picks are NOT real words that your everyday person would know.
So yeah, in the end I do really think that this game is amazing, all I’m asking is that the words that this game has are more guessable to me and everyone else. Sometimes by the time I’m out of coins trying to guess one of the 4, 3 lettered words and then IF I do end up finding the word it’s not a real word that you would use, know, and understand. Yes I do know that there's a dictionary for you to understand the words but most of them don’t really make sense after you read the definition. Anyways, I love this game and if you don’t have it or are looking for a fun game to play to kill time, or you’re on a plane/long car ride, this is the game for you. It’s free and I’ve never really felt the need to buy coins although you can if you wish. There is a wheel that you can spin daily for coins and other prizes so you don’t have to buy them. Anyways enough of my rambling, goodbye!
Take long breaks but never get bored of this game
Mon Aug 02 2021 its_powlaThis is the game I’ve played the longest out of the type. I really love word puzzles and learning new terms. It’s not perfect but the ads are not as bad as other games. Once you get to the 7-letter words, it doesn’t get better than that through the levels but there’s always new words here and there. There’s a dictionary that opens once you click on a word: I’d like to see words in a sentence sometimes. The themes freeze the game, so I just use the original with no problem. The game has a weekend “bake off” where you have to find words and it’s timed, this is really cool and you earn a bunch of coins depending on your progress. The wheel of fortune doesn’t have a constant speed and sometimes it slows down a lot after you stop it. The league is entertaining but I’m not sure you’re competing against actual people. Also, depending on what you played last in the home tab, the league can be stuck in a setting where you never earn any points bc you have to guess a specific word first. So you have to go back home, play the regular game, and then play the league. The home renovation is boring. Overall, I find this game to be very relaxing, I even got my bf on the game and we compete to see who gets the bake-off first and switch phones sometimes and finish each other’s words we’re stuck on.
Overall, solid 4...Can use more features
Thu Dec 12 2019 Be4tiful DisasterI really like it & love for my kids to play it! It can help them brush up &/or learn more vocab & just keep their brains moving. I like the categories, special levels, & daily puzzle. The themes are cute too. The sales are wonderful! There are many different pkg. choices for buying coins! The available words are not too hard or too easy. I believe it is supposed to get tougher as you move up the list. So they do good in that area! (& yes, all of the words are real) :) There are tough words to spell, that’s life. They cannot make it TOO easy or there would be no challenge! The only negative in my opinion is: Like many apps, I think it needs a bit more. In order to consider it “fun” though, it could def. use a timed mode & even a competitive mode would be great! Similar apps I have used are usually one mode or the other.(either timed OR relaxed OR competitive) I love it when an app merges all 3 (or more) & allows you to chose! It keeps it interesting & keeps people from getting bored as quick. Our fam does come back if we stop playing/ delete but I know my kids would play more, as would I, if it had more features. Oh & I love the cookie jar w/extra words! I wish all word games would have it! :) Since playing this & having it, I do not like playing word games that do not have it! Like an added bonus you did not realize you were missing until you have it! As usual, thank you to the developers for their work on a great app!
Wooooooooooooooow amazing!!!
Fri Feb 01 2019 AliPearI was playing a second ago and I loved the game soooooooo much I couldn’t stop playing it . And it like it never stops. I also like the features in the game when you hit a new level you get coins and I like that I can keep my track by level marks in the game. There is so much to do! I am so pumped and please do another one. I love the game so much that I can’t stop playing it I am never going to stop playing it because it’s so much fun and I hope you love it too. This might be a long sentence but I’m telling you it is amazing! I can’t believe you made this creators make another one please please please do this. The one part of it is the coins I don’t know what the coins do yet but I just love the way that they look and that each level is kind of a cookie right now I’m on the oatmeal stage it’s amazing I feel like I’m writing in the game from all the features it has and if there’s another one I’m definitely playing it! There’s so much you can do and I love it so if the creator sees this tell him that I really want a Word Cookies 2 that would be so fun. I also am wondering about one part the only part is I wonder if the coins do anything please tell me creators because I really don’t know.
Mon Sep 07 2020 BunnyrancherI have played this game for a few years now and enjoy it. I have a large vocabulary and this game challenges it and I have picked up new words. Fun. Over the course of this year, they have decreased the coins you can accumulate from watching ads. Actually, the extra coin feature disappeared completely. Ok, I understand. They want you to spend real money to get their coins to play, which I will never do. Also, the wheel spin for each day is rigged to stop only on 10 or 15, with the occasional free hint thrown in. Designers, if you're going to do that, reconfigure the wheel with the numbers you're willing to give out and stop frustrating your hopeful customers. One last thing, which another customer mentioned, is that when trying to collect coins after watching an ad, the screen frequently freezes and no coins are awarded. You have to get out of the app and clear it from your screen to be able to access the game again. And, of course, you lose the coins you worked for by completing the daily puzzle. I haven't kept close accounting because it's only a game and I have time but not money in it, but I know the game owes me well over 2000 coins. I have contacted the managers who have sent me 200 coins over a month ago but I haven't been able to get them to load to my app. I'll have to try again. With all that said, it's an enjoyable game and I play it frequently, but be aware of the downfalls of this game because it will spike your frustration levels.
WAS a Great Game 🤥🥴🤢
Sat Feb 27 2021 23 ChelseaI played this game religiously, looking forward to each daily puzzle. To myself I enjoy a game of challenges, which this does offer! However, after NOT contributing financially to this specific company, they “block you out of official wins”! I had enjoyed the fact you use your brain to figure out the correct words as they are listed alphabetically, making it a game challenging! To sweeten the pot they added Holiday puzzles which once all 16 puzzles are completed (4 puzzles per quarter piece) you receive a “photo” in your game album.
It will sound shallow to most of you, but I spent time and effort to complete all 16 puzzles on Easter Day, and I was NOT given the photo for the game album. I wrote and inquired as to why I am NOT being treated fairly, only to have my requests fall on deaf ears. They won’t explain why they won’t provide the photo (as they did on Valentines Day).
I have been alerted to the fact this is the same company as one I (HAD) past tense spent hundreds of dollars only to lose. I can accept that as Bingo is a “game of chance” their words, however, at least 20 others stated to me they’d experienced the same issue and they ALL stopped playing and deleted the app! I’ve stopped playing but haven’t yet deleted the apps for theses company related games. Just, please be aware!
There is a small glimmer of hope they’ll revert back to the wholesome version they once were. Until then, I won’t be participating 😪🤔.
Word Cookies
Sat Jan 04 2020 EllianabugThe reason I rate it four stars is because the levels are challenging… Not so challenging but challenging enough to make me feel like “oh maybe I should just take a break!” I love how word cookies is run. It’s a very awesome game. I would have rated it five stars but I am currently on a level that has a lot of words for me to solve. I have about five. There are about 10... maybe more. But the graphics and all the themes are awesome!!! Sorry… I tried to keep this professional but I couldn’t. :-( Anyway... yeah… I like Word Cookies because also I like that there are different sections like cinnamon, oatmeal, Banana, and a level I’m currently on… Strawberry. I’m trying to make this a long review but I have nothing to say. *sigh* I also like word cookies cause you can spin the daily wheel in the beginning of every day. For example, let’s say it’s Tuesday, January 5 and I haven’t played Word Cookies yet but I want to. Then when I click the app it will say spin the daily wheel. So you do. And you can get coins! And the coins can get you hints so the levels are easier. I don’t really get any coins though. I don’t know why. I think it’s because I spend them on hints right away... anyway… In conclusion I think word cookies is a great app and you should check it out! (Especially if you like a challenge!).
Just a few flaws…
Sun Mar 05 2023 d.j.n.sWord Cookies™️ is an amazing game, and I am here to share the few things creating the deduction in my rating, hence why I have given it three stars. First issue, the daily spinner is rigged. It oftentimes lands on fifty coins or something good and then BACKS UP. This is unacceptable. If you are wishing to create a popular, fun, and respectable game, not to mention trustworthy, you cannot rig the game. Second off, the hints and boosts cost way too much. With the small amount of coins earned for each level, it is hard to gather enough coins to purchase a hint and still have plenty of coins, and it is rare for the daily spinner to give you a boost or hint. Lastly, there are WAY too many ads. There is an ad after every level you beat, after you click a button, or even when you just open the app. Ten thousand pop ups open after the daily spinner, and it is rude and obnoxious. Developers, no offense, and not to be rude, but you need to get it together. You cannot put too many ads, hoping to force people into spending money to make it stop. Don’t be greedy. And readers, I do recommend this game, but do not expect too much from it. It is a low quality time passer. You can use it to stretch your brain, or just contain boredom, but there are much better games. Thanks for reading. Enjoy the game 🙂
Spend a couple of bucks and get rid of the ads
Thu Feb 08 2018 UsherMochaI gladly paid the $2 to remove the ads when it became obvious what a great deal it was going to be based on the time I spent playing. I don't find it terribly difficult but it's challenging enough to be fun and not frustrating.
Update January 2018: Not a big fan of the new 8-letter words. They make it easy to miss letters, at least on iPhone 7. Might be okay on iPad. Also wondering why none of the last two updates have included star words or special levels. Seems like some experimentation is going on at BitMango
Update February 2018: The games is fantastic up until the eight letter words. But now each release of new levels is quite frustrating for me. I used to be able to zip through words pretty quickly but now the letters are too close together. I have to slow right down to make sure I hit the right one. And the eight letter words are, more often than not, either a compound word or a gerund so they aren’t crazy challenging to find. Add to that the lack of star words and bonus levels (I’ve been stuck on the last quest for three releases now) and I suspect I won’t keep this too much longer. Which is fine. I’ve definitely got more than enough enjoyment out of it for the $2 it takes to remove the ads.
(If you’re a mom out there and your kids want this game read this it’s very helpful😉)
Tue Apr 02 2024 Would like you guys to fixWord Cookies is a fun family friendly game. Me and my family play it all the time and have so much fun. The only thing that I don’t like about it is that there is lots of ads normally an ad pops up right after you play a level but other than that I recommend this to all kids at least 5+ it will really help will vocabulary 😉. For moms out there you might want your kids to read a little more but they don’t want to or, you might want to help them in English but they don’t want to which is a big problem this will not only help them with vocabulary but it family fun, free, and your child will want to play a round or two once a day! This might not seem like a vocabulary game but, if your child guess a word and don’t know what it means all they have to do is to click AZ book and they’ll get the word and, you can unscramble new words and, make new words. It’s all of that in one game! That’s what a typical mom wants with there kids. Right?
BY THE WAYYYY: Shout out to the developer/developers who created this game 😉😉😉