Enjoy it but problems need addressing
Sun Jun 04 2023 CatoucateCan’t say how much I’ve enjoyed this game! Totally didn’t expect it. There are PROBLEMS though. The boost icons are in the way and are unintentionally used. People you are actively playing a game with are listed with people requesting matches. Problem here is your scrolling through people’s requests to find active games and accidentally starting tons of games with others! Very frustrating! There is no way to cancel the game without forfeiting and counting those unintentional games as a loss😡. The active games need to stay at the top of the lists but we should be given a cancel option if nothing is played. These games hang out in for days before being timed out! A lot of time the games seem to bog down with ads freezing up with no options to exit. This happens a lot. Also there’s a offensive sexual ad that’s unbelievable! Can’t skip it. Beware if your letting kids on here!!! Really hope they make some refining changes soon bc I love the game.
100% the best game ever, you’re crazy not to download and play this fun game!
Mon Aug 09 2021 Abbie_CannolliI think it’s a great game. I like how many games you can play at a time, you don’t have to finish a game right away, just play when you have time. It’s super relaxing, I do like the feature that you can tap on a word and figure out the meaning. Something that found really interesting is you can challenge a player if you believe that their word isn’t valid. I’m a big lover of the game scrabble but I never play on the board cause I lose all the pieces, I enjoy not having to worry about that with an online game like this. There’s also another thing that I truly appreciate about this game, you don’t need to spend real money to enjoy this game, “prices” so to speak for hints, or other game bonuses are reasonable and it isn’t really difficult to earn money in this game. I love it! I highly recommend this game! No complaints what so ever. So much fun! Would recommend to literally anyone, you could be 6 years old to like 90+ years old and love this game. I’m addicted to this game, and have already recommended this amazing game to many of my coworkers and friends. Download it! So much fun, no pressure, easy to play, self explanatory, and just overall an anxiety free and relaxing game.
Many coins nowhere to spend
Fri Dec 15 2023 FeLeLeeI have never written a review for a game but felt the need to do so this time! I use to play this game daily, I like this game but there are several issues that make it problematic to continue playing. 1. I have over 10K coins and nowhere to spend them!! The store use to have an option to buy power ups but has disappeared. Now I have plenty coins and no use for them whatsoever. There are many options to continue to get coins but what for I can’t spend them! I would be extremely angry if I chose to buy coins and had nowhere to spend them! 2. The ridiculous amount of ads on this game is crazy! After every play you have to watch an ad, every time you make any move there’s an ad it’s crazy! Some of the ads are redundant! I shouldn’t have to watch ads for games I already have! 3. The game glitches way too often! I’ll try to open the game it shuts down! I try to play a move it shuts down! The letters sometimes are hidden under other letters! Sometimes you are watching an ad for a power up and you never received the power up so you’ve wasted time doing that! People wait forever to play their turn like days then they play one move in order to not time out! There should be an option to stop the game without penalty for these players! It wastes peoples time! I could go on and on about the problems but I would end up writing a book! The many issues need to be fixed then it would make this a great game!
Game glitch issues, and no customer support icon
Thu Mar 28 2024 JMELAW3000I installed Word Wars in January and then uninstalled the app so I could reinstall it later. Big mistake. i’m like other iPhone games, reinstalling WordWars does, in fact, cause all data to be lost. I lost my friends, coins, everything. Then I couldn’t locate my friends to re-invite them. So that was problem number one.
Problem number two was a big one. That began about three weeks ago. My game started glitching badly. First I stopped receiving invitations to new games, and only found out that someone else had started game when I received a “you timed out” notice. Then I had to start manually checking each game to find out if it was my turn to play. The game did not automatically register that the other person had played his or her turn. That is a huge issue. Two days ago I found out that people are not receiving my game invitations. Another big problem.
Finally, the game does not appear to have any way to contact in-game customer support. Not that customer support is always helpful in other games, but at least there is a customer support icon to click. Not in Word Wars.
Bottom line is that a decently, enjoyable game developed big problems. Hopefully, the developers will see this review, and get to work. Also, having a customer support icon, and an actual customer support team, is crucial.
Too Many Ads! Too Many Glitches!
Sun Jan 30 2022 vdgshdThis game is very addicting. I liked both the daily challenges that play fast and the challenges against other players. I actually lost myself in the play for the weekend. However, I just deleted the game because of too many ads and too many glitches. You have to watch a long ad every other play. I don’t mind some ads. I don’t mind watching them if I earn something for them. But to have to watch an add every other play is ridiculous. It does not start out that way. Your first few games don’t have so many ads. Once you have won a few games, the ads are everywhere. Also, the ads glitch. You watch a thirty second ad and then you have to watch it 5 more seconds. And then you have to go to the App Store screen so they can force you to look at it. Often, the ads glitch. You have to shut down and restart and then watch another ad. Also, the game glitches. It freezes up. When you shut down and start over, your game disappears. I just had a great game going where I had 143 points on a triple word score and the game froze. When I started over, my game was gone. If you want to pay money to play ad free, you can do so for $50 a year, but you would still have to deal with all the glitches. So not worth it.
Game won’t work anymore
Sun May 30 2021 6ptPrincessFor a week I haven’t been able to play. The game partially loads and then cuts off. I restarted, deleted everything else, updated and did everything I could. I made sure my device has plenty of room, the game just won’t load. I’d hate to have to delete this game altogether. I noticed there were problems before this crash happened. It used to take a mi Ute just to move one tile. Then the definitions would pop up and I ne er requested the definition. The ads take such a long time which would make one turn last very long. But I was willing to overlook that. Now it doesn’t play at all. So disappointing.
Update: I’ve had to delete the game at least once a day and download again. It was the only way it would work. This has been going on now for a week. So tonight I had to delete it again and I tried several times to download and play. The game crashes immediately. It was frustrating trying to place letters and definitions would pop up. I haven’t heard from any of the creators of the game. Nobody has reached out with any explanation or tried to help solve this problem. I will be giving it a final delete and look for a different game to play.
Love the game but it has issues
Thu Jun 20 2024 Trecey BI've had to delete and re-download this game due to glitches. Often I can't see game requests from others, I keep losing to timeout games that I can't see, and I'm having issues collecting my coins from game players. It will say that someone sent me help but when I click on the button to retrieve the coins it doesn't show the people who sent it to me. It shows how many I can collect from but no way for me to accept the coins! Also the app often closes while I'm playing and I can't go back to the person I was playing. It's like I lose my turn with the player. Please fix these issues. I really enjoy playing this game but the glitches are getting to be too much.
I recently deleted the game and now I can't go back to my old profile. The game is making me start over again🥹. That's something I do not want to do! How can we fix this so that I can go back to my old profile and stats and friends? NOT HAPPY!
Ad abuse..
Tue Sep 05 2023 Dawcey01I like this game but like so many other apps they bombard you with ads and what’s worse they show you games that have NO ads.. I get that they want you to pay for a paid version of this app but this is totally over the top. If you play your turn you are immediately forced to watch an ad - every single time you put a word down you’re going to be forced to watch an ad. It distracts from game play and the constant interruptions extend the game and sometimes have you put your phone down. I’ve actually forgotten to take my turn because I have put my phone down and waited to get through the entire ad and then had something take me away from the game. I can see an Ad playing every 5 or 6 turns but this is really outrageous. I have never written a review complaining but this has gotten so annoying just thinking about it as I am writing this has me thinking I should just delete the app and move on. What is wrong with all of these companies charging so much for an app, a game, on a phone? This is pure greed!
Fun game spoiled by ads
Sat Oct 22 2022 TinkerersI love playing this game, but there are some glitches. First of all, there are lots of ads and often times you cannot turn off the audio or volume during the ad. There are ads for other games that say there are no ads whatsoever in that game like royal match but I already have the game and don’t want to watch the annoying ads. I paid the $9.99 for one month and although I didn’t get ads while I was playing against opponents, there were ads popping up frequently during the daily showdown games. I canceled my subscription quickly after I realized they were indeed ads even though I paid.
There are also glitches during the daily show down. It is hard to keep track of when your points are used (this is also true for the regular games against opponents other than the computer) and the letters often change when you go to play them and not as they appeared in the tray.
I like to play this game to relax, but not to meet or chat with other people.
Great fun BUT …
Mon Dec 04 2023 IslasunflowerThe main issue I have with this game is that there’s this list of challengers at the top which supposedly you have started games with BUT you didn’t. Sometimes they’re just there and sometimes you accidentally touched the screen going though to find the people that you really are in games with - and then the people who you aren’t playing with but the game says you are start sending you rude messages: “ play your move already “ etc. and I’m not even playing them ! I don’t know why they’re in such a hurry for me to beat them anyway and I always do. Do these people do nothing but play the game all day and night? What’s the point of them putting you in games that you didn’t start? I don’t know. The game encourages chat, I don’t know why.
They should just put the games/opponents that you are playing and have chosen on the top and all the other options underneath. Drop the messaging.
Otherwise it’s a great game.