Drink a Pina Colada, kill a few zombies.
Fri Jul 03 2020 Nomad-01This is one of the best games out there, very unique. Definitely not a cash grab, as I have reached level 15 (1st Lieutenant) without putting in a dime. I plan on spending some money soon because the developers have earned it, but not because I have too. It does take time and patience. I play maybe 15 minutes a day, earn all the objectives and rewards I can for the day, then call it quits. It's kind of relaxing. By doing that, and leveling up things smartly, you can beat the zombies, even though it's getting tougher. Or just to relax, you can blast away at an "easy"setting just for the fun of it. Graphics are great, especially when you zoom in. There not a lot of instruction on how to fuse weapons or what the different weapons do, but you get the hang of it. Go for purple, then blue then green. Ask Rufus, he knows. But watch out for the royal ugly dudes. Party on!!!
Like two years later, and I am now a level 40 FiveStar General and never had to put in a dime (sorry Devs; I will one day, I promise). It’s my second favorite game of all time, right after World of Tanks Blitz. But I have to say Zombie Gunship is still relaxing, while WoT is anything but. Give this game a chance, and just play for fun, and you will advance. Have not been able to beat the really big crane- sized zombies yet. I think I’ll need small tactical nukes for that.
AWESOME GAME but requires grind
Sat May 23 2020 aboundedlight65I’ve been playing this game for a while now, and the gameplay is absolutely great! So many weapons to choose from and UI (user interface) is pretty good, standard AC-130 white and black camera, circling above your ground squad, would definitely recommend for people with time on their hands. The missions are short but fun, and reward an ok amount of loot. Your armory can hold four crates and open one at a time, crates take about 3 hours to open but give decent rewards. I love the idea of building your base and defending it from zombies, but I kinda wish there was more in that section like an online PvP mode where you can raid other peoples bases, or be the zombies and attack someone’s base. I feel like this would urge people to upgrade their bases as soon as possible, instead of just every here and then like me and a few other people I know. This could also be another way to earn recourses at a faster rate. The missions are very fun but I feel like there should be something at the beginning, like maybe you pick where to deploy your troops as usual and then when you start the missions you see the helicopter deploying them, or maybe even a cutscene! That would be cool. All in all this is a great game with room for small improvements like a raised level cap and a few more weapons to play around with. Definitely recommended.
Fun zombie gunship formula with resource and base management
Tue Oct 02 2018 Narf60Was sure I reviewed this much earlier before but I’ll say it again. This is a very fun zombie gunship styled game with a randomized reward system and upgrades based upon gathered resources. Much like Borderlands’ or Diablo’s random quality/rarity of item drops, a similar system exists in this but comes in the form of loot crates that take time to open (usually several hours even for the most common of crates). This is a system I don’t much care for myself but it doesn’t detract from the game much other than you’re only allowed to open one crate at a time, or alternatively spend gold (real money) to open crates instantly. Upgrades for weapons require scarce materials that you will easily use up faster than you can accumulate, again with the option to spend gold to magically create more for yourself. So a good 3/4’s of the game is spent grinding for diminishing returns on levels you can actually attempt. But if completing a level repeatedly at the same difficulty is where the grinding gets monotonously boring. But thankfully the levels are typically short and sweet. All in all, I enjoy this game quite a lot. Despite how it unintentionally restricts you with the difficulties (there’s a massive difference in difficulty between ‘easy’ and ‘medium’ in my opinion), upgrade requirements and under powered weapon selection in the mid game: at the end of the day, it’s fun as hell raining ordnance down on the shambling hordes
Hard to put down
Sat Mar 01 2025 MysticNordI've been playing for about a week now maybe, give or take, and I'm enjoying the game very much. There are tactics to consider, weapons and facilities to upgrade, and loadouts to be chosen. What more could you want? Oh yeah... zombies to be killed. Lots and lots of zombies. In app purchases seem reasonable and if you're on a budget you don't have to make one to progress through the game. Just have patience. I've made one $4.99 purchase and will again at some point in the future because the game is worth it. One last thing... The graphics are very nice. So download the app and help protect us all from the zombie hordes. Just remember to to go to bed at a decent hour.
Update: 01 March 2025
I can’t even remember when I wrote my first review, but now I figure I’ve been playing it for longer than I was married to my first wife. No joke. Have made several small purchases, but I keep telling myself that I deserve to splurge on some mega destructive Legendary weapons. Waiting for a Legendary to drop in a random crate takes a lot of patience, but fortunately “grinding” really isn’t bad at all because every time you change your loadout, the game plays differently and presents unique challenges. That’s just plain good game design.
You will need to spend a few bucks, but well worth it
Fri Dec 07 2018 Capt.billdoDon’t be fooled by the free download, but nothing worth having will be totally free anyway. You’ll want to take advantage of the original discounted offers to buy some equipment and gold, but after that there’s not much need to invest a ton of money into it. I think I’ve spent about $6 on this game so far and have far exceeded $6 worth of entertainment. I have spent $60+ on PS4 games that aren’t as fun and entertaining as this, so consider that before you read any bad reviews complaining about in-app purchases. There aren’t any over bearing annoying adds that you have to deal with (unless you want to, in which case you are handsomely rewarded). The graphics are awesome, the feedback is cool, the game play is entertaining; what more can you say? The developers knocked it out of the park. Download it, expect to invest $10 or $20 into it over the course of the game and enjoy because it’s well worth double that.
My honest opinion
Sun Jul 04 2021 LaupOnTopI've never written a review but I actually enjoy this game so please be open minded to my criticism. The gameplay is spectacular, no problems there from my experience. But the Crates and rewards system is flawed.1 and a half hours to open a crate that has so little pay off it's disgusting. You can only hold four at a time which makes no sense giving the fact that a single mission will "reward" you with two. So you do two missions, now your crate space is full and you have to wait 1 & 1/2 hours OR pay 15 gold in which you will always lose profit gold wise. It's almost like the game is punishing you for just having crates. I feel a lot more people would like a system where: 1.there is not crate limit 2.Shorten the timer 3.Increase the drops to make it worth while. I'm not saying all three should be implemented, but one should at least be taken in to consideration. Of course at the end of the day who's ever in charge of things like this will do what he or she does but from a business standpoint I feel people are discouraged to continue playing after experiencing the current crate system. I don't even know if company's care about post like this but something should be changed, I don't care when or how it just needs to happen.
- Ya Boi, Paul
Cant progress in the campaign and it’s beyond frustrating
Wed Feb 22 2023 420BuddyyAs far as the gameplay and everything goes, i give it a 10/10 all day, every day. But… im literally stuck. Im at level 18, my base is currently maxed out and even though i have enough resources to level up my HQ, it wont let me until i reach level 20. Now normally that wouldn't be an issue but unfortunately leveling up in this game takes wayyy to long. Its ridiculous, its to the point where I'm sure even the most dedicated gamer would call it quits. So to the developers; can you please please please fix this? Either make it easier to level up by increasing mission rewards or lower the amount of XP needed to level up becauseI’m losing interest fast. 90% of enjoyment i get from this game is unlocking new weapons and being able to upgrade my base. As of now the game has just become stagnant and I'm on the verge of deleting it AGAIN! I thought the issue would of been looked into by now but sadly i was mistaken . So please, unless you want to lose a paying customer (and i do spend money on mobile games quite often) please do something about this.
Good gunship game, annoying “loot crates”
Fri Jun 07 2019 1funoneStandard AC 130 black/white gameplay. There are a good amount of different weapons to pick from once you level up. However, obtaining a weapon worthy of spending your resources on can be very painful. Your “armory” can hold 4 crates at a time but only open 1 crate at a time, which takes 3 hours.
If the developers would allow armory upgrades to open more than 1 crate at a time it would vastly increase the replay value for the players who are at level 30 (max level, all weapons unlocked). Additionally, the weapons are common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary. Epic and legendary, the only types truly worth upgrading, are sparsely dropped. When they ARE dropped it’s usually the base form of a weapon that has much more powerful modes available. If the devs really want to money grab they should make it possible to purchase weapons directly.
Other than the weapons upgrade and loot crate schematic this is a solid game. There are “events” every weekend where if you complete objectives you can earn a common type of more power cannon. Worth the download, not sure it’s worth continued play
Great Game, However it doesn’t cope well with the new Iphones
Thu Nov 23 2023 Zombiebarf07So overall I’ve had a blast playing this game I never really wrote a review before now but i feel this should be solved due to the issue I've been having with the game on a new iPhone 15 pro max. The issue is that some icons and details are hidden behind the dynamic island for the new iPhones where the built in screen camera is I was just wondering we could get a work around for that since I cant see behind it or click on a few things because of it. Other than that very fund and relaxing game just to blast Zombies from an AC-130 no less its my favorite aircraft and I just cant get enough of this game because of it if you could please just consider my review and change the icon and visual placements to fit the new camera spot I would be ever grateful thank you! I would definitely recommend this game if you are considering (I have also already recommended my friends haha)
Cash Wanted
Wed Aug 31 2022 Mr. Church 8/12I’ve been playing this game a lot, and I can tell you right now, this game is money hungry. If you want to play a game for 15 minutes a day, then you’ll like this. The daily rewards last you about that long. That said, I’ve found maybe 3 Purple class weapons. You get white and green all the time, and blue drops every now and then, but the gold class must be a pure purchase, and it’s basically a loot box based system, so you never know what you’ll get. If your build is specific, it will do you no good to get some weapons. Having buildings locked to your profile level is also dumb. Everything about this game screams “BUY LOOT BOXS!!!” Well, I’m not buying them. The game has basically come to a screeching halt because I won’t spend any money on it. The irony of games like this is, is I’d buy some permanent upgrades if they were offered, like the 2x experience token you can get with any purchase, the only problem is, is it only last 48 hours, which tells you what this game is all about. MONEY 💰