Version 1.6.02024-04-10
- More levels and more Nommies! Om Nom counted 27 new challenges for you and 9 new friends for him.
- Star power! As you collect stars, Om Nom and Nibble Nom get cute hats and even more!
- New achievements for the high achievers!
- Vision Pro players can enjoy all the new things of this version too!
Accept the challenge to explore uncharted lands with Om Nom and cute little Nibble Nom! This exciting adventure starts with an old map and a promise of great discoveries – and takes all three of you through amazing locations full of challenging puzzles! Solve them all to find new species of Nommies and become the Ultimate Explorer.
FOR THE LOVERS OF PHYSICS-BASED FUN: Packed with all your favourite signature Cut the Rope mechanics, along with a bunch of new ones that'll have you hooked!
FOR LOVERS OF ADVENTURES: Explore the breath-taking locations and unique levels that'll put your brain to the test as you try to snag as many stars as possible!
FOR LOVERS OF CUTE MONSTERS: The world's cutest monster Om Nom, a close contestant for that title Nibble Nom, and lots of lovable Nommies for you to collect!
This newest chapter in the global Cut the Rope franchise whisks you away into a vibrant and immersive world. The key to travelling is getting the restless Nibble Nom back to Om Nom, but how to do this? Level objects will help – if you think of a way to use them. Work it out! Start on this exhilarating adventure today!ф
The video shows you all 3 stars walkthrough for the new update in Cut the Rope 3.
The video shows you all 3 stars walkthrough for the new update in Cut the Rope 3.
The video shows you all 3 stars walkthrough for the Egypt Map in Cut the Rope 3.
The video shows you all 3 stars walkthrough for the Pirate Map in Cut the Rope 3.
The video shows you all 3 stars walkthrough for the cave Map in Cut the Rope 3.
The video shows you all 3 stars walkthrough for the Forest Map in Cut the Rope 3.
Cut the Rope 2 is a part of the iconic Cut the Rope franchise by ZeptoLab, which follows the adventures of Om Nom, a cute green creature that adores candies.
AppAdvice Thu Jul 18 2024
Join 960 million players worldwide and experience sweet, award-winning gameplay! For the first time ever, Cut the Rope is completely FREE in...
AppAdvice Thu Jul 18 2024
Developer: ZeptoLab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 App Reviewed on: iPhone 5 Graphics / Sound Rating: User Interface Rating: Gameplay...
148Apps Sat Jan 18 2014
Cut the Rope is completely FREE in its entirety. Play through 425 fun-packed levels and guide Om Nom on his sweet adventures!
AppAdvice Thu May 18 2017
Experiment to feed Om Nom candy! Cut the rope like never before. Everything you love and new gameplay! 200 levels and more to come!
AppAdvice Tue Jan 18 2022
Cut the Rope: Time Travel is a completely new adventure filled with time-traveling, candy-crunching, physics-based action!
AppAdvice Tue Jan 18 2022
ZeptoLab has been letting you feed the cute candy-loving monster Om Nom since the release of the original Cut the Rope physics-based puzzle...
AppAdvice Sun Jan 18 2015
Cut the Rope: Magic is the latest game in the cute franchise that stars Om Nom. It is a physics-based puzzle game that involves cutting...
AppAdvice Mon Jan 18 2016
Help Om Nom in his never-ending search for candy in Cut the Rope 2.
AppAdvice Fri Jan 18 2019
SWEET! Om Nom's shenanigans continue in Cut the Rope 2! With new characters, fresh gameplay elements and tricky missions, candy collecting...
148Apps Sat Jan 18 2014
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