8-ball pool
Sat Dec 02 2023 Chessie555As you clearly know already, your site becomes more attractive whenever you give players both more choices and more control. You’ve improved control over ordering where the emoticons appear in our list of emoticon choices since the last time I wrote a review, but for me at least I can still Hide and Unhide messages on my text message list, but for some time now I’ve been no longer able to sort them. They do move when I sort, but after I’ve finished re-sorting and exited that screen, they’re all back again in the same order as before I started. The routine works, but it looks like your not saving its products. Also, add more basic text messages, such as “Look out” or “Be careful” along with your thematic ones. As a club leader, I’d especially like to see some that could be used to help novice members play more effectively. And I still very much dislike the unrealistic outcome distributions produced by the spin wheel - as I’m sure you know, small rewards come up far more often than they ought to if it was an honest wheel with an equal probability of stopping in any segment. You must know about schedules of reinforcement, but you should create contingencies that are consistent with your graphics worlds.
Fixed results with increasing number of bots
Sat Apr 08 2023 castlebravo008I’ve been playing this game for a few years now and have billions of coins without ever paying for new cues. In fact, have never paid a cent to play this game. That said, it’s become very evident that the vast majority of games you play are fixed. Skill is such a minor determining factor of who actually wins or loses for a material number of your games, and it’s only gotten worse over time. Over the last twelve games I’ve played, you can clearly tell that four have been computers, who all get to break and have a 100% chance of clearing the table before you have a shot. In other words, if you assume you have a zero percent chance of winning 33% of your games, you can max out at 67%. Since I win 65% of my games, I effectively beat 90+% of human opponents. That said, it is very frustrating to have to take a step back in coins every so often because of the number of bots you play. If the developers want to improve the game, it should be completely human interaction. I don’t take offense when I lose to a human player, but is very frustrating to lose millions of coins to a robot. When it happens 1 out of every 3 games, the frustration is amplified. For people who pay money to play, please heed my words that you’re wasting your time and money. Hone your skills and play for free as I do. In conclusion, if the number of bots continue to increase, my time playing this game will soon reach its end.
Cheating issue
Mon Oct 17 2022 LPDorrThere’s no way to report players and it’s been issue after issue for a while. It’s quite obvious when someone lines up one of the most difficult shots you’ve seen over years and years of playing. I know of a few jailbroken editions of this game that provide a line extension so you can see where every single ball will go. Not being able to report these players just makes it so they can win time after time. Second, all breaks are supposed to be simulated and never the same as the last. 90% of the time in 9 ball, unless I break, I lose on that break. It doesn’t take much skill to use a specific break that works every single time. I’ve played for WELL over 10 years (before it even touched IOS and was only available on the miniclip website). The cheating issue and 9 ball issue are at an all time high now and I’m quite tired of it. I’ll get to 100k, 200k, whatever and then lose game after game due to the specific break. There’s also an issue in 8 ball where the ball can bounce off the back of the pocket or even go THROUGH the pocket! I’ve had this happen a few times and you quite literally can’t win unless the opponent puts in the 8 ball early. I’ve played for years because there haven’t been issues until recently. The game also turned to p2w (game pass) which is disgusting to me. “Oh you can get 5 scratchers for $2.99 or you can give us $5 and get the scratchers and a million other things, EVERY MONTH!” Fix the game that I used to love, PLEASE!
Gifts won’t load to send or receive anything!!!!
Tue Aug 10 2021 theannoyedgalFor months I haven’t been able to get gifts to load! I’ve deleted and downloaded game repeatedly and tried everything I could think of to fix it! Nothing has worked! I’ve missed out on so much due to this mistake on your end! Also it’s impossible to simply write to you and let you know when there is an issue! Not to mention I’ve also been paying for this app weekly and got NOTHING out of it! There’s much to be done to make this app more successful and the first thing you should do is make it easier to let you know when someone is having an issue, second would be to make sure you somehow compensate players when there’s an error on your end, and also you should help make more sense of cue stick information all together. I truly hope you find a way to to make up for the MONTHS I’ve missed out on and definitely make it easier for players to let you know when something isn’t working! We should be able to go to settings and be able to click on a link to directly let you know and that way you can actually fix the issues! I’m sorry I’m im extremely disappointed that this has gone on this long and that I’ve wasted so much time trying to fix it on my own to no prevail and spent so much money on a game that’s constantly letting me down! And today I finally gave up and deleted my subscription!
Sat Sep 05 2020 Babbs81I used to think that this app was a 5 star app. This week it has gone down to a 3. After this last update everything worked fine, but, now it’s very frustrating to play. I like being competitive with my friends and in the club I’m in, but, this past week, when I win a game, I will get the winning coins in my player page, but, when I go to my friends page or my club page, there are no coins...Zero and it doesn’t matter how many games I win, it still says zero. Very frustrating when you like to compete with people. I have already been kicked out of a good club because I can’t increase my coins off of zero. So, I have tried deleting the app and reinstalling it, but, it is still the same way. And I live in the United States and it has me living in Canada now. There’s no way that I have found to change it back to the US. If this can’t be fixed, without me losing my level that I’m at and all my coins and money that I have, then I’m ready to delete the app and be done with it. I would hate to do that because I play it a lot and like the competition, but, if there is no competition there is no sense in playing anymore. Please try to fix this problem and I’ll change my rating back.
This game is not like real pool at all.
Wed Aug 16 2023 JReyAJDJI give this game 2 stars because its a little but better than the other billiard games i played. If you want to win, you have to spend money on this game. I haven't bought the pool pass in over a month. Last time i bought it i won 17times in a row. I havent bought it since, i can barely get 3 wins in a row now. If you want the advantage, spend your money on those ridiculous, tacky looking cues. Your guaranteed to make a ball on the break. If these stupid looking cues were made in real life you would not be able to play with them. Speaking of cues, unlocking them to get points, also depends on what city you play in, takes forever. Those boxes are random and stupid. And also as you progress you unlock cues, and then your stuck with them. I have over 20 cues i dont use, i should be able to sell them for in game money. The touch is so sensitive too. There have been many times im scrolling through the cities and it clicks the wrong ones. Also there have been many times when moving and aiming the cue stick and it hits the ball. The accuracy of hitting the cue ball and putting english on it is way off. You should remove all the lines that show where the ball is gonna go on every stage because in real pool you dont see no lines. This game is pure bullsh** and now i remember why i deleted it the first time.
Coins disappearing
Sun Jul 11 2021 sean_sean2012I don’t know what’s going on with this app but I log in and play a couple of 100 coin games and next thing I know I lost 10,000 what in the world I never made a large bet and I won most of the games. Idk how I went from 113,000 coins to 37,000…I played maybe 4 games of 9 ball 100 coin bet and than I see my coin value go down to 27,000 (mind boggling). I would never spend money on this app for coins if they just disappear, I don’t get it. I still can’t wrap my head around it, I love playing pool but this is ridiculous. Btw I did all the logout than log back in stuff but to no avail of course.
Update: I figured out where the coins was going it was the recharging of the cue stick smh if you don’t want to be charged with recharging cues than use the basic cue stick. So that’s why I’m using for now, which means I am playing at a disadvantage (the fancier cue stick that have more power, aim, etc needs recharging a lot and some take a lot of coins smh) but I don’t mind because I like the challenge. I love the game and the graphics and feel of the game here is top notch, the only drawback is occasionally you lose games because ppl have better cue sticks and don’t miss no matter how bad they aim lol that’s the only flaw
Cheats you of time & money
Thu Jun 07 2018 ImaUserNoMoreAlthough this game can be enjoyable when working properly, it often has what it labels as “connection slow” issues. If you tap on a profile during this event, you will see the message “updating.” When this happens and it finishes its update, you could potentially be losing time leaving you no time to aim and shoot causing you to lose your turn. This has often caused players to lose the game & money if you pay for any additional coins. It makes it appear that your connection is slow but in reality the games’ network is overburdened. This is happening more frequently than when I first started playing. There are other minor issues which aren’t worth mentioning. But the so called “slow connection” issue is the worst and why I keep rating it with 3 stars.
UPDATE: After reading some other reviews, I agree that there are bots especially when chat comments like Never Give Up are used when it makes no sense. I agree with seems that most players are in countries other than my own and skill levels not matched. I agree that it cheats you out of money and algorithyms used seem to cause you to lose. There seems to be lack of support but increase in glitches. What I don’t get is why it’s still labeled as the Editor’s Choice. Therefore I’m downgrading the rating to 2 stars.
8 Ball Pool
Sun Jun 30 2024 TerrestThis game can be fun, sometimes. Most of the time it’s just an unpleasant experience when not only is the person who starts completely random, people hack the game and I see it all the time. The coins you earn are gambled into each match you play and it is incredibly easy to lose it all and not even in your control. The concept needs serious revision. The spin wheel is absolutely; blatantly rigged. It can’t get much worse and I play other games with similar concepts, none of which make it so obvious. Why not make a game mode where you’re not gambling coins and just playing for fun while still keeping the gambling for other people who actually want to play it? All that does is make the game far more irritating when losing, especially when it’s these people who hack and have the extra length on seeing where the ball goes. Absolutely ridiculous I get more enjoyment out of playing imessage 8 ball pool because there is one big difference: you can play for fun and not have to lose currency every time a loss occurs. Then you can pay actual money to get credits back just to lose them in a matter of 20 minutes. No thanks and to put it bluntly, do better. The best games are the ones the developers actually listen to the problems players are having and actively adjusts it to better the players experience.
Good, but…
Thu Jun 16 2022 2MuchTr0ub1eI would give it 5 stars if they fix one bug and make a few changes. The bug is the chat order is not always saved. I have had numerous times that I see “updating” and then the chat order is lost, including some of the messages that I hid are no longer hidden. The most annoying thing I would like to see changed is the very annoying notifications that pop up during the game. There should be a setting to allow notifications always, only when not playing a game, or never. It would also be nice to have more proper language support. If my language is set to English and I’m playing someone that has their language set to Spanish, messages I send from my chat packs should display on my opponent’s device in Spanish and messages my opponent sends should display on my device in English. Cheaters have recently become a major nuisance, probably not the first time. I realize losers that resort to cheating because they can’t play will always be around and I realize that there’s always going to be someone better. I don’t like losing, but I accept it without a grudge when someone actually beats me. This is extremely frustrating when it’s some loser that has no skill. I’m sure the app could be improved to detect the cheating and prevent it.