IT IS FREE!!!In-App Purchase
- remove ads - $0.99
Version 2.0.02022-07-11
- Minor bugs fix
START ABC running today and WIN, WIN, WIN! Compete in different categories and spell answers before your friends.
Are you a fast thinker? Are you the fastest speller out there? Can you beat your friends?
Start ABC running, today!
It’s just like I love it but it’s just like when it makes you mad and then you just like screaming. Do you get in trouble and all that and then like and when I like keep losing it’s like it’s giving you like when you’re the last one you get higher gems so if you lost you need to get that punishment so so why would it get you the higher gems the higher gems and then would you get when you get like a second place it gets you like any coins because when I I will give this like a three because it’s like it’s like free and it doesn’t have no ads that means that I don’t like it when I do like it I don’t like it. I do like it, but it’s just like that. I hate it and I like it but it’s like it’s like I think people like playing I think those are AI because you really think that they will lose like just like that because we have the better ones and you are the last ones so how to make sense when like we are winning and the people a.k.a. AI I don’t like it and I’ll probably give it a three or four so bye
I’m not gonna be starting of with things that will make u play. This game has bots. It’s clear, and proof, is that u can skip a question when u don’t know the answer, and the “people” are still there, so don’t ever think you’re gonna be playin with a friend. But, one want thing that I really like about it is that there are very easy answers, but not to easy, so it is a little challenge but I enjoy the setup. There are also like, 5 second ads, that you have to wait to X out, but some make you wait 1 min to 1 min + 30 SECS!!! So clearly, that is very good. Also, I don’t like how we have to win to choose from characters. I wish we could just have, like, 2 people, one girl, one boy, or 4 people, 2 girls, 2 boys, and also, I am sorry of this is unrealistic when u download this, because I got this game about 5 mins ago... Well, thanks for reading!!! Bye! 😊 Edit: Umm, well now I’ve had this game for a whole night, and I just have to type, the ads no longer have x’s (until the end where have to wait another 5 secs). Im assuming the creators expect u to write the review right away. Another Edit: I am actually in the middle of a game (watching a ad to skip, and I’ll go back an’ explain...... ......So, I just came back, and the “people” were still in the SAME place, after a 45 SEC ad!! Ok, that’s all for today, bye!
I got this game for a road trip and it was really good my mom loved it. Me and her actually stayed in the car instead of the hotel just to play more but the only problem is…I guess since it free then need ads but every time you get a new character you have to watch an add to get it and my mom and I were pretty annoyed by that and to do anything you have to watch an add. And also I think it’s a little fake because my mom and I typed a country for a state question and it worked for the country question and the state one. Also I typed some fake words to see what would happen and it went threw. They reapeat some too. Over all a good game though. Thanks for reading! Edit:I have something else to say it might just be me but even when I do a lot of letter I always end up getting 6x Another Edit: I just finished a game and this absolutely shocked me I had an about 45 sec add in the middle of the game and when I pressed x the game resumed, besides the fact that I had and add in the middle of the game but also I thought this was real people but turns out they are just robots not what I thought at all. If you read all of this than thanks but that’s all o have to say! Bye!
When I got the game I was sooooooooo excited. I started jumping up and down when the game downloaded. I started playing and hey, it wasn’t THAT bad. I won a lot of times and now I’m on the platinum league. But that’s when I STOPPED playing. The app was really fun and I had a fun time playing it when something WRONG had happened. There was this really hard question I had to answer. I just ended up skipping it. When it played the ad, and I exited it, it ended up making ME answer the question. The question was to hard and the thing wouldn’t skip the question no matter how hard I tried. So I ended up resetting the app. Once I did, I joined another match. But the SAME thing happened! Also, once I finished a round and unlocked a new skin, I couldn’t claim it! I tried watching an add five times but I STILL couldn’t claim it! I just had to live with these problems, oh and also when you watch some adds, you can’t exit them. I ended up resetting the game for THAT to. When I tried playing the game while IGNORING the problems I got so angry I didn’t play this game for a while. This is why I’m writing this review. In till you guys fix this problem, I’m NOT playing this game. So, thank you for reading my review. Have a good day 😡
So this game is great it has us in our brain and hands to use or creativity and speed but i don’t like that we have to watch a add to get our diamonds when we are not getting extra diamonds. Like i mean, when we are done we have a choice to get 3x more diamonds or just stick with what we have. If we choose not to, it will make us still watch a add. This is isn’t really good because it gets in the way of playing with people. Ik how I’m righting a whole paragraph on how the game is but it isn’t effortless. Another thing i hate is that we are not actually ever making the the end of the thing at the end. Like, I’m talking about when we are done we get a bunch of letters to run on at the end. This isn’t a problem for you to fix I’m just saying i wish it can be shorter. A 7 year old would probably would not want to not make it to the end until 6 months later. This is such a fun game and it’s definitely approved to kid friendly! It helps us remember more important stuff👻👻^^ I’m so hyped at remembering Ohio is a state from this game! Third paragraph i know. Don’t worry! I have so much to say but i think this is it. Just want to say this is a awesome game!
It’s so fun because basically you can learn new things so they put you like letters are you trying to solve like words with it like if the letter was G so you need to find like green is like colors food so you don’t lose those things but you’ll never lose you can get first place second place third place and fourth place there’s five players but it doesn’t mean that you lose used to have a turn so you can will I will tiles you can go around and try to go to 1000 so yeah and this like but that’s when you win basically is when you finish all of it so I really like the game you should really try it out because it’s so fun I mean you can play game was that you can solve ladder today if he can tell you is what is normal starts with W you find it and you already know because you find it and ABC the runner so yeah you’re the best one ABC runner so I’ll try it out and I love you
They recently did an update but it fixed NOTHING!!! It said it would clear up bugs, but it only made things worse! My keyboard glitches, there are WAY to many ads, and you aren’t even playing against REAL PEOPLE!!!! I downloaded this maybe 3-4 years ago and it is terrible! It can be fun and that is the only reason I didn’t rate it zero stars. You have to watch an ad for everything and some answers that should go through DONT!!!!!! One time it said to type in a movie that starts with m , so I put in Mother Of The Bride because I watched it recently (by the way it is a great movie!) and it said that it wouldn’t work! So I quit and left the match. The creators had a good design but really need to work on it. Also when I went to write a review you have to scroll to get to the real reviews. Of course the first one you will see is a FIVE star review but it’s most likely fake. Anyways hope that nobody else in the right mind downloads this game! Fun for road-trips but prepare for it to drain the heck out of your battery!!! From, Annoyed User 🙄😒😫😩😤
Hi, I am 10 years old and I do think this game is maybe better for younger kids. The graphics definitely show it! When I play, sometimes my keyboard glitches. (This happens a lot and it frustrates me) when my keyboard glitches, the game freezes and I end up in 5th, 6th, or 7th place etc. The game design is pretty neat. The only few problems I have are the glitches and that I think this game is for younger kids. A few suggestions: Update the graphics (optional, just my opinion. I also think that it could be more realistic.) Please fix the bugs (really annoying! :/) If there’s something you can do about fixing the keyboards and stop it from glitching (it might just be my device, but I’m not sure.) Please fix it, it’s really wonky and buggy. Also, this game is really fun and I’m not trying to be offensive I just think the owners could tweak it to make it look it bit more realistic!! Thank you so much for your time. Best regards, Audrey (if y’all play roblox friend me: ladybug_aeb) 😏😏
Don’t get me wrong I LOVE this game but I’m on a really high level and lots of ads pop up. One popped up and I couldn’t get out of it so I had to delete the game. Please fix the ads. Another complaint is please let people sign on so hey can keep they’re progress because it was really sad to see my account go. Please add a section to create and account so people can save they’re progress. Another thing is that not everyone watches movies so can you change that? Also, a lot of the movies you can type in are adult movies which kids CANNOT watch. My last complaint is when it says name a part of the body with a b, it came up with an inappropriate body part. Can’t you just change it to bicep? Or even your back? I tried those and they didn’t work. Please fix that. I would have given this game five stars but there are a lot of things I don’t like. Please don’t get me wrong this is a very fun game. Please fix so more people can play and have fun. Thank you!
I liked the game at first, but it gets boring & annoying. The games vocabulary and/or word/letter associations are at an elementary school level or unintelligent all together. You have to use the same basic answers for each topic/letter. It’s super easy to win, but lacks depth & the intellectual stimulation you’d expect from a learning game. Examples: You can’t use real anatomy terms when describing parts of the body, basics like; head, legs, arms fingers, are accepted but something as simple as Eardrum isn’t recognized. Had a question for “Chemical Compounds w/C, simple right Carbon, Chlorine, Cobalt, not one of those were recognized. Very rarely can you use 2 word answers Coca Cola is accepted but “orange juice” or “Fruit punch” is not on a beverage question. Again very basic vocabulary. It seems more like a game for very young children learning to spell & word association. Appears to be meant for Ages 4-10 I’d say. Lastly the amount of Ads you have to watch are Beyond ridiculous, there is an ad when you start the game, an ad at the end of each round wether choose extra diamonds or not. Then another ad before the next round. Just not worth it.
编者按:本文来自微信公众号“白鲸出海”(ID:baijingapp),作者:emiiily,36氪经授权发布。 跑酷+益智,JoyPac 的《ABC Runner》登顶美国iOS 总榜.
36Kr Thu Feb 04 2021
START ABC running today and WIN, WIN, WIN! Compete in different categories and spell answers before your friends.
AppAdvice Thu Aug 04 2022