ABC Runner in IOS

Compete with friends!

Walkthrough, Guilds, Tips on this special game

The Game

In-App Purchase
  1. remove ads - $0.99

Version 2.0.02022-07-11

- Minor bugs fix

START ABC running today and WIN, WIN, WIN! Compete in different categories and spell answers before your friends.

Are you a fast thinker? Are you the fastest speller out there? Can you beat your friends?

Start ABC running, today!

Ratings & Reviews

4.4 out of 5 with 20931 Counts
Age Rating 4+

Screenshots (Scroll Left & Right)

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6screenshot 7

Promotion Videos

ABC RUNNER Gameplay Trailer (iOS, Android) - YouTube

Related Videos

ABC RUNNER Game Gameplay Walkthrough - YouTube

ABC Runner Gameplay Walkthrough - YouTube

News on this game

出海游戏《ABC Runner》登顶美国iOS免费总榜,超休闲游戏2021年走向何方

编者按:本文来自微信公众号“白鲸出海”(ID:baijingapp),作者:emiiily,36氪经授权发布。 跑酷+益智,JoyPac 的《ABC Runner》登顶美国iOS 总榜.

36Kr Thu Feb 04 2021

ABC Runner by JoyPac

START ABC running today and WIN, WIN, WIN! Compete in different categories and spell answers before your friends.

AppAdvice Thu Aug 04 2022

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Age : 12+