I love this game
Sat Apr 06 2024 Isabel.bombonI love this game because it is just so fun, it tells you the accuracy of friendship that you have with your friends, this is how it works, first, you put the name of you and your friend or friends, then, they ask you a few questions and then they will rate the accuracy of friendship that they have with your friends. if you think that they rated the accuracy of friendship too low, then you can try again and they will ask you a few more questions to make your accuracy go higher, I just love this game, And I really recommend it. Although, I don’t really have nothing to complain about, just that sometimes I don’t like that the accuracy of the friendship is too low but that’s fine….. Thanks for taking your time reading this, and I hope you like this game as much as I do, with love, Isabel!
I really like this game!
Sat May 22 2021 no thanks no nameThis game is pretty good and I’m not just saying that, I have a lot of games and I have only rated 2-3 of them I rarely rate games. I have decided that I should rate this because it has really helped me see how close I am to my friends. This game is awesome but one thing I don’t really like is when you finish one test a add comes up, but once you start having fun it doesn’t matter. I recommend this game to everyone cause’ who knows your new best friends might be right around the corner. ;)
#Joanna 😊
(Oh and I’m also gonna respond to a review The personally gave this game three stars because, well none of them were that the number of their score kept changing and that was because each time you do a quiz it changes it’s not the same quiz that you’re doing so this person recheck your review.)
BFF Test
Mon Feb 19 2024 Princess love love love QueenI love your game it’s so fun I can I go for hours I just love it so much from the Boadi family my brother just look at the scores like huge give it to like everyone in the whole world I believe in you you got this I just don’t like don’t let anyone let you down you believe me yourself to be confident whatever you think but don’t rush yourself just think about what you’re gonna do not a hard thing the good thing. If you don’t be confident yourself you won’t believe in Jesus believe in you just go to church every Sunday pray to Jesus that day or are you just tell them how you really feel worse. If you fight back that will be worst don’t fight back walk away hit you dodge don’t let anyone let you down.
It’s great but…
Sun Aug 22 2021 Dancing_moonbeamThis test is great! But there are some problems. The first problem is:The game never let’s you get 10% or lower. Sometimes me and my friend will try to get the lowest score but whatever you say in the test. It will always give you 30% or higher. The second problem is: There are really bad glitches. You can play the game fine for the first few questions but then after a while it doesn’t ask you the whole thing. For example:do you and your friend…Then it will stay right there and won’t tell you the rest of the question. Hopefully this makes sense. Hopefully you can fix these mistakes and make the test even better. Over all this game is awesome! 👍
Wed Feb 07 2024 kate 1010101-It’s perfect that’s all I can say it’s perfect. It has no ads well maybe some ads but it only has ads when you like well when you like it this way when you are done with a quiz you can do another quiz quiz two or quiz three, but there’s an ad right before it and I love it I mean I can do it with any person I know anybody like I’m not joking best best app ever is the bestest love it I recommend getting it you don’t want to. I don’t know who you are. I mean you can do it with anybody your siblings or mom, your dad, your cousins, your friends and their friends your exfirends anybody really OK well, I guess I’m done bye-bye
Great Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri Apr 10 2020 SweetestGirlEva!Amazing game!
And someone said you can only put 3 friends but you can put as many friends ever!
But there is only 2 things that you need to fix, 1. When you put as many good things as you can, it still does not give you a 100% on the quiz for example: I tried to put god as a BFF and I tried to put as many good things but it gave me a 95% on the quiz. 2. Once you did a quiz on every friend you have nothing else to do and it would be boring to do the same quiz on the same friend over and over. And you can’t make another friend that quick and besides because of Coronavirus we can’t go to school and it would be harder to make a friend.
That is all I need to say!
Download this game
Thu Oct 12 2023 NfjcjfnffThis game is so fun to play me and my friend got it and on my first try I got 100%that was so crazy I did not know that I have a strong bond with my friend and I will always play this to see if I am a good friend or a bad friend witch is I am a good friend and I rated this game 5 stars that’s how fun it is me and my friend love to laugh and we have everything in common we are like twins we took a twin test at our school and we go everything right so I would download this game if you ever have a chance bye love you all(when I mean love you all I mean my friend my family and the people I know and love with all of my heart)
Love it!
Fri Oct 25 2024 L8023195Hi I think this game is awesome! It has very accurate results once you have answered all the questions! One thing, every time I finish the last question before I get to look at my results I have to watch an add! Overall though this game is very awesome. So I love the questions they give and the answers you can choose from. Whenever I make a new friend I go right to this app! Thank you if you read this! I don’t review that much. So I hope this is helpful if you are thinking about downloading this app! Once again thank you so much if you read this!
Love the app
Wed Jan 03 2024 Ri Ri 9aFirst of all I really like this app when I did like my best friends from school I got like an 80 or higher when I did my cheer friends I got like 85 or higher when I did my family I got a 90 or higher and my best best friend from each section I got a 100 so I was very happy that I have a strong friendship with all of my friends so I love this app so much and I’m excited to finding out how strong my friendship is and keep using the app thank you for creating a great app
Mon Feb 15 2021 Cookies are girlyThis game is total LIE!!!! No offense to the creators but yeah it is a lie....
I have done several quizzes and answer honestly. The first time I did it I got a 75 the seconded quiz I did I got an 100 the third quiz I got an 83.
This game is just a lie although it is fun to play BUT I HATE THAT IT WON’T STICK WITH A NUMBER!!!! I wouldn’t recommend it but you can download it to see that I’m not lying either like this stupid game! I’m sure this company has other games that are better so I’m just warning you that this will destroy your friendships even if it is the truth I’d rather not know I have a fake friend then lose a friend. Thank you.
Ps. Don’t download this game.