Addicting & Fun! But...
Thu Apr 08 2021 SarcazEm_AngelThis is my first real game review and I just want to say that this is truly an addicting and fun game! I love how it combines both trivia and board games, and sometimes you can even learn a thing or two! One of my favorite things about Trivia Crack Adventure is the Temple Trial. But one of the things I dislike about it is the fact that after a while you get a whole bunch of game requests from random people that you can’t even say no to! Even if you ‘X’ the request out, it automatically puts you in the game with the person and you can’t get out of it. Maybe in a future update you can fix this? I want to be able to get rid of the random people because now I have 8 active games with people that I don’t even know and don’t even want to play with. Playing the games against the random people, most of the time at least, isn’t even a challenge. I’d be way up on the board and they’d still be in the beginning! I’d love to get this fixed because this is a great game that I love to wind down to and I would really love to find more people to play it with, just not a whole bunch of randoms! Also, are there more events coming up soon beside the Temple Trial? I’ve always noticed “new adventures coming soon” but nothing yet! I’m really curious of what this game will hold! I really hope that these things get fixed because overall this is a great game!
Great game, although it’s plagued with ads one on top of another…
Thu Jan 13 2022 PlumSushiI really enjoy playing this game, because it puts a fun twist on the original Trivia Crack, But, there are far too many ads spread throughout it. Just for simply getting a question wrong, or you pass up an offer that you have to watch and ad to get, BU YOU STILL GET AN AD. I find it annoying that yes, you can pay for no ads, but you have to pay 3.99 USD for only 1 week of no ads. There’s also a one month bundle, but that’s still 8 dollars, and to get no ads at all (unlimited duration), is 13 dollars. That might seem okay if you are absolutely OBSESSED with trivia crack, but it’s still absurd compared to the very little 2-3 dollars you usually pay for the same thing on other games. I understand that a lot of this game’s income is from ad revenue, but come on; I’ve seen several other reviews talking about the ads, and I see a few developer responses here in there, saying something along the lines of “Thank you, you put this into consideration.” and what not, but that’s not the case. At least be honest to your players and say that you could care less. Also, I find the lives system dumb, because turns can go very quickly in any Trivia Crack game. Plus, why can’t I just have infinite lives if I already have to watch the hoard of ads? Although I have lots of fun playing this game, it’s really rough around the edges in terms of ads and other usual problems with games like these. Please listen to your fans.
Love the game; hate the bugs
Thu Jun 24 2021 Monie LuvvThis is far better than the original Trivia Crack or Trivia Crack 2. As someone who doesn’t always love playing against other people, I’m a BIG fan of the Temple Trial, which is single player. I also love the addition of the board game to the 2-player trivia. Even the questions seem better. I enjoy playing. With the good comes the not-so-good. The game has lots of bugs. Often, after watching a video to double my winnings, the screen will go fuzzy or blank and I have to close the game and reopen it to continue. Also, sometimes when there is an option to watch a video to continue after missing a question, nothing happens when I tap continue so I have to lose my turn. In Temple Trial, when I try to watch a video to continue, it won’t let me choose that option but still makes me watch the video. Not a bug, but a development issue: there’s no way to report a question in Temple Trial (and I’ve had two that should’ve been reported). BOTTOM LINE: Yes, download the game. It’s fun!! And hope the developers send an update to fix the bugs soon.
Good game, but there are a few issues
Tue Jun 07 2022 Brooke_SanzuI have the other version of this game and it is a good game! Though there are a few things I don’t like about it, but otherwise it’s fun to play! When I found out about this game I was excited to play it because I liked the other game, but ran into a few issues that I also sometimes had with the other game. The first problem is there are too many ads that would pop up at bad timing. For example, the amount of ads there is sometimes makes playing the game impossible because all you are doing is constantly watching ads and what is worse sometimes depends on when the ads come up like it could pop up right after my turn. The second issue I am having is another problem with the ads, after I watch them whether it is for a second chance for my turn or it just pops up, when the ad is over my screen just turns black and stays like that and the only way to fix it is to exit the game completely and re-open the app which messes up the things I was doing in the game. There are a few really tiny other issues I had, but these two were the most important to me to try to get fixed. Overall I really like the game, but I would really appreciate if these problems could be sorted out.
Good game; but has more room to grow
Sat Oct 09 2021 BbworksChicaI’ve always enjoyed playing “Trivia Crack” in the past, so I decided to give this game a try. It’s definitely fun! I like the feeling of playing a board game much like “Trivial Pursuit”. Collecting different pawns and banners are cool too. My only thing is, can’t you make more board games? Even if they are different themed? I think the mushroom board is pretty cool… but, it’s slightly more challenging to play because you’re hinged on getting 15 answers correct before you can beat the game. (If you get to the top and you have under 15 you have to answer a question correctly for each point you are under 15. If you get any wrong, you go back to the beginning to traverse the board again keeping your score from the previous journey.) It’s a cool concept, except there is no additional incentive to play it. The rewards are the same as if you played the mountain track, which is easier. Again, I do absolutely love the game. It’s fun to play the questions. Except please, give an offer to rate the questions you get wrong too. There have been a few times the answer to the question was wrong, or worded awkwardly and I’d get it wrong and not be able to rate the question. So please offer that too. Other than that! It’s great!
Too many ads but that’s the catch
Sat Feb 27 2021 kaybay503You won’t enjoy this game till you take advantage of the ads! Don’t skip then don’t lose your turn by existing out! I don’t usually right reviews but I had too with this one. There’s way too many ads but I’ve noticed that you win more games and go further if you can be patient and watch the ads. I’ll start a game and almost finish it before my opponent can even make their first move because I sit through the ads to continue playing. I get more turns, more prizes, more opportunities with just clicking the ads it’s crazy. I used to play the first trivia crack and never get past one game because of ads but now playing this one I’ve watched every ad given because it comes with perks and now I’m in 1st place for the week against however many people. If you have free time it’s worth it but if you just wanna answer questions without ads it’s not the game for you, you won’t excel. It’s unfortunate but I see the strategy the ads get you more. Have a little patience and click all the “watch ad” and I guarantee you’ll get so much more out of this game!
Gameplay is great, ads are terrible
Sat Mar 05 2022 FluffyBombsThis game is a lot of fun. It combines board games with trivia and I love that! However, the ads are absolutely unbearable. Constant. Get a question wrong? You can either watch an ad for a new question or you can decline and *still* watch an ad! Oh, look! A fun matching game. Here’s an ad to go with it, and another ad when you’re done! Want to double your rewards? There’s an ad for that! Your turn just ended? Here’s another ad. Want to use the “free” spinner? Watch an ad!
To make the ads even worse, they are usually those ridiculously stupid ones where someone is always stinky or drowning or freezing and you have to watch them get a bad makeover or freeze to death for 30 seconds. Then at the end of it there is an “x” to tap which gets you one more 5 second timer, followed by another tap to finally close the dumb ad. Every time you do anything you have to watch these things and tap 3 times over the course of a 35 seconds or longer.
I’m debating deleting this app because frankly, I just can’t stand all these ads.
Pretty fun but so many issues
Mon Apr 05 2021 c5456This game is super fun, even more than the original trivia crack, but it has so many issues constantly. The notification that it’s your turn will come up but when I go into the app it will still say opponents turn. I get this notification about 3 times until it’s actually my turn. It also has problems in the actual game, I’ve played my turn and then not been able to roll the dice which then makes me have to go out of the app and when I go back in it’s like I never played my turn so I have to redo it again. This happens multiple times and there’s been some times where I’ve had to redo my turn 3+ times until it works again. The last issue that I’ve noticed is sometimes the app won’t even open, not even after restarting my phone so the only solution to this is to delete the app and redownload it. And of course there’s so many ads but that’s expected. Please fix all the bugs, it’s really frustrating to play when the game doesn’t work sometimes!
The disappointment that was Trivia Crack Adventure
Mon Jun 05 2023 pat pat88Hello fellow reviewers as well as new customers looking for a fun app,
I would like to start by first saying how much sadness and shame that this game brought to my heart. Once, I was just a hopeful young man scrolling through the App Store looking for a game to sooth my mind and bring me endless bliss. I had stumbled upon a game called Trivia Crack Adventure. Trivia crack being a game that I had been playing since I was a young, hopeful spirit. I decided to download it so that me and my biggest rival(Gertrude) could finally settle our beef, perhaps see who the better player truly is in a 1v1 real time mode. But unfortunately Trivia Crack Adventure let us down in the worst way possible. Not only could we not play eachother in a real time mode, but this time we couldn’t even play the game taking turns🥺 I have never felt so let down, hoodwinked, backstabbed, turncoated, bamboozled, snaked, even I’d say judased. Now me and my rival/duo/enemy/opp/hater can never find out who may be better at the game of trivia crack(I am: 11-3💪). This app was a true let down and I’d advise you stick the the og trivia crack, thank you all and seriously don’t get this app.
Thank you🙏
Bugs make it hard to play
Sun Aug 21 2022 Shadow729While the gameplay is fun and the weekly collection challenges are fun, the game suffers from several issues, most paramount how unplayable the ads make it. I’m not talking about there being too many ads, I’m talking about them making it literally unplayable.
You’ll agree to watch an ad or be forced to watch one after a long sequence of events only for the ad to develop a grey overlay that won’t allow you to click out of it, thereby taking whatever you won from you. This is especially frustrating in the temple trial levels, since you are basically playing Mastermind and an ad crashing the game means you have to start all over but burn one of your hearts.
Trying to report an issue is an arduous task that involves leaving the game, making an account and then submitting a ticket. Better to just stop playing.
The other issue is that the game asks you what some of your favorite categories are because they have a new space that lets you pick what type of question to answer. This is super cool and I enjoyed it at first until I just kept getting the same four or five categories over and over, even though I’d maxed them out. There isn’t any place to change your preferences, so I’m just sort of stuck.
I’m also annoyed because every time you log in, it tries to get you to buy something. I’ve logged in before where it was marked as free. When I clicked on it, it charged me $6 but didn’t tell me it was going to do that. Feels like theft.