My Honest Response
Sat Aug 13 2022 ZeeklaiesI don’t want to make this too long, so here goes. Pro’s: This app is definitely a game-changer. I love how you can think outside the box while also working on your spelling/typing. It disciplines you to try to spell something correctly like if it asks you to name a marine animal, you would think like a whale, or shark, or walrus which I think is super cool! Cons: So I don’t have many cons about this game, but one of them is that the characters they have made for you like your character when you play is honestly not the best looking. I don’t mean this in a mean way, but I would think to improve this is maybe try to change they characters a bit? Another con is that you don’t get to play with real people. It’s always just bots and if I were you, (if the developer is reading this), I would make it so that you can play with friends or with bots. Thank you to the developer for creating this game. No hate whatsoever and I hope you have a great day!!
Get Educated, Plus, Your game is TERRIBLE.
Sat Dec 24 2022 ZigzagisfunThis game is terrible. The players you play with? They are bots. I played with Airplane Mode, but I bet that there is many ads. And don’t even get me started with the inaccuracies! One question said name a country starting with P, and, the smart human I was being, I put the People’s Republic of China (which is the communist China) and it was wrong. I can see why they would call that wrong, because normal people just call it “China”, but in reality, it is the P.R.C. Another question said name an ocean, I put Southern, and it was wrong. For your information, the Southern Ocean is an ocean that surrounds Antarctica. When a question said “What goes on Salad?” I put Mushrooms, but it was also wrong. Many people put Mushrooms on their Salad, so go back to School, and pay attention in class and study! There are still a few pros, which is why I didn’t give this a 1 Star (I would give it 0 Stars if I could), because it is funny seeing bots fail and being at the top feels great. However, there are more cons than pros, thus, I only gave a 2-Star Rating. For another question, which was, “What can you find in a cave?”, I put Stalagmite, and it was wrong. Basic Information Time. Stalagmites are pointed structures that form on the cave floor. They point up. They can merge with Stalactites, which dangle from the cave ceiling and point down. When Stalactites and Stalagmites merge, they form Columns.
I don’t know what to think
Mon Jan 23 2023 high-tech motivatedMy honest review of this would be a five stars out of five stars, but this game needs fixing. To start off, I would like to say that some of the stuff that I will and many be saying is kind of harsh, but true. To all of the readers out there, I do not mean to make you not want to play anymore, but let’s just continue. First of all, this game is my one and only, and when I am bored in the car, this game seems to cheer me up, but as I play it, I realize that if I or someone spells something wrong, it marks it wrong, even though the game knows what word you ar talking about. Yes, you should always work on your spelling, and especially with this fun game it helps you, but I am stil very disappointed with it. I really hope that someone fixes this. I don’t play this game that often anymore, because I’ve lost so many rounds because of that. It had started to get very boring, so the person who owns this game, please fix that. Don’t get me wrong, I am the goat at spelling, but some children may not be the best at spelling, so I just want to give the owner of this game a little shoutout that someone needs to fix that. Thank you and have a great day.
Who decides what is what and wrong
Thu Sep 29 2022 AsardeeI enjoy the game and would be a lot of fun. If you knew all the rules. You say name something that requires a reservation. Then I answered a motel room. That was wrong but Hotel was accepted. There are so many answer that a correct that are said not to be like name a car color, I said burgundy and that was wrong. Name something that is filtered. I said dirty water that was wrong. Just to many variations. Try to use the longest answer and you will lose.
Easy to win but easy to cheat
Mon Sep 05 2022 Lora905So basically you start out on a bridge; you’re up against 3 other players, supposedly from other countries. Everyone starts at the same position, then move ahead the number of spots that coordinates with the number of letters in your answer. If you spell something wrong & the game knows what you meant, you can watch an ad to get it corrected. Sometimes for no given reason, a boulder will roll over your bridge & knock you back 3-4 spaces. Sometimes 1-2 other people will get one, sometimes only you. Then after every answer, a few of your bridge pieces will fall off, so the longer your answers, the better. I was actually enjoying the game, until I realized that when a player is in danger of their entire bridge falling, they can enter a completely nonsensical answer with a lot of letters & still get credit for it. Every nonsensical answer (ex: xisjelqkn) got credit. Even if it said “name a president from last 20 years” someone said “Bill” and got credit. But a couple of my real answers weren’t counted.
Not “trivia”
Sat Jul 09 2022 rysertI tried to like this game. It’s similar to one where the longest correct answer survives sharks in the water, and I do enjoy that game. But there have been many answers that were marked incorrect when my answer was more than correct. For example, during a duel for winner at the end of a class level, the topic was transportation. Taxi, cab, bus, subway, Uber (I mean this one I kind of understand why it could be marked incorrect), boat, and motorcycle were all “incorrect” answers. Another example being “Name something that is filtered.” My answer was drinking water, marked incorrect. It’s just frustrating when an answer absolutely should have been accepted, but isn’t. It seems that having the ability to customize your character was given more thought than the answers themselves. If this part of the game was fixed and a wider variety of answers are accepted, I would definitely come back to play.
Expand knowledge
Sun Sep 04 2022 enteranothername?Love the format of the game. However, the possibke answers? You need to expand your knowledge. For example: name a bone in the human body. As a retired radiology tech, this was easy. I entered, “phalange.” It was marked as incorrect , but opponent typed, “3 x 3,” which was accepted. That is definitely not a bone. This situation happened repeatedly. Opponents would enter scrambled letters (accepted), but I would enter (ie: director), “Hitchcock.” It was marked as incorrect. Seems the answers are based on one person’s knowledge. Another example: somethjng that flies - hummingbird. It was marked as incorrect. Extremely frustrating. Though it could be enjoyable, the restricted knowledge almost forces one to “dummy down.” Something I will never do. Particularly since trivia games are supposed to expand one’s knowledge. May be appropriate for ages 8-12, but for (educated) adults, it seems to penalize you for being intelligent. Hope this issue is resolved; this game has possibilities. At the moment, will be deleting.
Need rules
Wed Jul 27 2022 JenBobiThis is basically a fun, challenging game that doesn’t require any money. The only reason I did not rate it higher is that there are no rules posted, and some of my answers get rejected and I don’t know why - if they had rules on there I could probably figure it out. Also, they do repeat questions a little too often.
I am really frustrated because I went to the game developer’s page to ask about the rules for Class Trivia, and it doesn’t even list Class Trivia as one of their games! Again, I cannot figure out why some of my answers are rejected. For instance, the question was “Name something people are afraid of.” I answered “earthquakes” and that answer was rejected and I do not know why - I would think most rational people fear earthquakes! Maybe it doesn’t take compound words, and that would be perfectly fine if I had a set of rules to tell me that!
Yes and No
Wed Sep 21 2022 Micki NicoOverall this is a really fun game. It forces you to actually use your brain to think once you run out of lives. Also being educational and forcing you to spell things correctly unlike a lot of games where you can push the mic and talk your response. The only down side to this game is it often tells you your answers are wrong when they are in fact correct. I.e It asked name a winter Olympic sport and I said Bobsled it said it was incorrect. Which is in fact an Olympic winter sport. Another example is Name a sport that starts with T. I put track and field. And got it wrong. Those are just two examples and I have many more.
Good but sometimes unfair
Sun Jul 31 2022 BAC_I was playing and so many of my answers were Incorrect even though they literally were, second there are questions that mark others incorrect answers correct. “Name a COUNTRY with a lot of ice” I put greenland…. But someone put Alaska.. when did Alaska become a country in its own? Many many other examples could be listed..
I really do like the game but I feel like these errors (along with too many ads sometimes) keep the game from being at its best potential , fix these and this would be a really fun and fair game ❤️