Sun Nov 20 2022 fish get if rgbI like the game you know it’s real good thing is every time I complete like a whole mission thing it’s there’s not a which kind of makes me mad but that doesn’t always make me mad because I know that they’re trying to make money off of that and trying to improve the game but just if you think about it more people and more and more people will think that you’re just trying to earn money off of people playing your game and you’re like kinda getting money off of them but the thing is you know the game is really good you don’t if you’re to be bored or if you wanted to be a police officer this would be really good for you or if you wanted to be a person that would check people I don’t know how it is I’m not that kind of person but if you wanted to like check people before they get on planes I guess this would be the perfect game for you and overall this is probably a really good game. If I’m bored you know I’ll see what I want to. I want to. I want to do something so I’ll come to this game and this is what I look forward to.
Good game😁😁
Fun, but then repetitive
Sun Dec 19 2021 critic689This game is really fun and for the first few hours was really entertaining however, I must say that I was getting ads after each section and it started to get annoying. On top of that you can’t buy much with the money, and it just starts to repeat characters and “levels” which is doing three things, check passports, scan body, and scan luggage. Sometimes you question the person and the answer is always “detain them”. This game has a really cool concept however I wished that there was more to it, and more thing to do instead of those main 3 things. Also ads are getting a bit frustrating. Lastly agreeing with some of the other comments, when you started the game it asks you about ads and if they can personalize them for you, and when you say no it doesn’t go through and it only lets you accept. Overall there are some minor flaws but great concept and overall great game.
Lord, those ads!
Wed Feb 15 2023 bigsisluOk, so, I JUST, and I mean literally 3 minutes ago, got this game, and I’ve had over 20 ads! I mean, people already have enough games, and if they want another one, then type it in the search box in the App Store or Google Play. The ads come nonstop and get super annoying (more annoying then my little sister)! Oh, my lord, cool it with the ads guys! It’s a great game, but the ads!!! It would be a better game if you put Ike and thought into these comments and fix the problems, not just sit around while comments complain! Get off your lazy bums and do something! Your game will get worse and get awful ratings if you don’t do something.
People say it’s harsh, but we aren’t lying! I’m a child, and I enjoy my games for free time, and I see the ad for this game, and I’m like “Oh, let me ask mom if I can get it!” Well, I got it, AND A BUNCH OF ADS! And I wouldn’t call that a “plus.” Please read these comments and act! This would mean a lot to me and other children. We can complain to adults, which can lead to problems. Awesome if you do fix it, and do updates every so often.
Thank you for reading this if you did. #KidsCanTakeAStand!
More Ads Than Gameplay
Tue Feb 28 2023 CreativamentisIn only roughly 1 minute of gameplay there has been around a minute and a half of ads playing. It’s as if this is an advertisement app that you occasionally take a gameplay break from and not the other way around. If that weren’t enough, there’s an annoying banner ad at the bottom of the screen the entire time (what is this, 1999?). And I am not overstating this in any manner, this app is an ad festival with interstitials and reward videos galore!
To be clear, I am 100% on board with developers and designers getting fairly compensated for their work, but when it comes to implementing ads in apps there is a graceful and non-distracting way to do so, which is entirely absent from this train wreck. Unless you’re willing to shell out a few bucks for the premium version, or you like poorly-designed freemium versions, you might want to reconsider wasting any time with this one.
That said, the concept of the game is quite good. I’m just not willing to waste so much time on ads, so that the developer can foolishly try to get-rich-quick by poorly pumping out an over-abundance of ads.
Game is fun but theres one thing i hate about it
Sun Jan 14 2024 mr.dinnerboneWhen i downloaded this game i liked the game so far but since i got it there has been a TON of ads. It’s ok to have some ads in games because you know how the game makers need money for some sorts of stuff in there life. But there shouldn’t be too much ads or the game will be rated lower. I rated it 3 stars because i thought it seemed fair despite the frequency of the ads in the game. Its actually not that bad you know, there are different levels and each one is creative. But these flaws i have talked about are probably what other people are arguing about also. I would have rated this game more if there was not so much ads. Also when i try to turn the wifi off and play the game it just says “No internet connection”. The game isn’t online so i don’t think it needs wifi. The only reason why it requires wifi is so other game makers can advertise the games on here. But you guys made ads on there a little too much, and most of the gameplay is just watching advertisements.
Crossing the Line with Ads
Thu Feb 24 2022 ManSeriouslyListen, I consider myself a pretty patient person. When you get a free game, you pay for it in watching ads. I know this. I am fine with this. It is a successful transaction I have made many times in the past. I am not someone who gets bothered by ads. Except in this app you get an ad every 15 seconds. It will prompt you to watch an ad for some kind of bonus (a new outfit, stopping a man going through security who has taken a hostage) and you click no for whatever reason only for it to then show you an ad anyway.
There is a balance to be found between gameplay and ad watch time. The app is egregiously off balance in that respect because you barely have any gameplay while being inundated with massive amounts of ads. I lasted maybe five minutes trying to play this game before it froze and that was the straw that broke the camels back. This wasn’t mindless fun that was worth sitting through ads for. It was just annoying.
If you’re looking for a fun and simple game to pass the time, look elsewhere. Downloading this is just subjecting yourself to a bunch of questionable mobile ads.
Good! But ANNOYING!!!!!!
Mon Jul 29 2024 Jennifer I.OThis game is fun and all, but I’d like to point out a few things. I saw this game on an ad and decided to get it. But there are too many ads! And it’s very annoying! Can’t they just remove the ads or at least put a few?! Next, the same old levels! I keep on going through the same levels in this game, and do duty free! It’s starting to get a bit boring. But what annoys me the most that might not bother or happen to other people, is how the game keeps shutting me out of the game! I think there’s some kind of glitch. And when I come back after being shut out, I repeat the same level all over again! Other people might not experience this, but I DO! And then I deleted the app because of this, thinking that if I install it again, it will stop doing this. But now I can’t even install the freakin’ thing! This game is very annoying. So sorry creators of the game, but I don’t think I’ll be getting this game anymore, thank you. But the game is still good, but ANNOYING!!!!!!
Ad-ing an additional to my first rating
Wed Aug 30 2023 Private M.I see and understand why everyone is upset with the ads. When I first installed the game the first thing it ran was an ad. I finished the tutorial, and got hit with another ad. I asked my daughter if it is happening to her, she said no, but she had paid $2.99 to remove the forceful ads. I did the same. Now the ads stopped coming up after every person, but at the full body X-ray portion, the game still forces you to watch an ad to summon security to the body X-ray. There is no option to just arrest or stun a suspect right out before they try to run. You HAVE to watch the ad to get the suspect or they run🤷🏽♀️ The ads need a cut back for sure. And Developers: You are getting all of these bad ratings, and it seems you aren’t reading them, which shows you don’t care, you are just in it for ad revenue. If you actually read BOTH of my reviews, then you need to take what I said and what EVERYONE who played your game has said, AND HEED THE ADVICE. MAKE CHANGES PLEASE 🙏🏽
This should not exist and it’s a waste of time
Tue Dec 20 2022 §Virus finder§My little sister saw a ad for this game and instantly fell in love with the ad. I simply told her that this game was probably not going to look as it seems, (like all ads are) and would be a scam. She still begged me to downloaded it and that’s what I did. I downloaded it on my computer and went into the app. As soon as I got in, I could see that the game was very glitchy, so I checked my WiFi and it was perfectly fine. All bars. Then, I thought it must be a problem with my computer and downloaded it on my phone like an idiot. When I got in, it instantly played an ad. Now I’m not saying that it will do this for everyone, but this is my experience. Anyway, so after the ad was done I started to play this game. I finished one thing like checking the passport photo and such, and when I correctly completed it, it played an ad. AGAIN. This was continuously going on and so I deleted it. I figured that this company that made the app does a ton of funding so that’s why I deleted this app. Overall, I don’t recommend this app and you should not get it.
Mon Jul 18 2022 granny600I’m a kid. I like playing games on my grandma’s phone. I saw an add about this game (ironic. Right?) and I thought it looked cool so I downloaded it. My first words were “Cool!” But then it took a turn.
I got to ask, why so many adds? I mean why are you trying to melt our brains every 10 seconds?! Kids already spend most of the time bored so why did you have to make them bored on one of the most fun things in the world?! The internet is supposed to be fun and you just ruined it with all these adds!”Preach!”
I understand trying to make money by putting adds in your game, but why did you have to put the same add in over and over and over and over again?! You are trying to loose people by doing that!
I know you might be thinking “Wow. That’s a little harsh.” Well, someone has to say it! And lucky for the people who PLAYED your game, we can write a review. So you will see a lot of reviews like this one. Don’t reply because I already know what your going to say…”Thank you for the feedback! We will try to fix it.” No you won’t.
Kids have a say in this too!#KidsHavePower!