Great Game but...
Tue Jan 14 2020 Spidey Fan410i’ve played this game for a long while now, happy to say what old bugs use to be in the game are gone and i really enjoy all the new stuff they’ve added... im not complaining when talking about this but i will say that it exists... i was recently in a dungeon and was at the final floor with the Reaper as the boss... usually me fighting him goes 50/50 and i had over 8,000 health... i get hit, twice. both hits did 5,500 damage and i was down to 4 health because im aware of the mercy health they give which i appreciate... however of course i die, use the ad, respawn in and continue fighting... next thing i know i get hit once and apparently it took out all 8,000 of my health... yeah the exact same boss, the exact same level... this wasn’t something that just happens on a whim, either some update they did gave their enemies an extra advantage or somehow i got hit twice in under a second because of the Reaper spinning through me.
im gonna continue playing and find out more on this, but these levels and challenges are already difficult enough, i mean perfect epic set up at max level and still dying to 2 hits doesn’t even make “Legendary” equipment all that promising. Still, game has been improving and monsters are somewhat more interesting.
Great game yet needs greater rewards
Thu Aug 25 2022 some random roblox ratI’ve been playing this game for nearly a year and I enjoy the difficulty of this game, its nothing like I’ve played before, although the reward for completing a difficult stage/world doesn’t match up. And the chances of getting a actually decent item in the shop are pretty low. Enhancing a weapon or armor you have is a nice feature but its so rare to get three of the same item that I only do it on worthless common items. This game is only good for those who are determined enough to continue but if the player doesn’t get anything good even after playing for months, it’s easy to loose determination. I only have one purple/epic item and it took me months to get it, just imagine how long it would take to get a legendary. As I said before I do like the difficulty but perhaps it should go easier on beginners, maybe like a difficulty option and depending on the difficulty effects what loot you will likely get. I’m totally fine with the ads since this game has to earn money somehow and I like how it’s optional. The skills in this game are fine but some of them are completely copies of others, like dark arrow and holy arrow. In conclusion I’d like to summarize all I said…Difficulty should be optional to change, the rewards you get from worlds/expeditions is far to low considering the difficulty is incredibly hard, ads are fine, the skills are ok but maybe needs more helpful ones.
Not worth starting the game at this point
Thu Oct 01 2020 Austinyo6I’ve been playing since release. Spent a little money on it, and a lot of time... they keep adding too many confusing and pointless layers to the game, and it’s just getting too complex and tedious. You’re not rewarded for practicing, and it takes too long to level and grow your gear. Don’t waste your time and please DO NOT waste your money. As soon as you upgrade an item or some gear, they add new stuff to the game that takes months and years to upgrade, or MONEY if you want to speed the process up (and it’s all random/luck). The mechanics in this game are awful, it doesn’t matter how much you grind or how good your gear gets, mobs always hit for proportionally the same amount of your total hit bar, and your attacks hit for the same %... it’s the same game over and over again no matter how high your get or how good your gear gets, the experience doesn’t change and it will leave you feeling tricked and cheated by the developers. They need to add more ways for new players and players in general get gear and upgrade their items, not add new and better items that you can’t obtain or upgrade without spending money to do so. Video games, especially mobile games, are such a joke and are absolute robbery. If this was a complete game with fair mechanics and content updates, I’d happily pay $40 for it plus a battle pass, but if you want the “full” experience and the best gear, you’d have to spend $1000 at least to get your gear leveled up.
Good game
Tue May 28 2019 DisappointedGuy890I saw the game from pewdipie’s video and gave it a try. As a game it’s really great. I don’t really mind the energy thing as it takes me off the game after a while so that I don’t spend hours of my day basically wasting my time. I understand the other complaints about the energy system because 10 mins per energy is quite long when you need 5 to play one round that might last you less than 5 mins. Maybe 3 mins to charge each or maybe even 5 would’ve been bearable. Next are the item and health drops. It’s quite frustrating to advance far from the beginning (I’m on chapter 3 which might not be too far) but still have beginner items, which I know can be upgraded but common is still common and has an unsatisfying feel. Lastly the health in game, specifically on chapter 3. There are waves of enemies per room that will spawn with a timer and you are bound to get hit if you weren’t able to take care of the wave before and enemies stack up. There should be more health drops than there is because it’s quite impossible to dodge almost 10 long range attacks that doesn’t care about obstacles. I knew this game was gonna be one of those “pay to win” games which only care about squeezing as much money from someone until they get bored. In summary, better or more item drops, more health drops, less energy timer. I honestly think how the game works is amazing except for all the priced stuff
Great mobile game
Fri Dec 04 2020 lexsingletonI have played this game for almost a year now, and i think your game devs did a great job. I’ve contributed some good money to this game because I’ve enjoyed it, up until the point im at now. I have all perfect epic gear, that mostly was earned by playing and not making purchases. It is near impossible without buying anything to get to that point without putting in ridiculous hours into the game. Your drop rate for armor/weapons/lockets etc. in normal and heroic stages, and even events that are supposed to drop them are way to low! Second, some of your abilities are useless, whenever a player sees them automatically will know they lost. Circle abilities, and swords, meteors, side arrow, rear arrow, poison, they are horrible, and do little to no damage at all. The abilities that win stages are: ricochet, multi shot, blaze, shock, freeze, and sometimes front arrow +1. Third. I noticed that once you have three front arrows, if all three of them don’t hit your damage is NOTHING. It is only good for bosses as their hitbox is large. Most normal enemies in your game do not have a hitbox large enough for all three to hit, at least easily. Fourth, setting up ranged purple health plant enemies behind barriers you cannot attack through on “hero mode #12 “ dungeon of traps, they attack way to quickly to be able to maneuver around without taking damage, it’s ridiculously hard.
Thu Jul 30 2020 xCBakaCOLINxThe new expedition levels are a nice addition, however level 180 is impossible. I understand they are supposed to get more difficult as you progress, but there is literally no way to pass the level. Three bosses that spawn in 30 second intervals, two of which are impossible to kill in 30 seconds. Which means if the one easy boss doesn’t spawn first, you will end up fighting two, then three bosses at the same time. Every time I attempt it, I die BEFORE I even kill one probably about 70% of the time, and it’s always the easy boss... there is no set of equipment that makes it any easier, no maneuvers or tactics to kill the bosses in an easier way. In order to pass the level you would literally need to survive, in a small room, while you are a “giant”, with 2-3 different bosses with different attacks and mechanics, while only being able to take 2 hits, dying one the third, for like 4 minutes, that’s how much health they have. relies too much on luck and not enough on skill.
Two of the bosses have WAY too much health. Lowering the HP would probably solve the problem and make the level actually worth attempting.
I also believe the progression of the game as a whole relies too much on luck and not enough in skill. The fact that you will never pass a chapter until you get lucky and get the perfect set of perks along the way really kills the point of the game.
Great game- one BIG issue.
Tue Jun 25 2019 TallTale2I really have enjoyed this game from the get-go. The item system is claimed to be flawed but I don’t much mind a little grind for scrolls. When I first got the game (about 2 months ago) I thought “there’s no way this isn’t pay to win!”. But recently, I think I found out how. The mid game grind for experience levels is SUCH a grind that killed my streak of enjoyment for the game. I’m currently level 33 in the purple arena (I think that’s world 4 or 5) and after every defeat my level bar only increases by what seems like 10%. So, in other words, with my energy only allowing me 4 games, it takes like 3 separate days to level up, only to upgrade one of the nine slots on the upgrade screen, which is fairly insignificant. I’m now up to 80,000 unused gold, and my only method of progress at this point seems to be buying chests- which is not very appealing. My recommended fix- either nerf the Grindy leveling system, allow 2 or 3 upgrades when u level up past a certain point, or straight up add a new game mechanic or mode (like a story mode or endless mode) that helps buff your leveling progress. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a prestige system in this game either. I would still recommend this game to everyone, I just want to see a good game flourish when something this minor causes such a large issue for progression.
Excuse me?
Wed Aug 19 2020 AND I OOP BECKYI love this game sooo much. It’s so much fun! However. I made the incredible value one time only purchase twice and I got charged BOTH TIMES but never got anything. I don’t know if it’s because I am in a family thing and never your game isn’t compatible with it but pls make it. Also I would very much appropriate it if u gave me the purchase at least because o have u 2x the money and still didn’t get it. However. I think this is they best mobile game EVER!!!
Edit: There are a few things that would be a nice addition to the game. When you click on the map you want to play maybe it can give you the possible rewards. This is because when you get a new weapon maybe you want to fuse it a world or 2 later but can’t remember exactly which world u got it in. Anything thing would be some sort of card index. When you get new ones the only way to figure out what they do is to waste a precious level for an ability you might not even like. Also maybe to limit the amount of cards that you can bring into battle because there are certain abilities that I like better than others but chances are I won’t get them for while. Just a few suggestions!
Fun game with only one criticism
Sat Nov 18 2023 PhoenixdoesmcThis game is a perfect mix of luck and skill! RNG determines the power up choices per run while you have to use the random powers you got to survive. Because of this, each run have slight variety. I also find that the level increase and the difficulty mirrors the difficulty of the chamber quite well! The damage taken by the player from enemies is not too much that it’s a problem but not too little so that it stays as a threat.
Although, I’d like to see the rooms be generated by RNG as well, I understand that this is a free game and might not be possible for the price.
The only major criticism I have about this game is the mobility. I find it to be clunky and difficult to control for a game that prioritizes dodging, and it has greatly impacted boss fights. My perfect runs have ended many times and left me frustrated because of this problem, especially when there are enemy bullets that tracks you. If changing the mobility is a problem, then a good alternative is to add many defense-based power ups similar to the shields and temporary invincibility so that the player can tank the damage they cannot avoid due to the clunkiness of the movements.
Best game to date!
Tue Jun 25 2019 ZeRbEaSt1I don’t usually leave reviews, just for the games I enjoy. With that being said, I love this game. It’s different, it’s hard, it’s unique in its levels (levels are never the same, just the location you are in stays the same).
There is one thing that I don’t really like. I am currently on a section where I have to improve gear in order to beat the level, which happens a lot and it’s fun but, I currently have almost 100,000 currency with nothing to spend it on. I think if low tier items would be available to purchase, then you could save, buy what you think you need, fuse 3 together to make one of the next tier and keep going. I do however like the randomness of leveling up your items. When playing through, sometimes there’s weapon token drops or armor token drops and it’s all kind of randomized, which is cool. I think if you added something like that to how you can purchase things, that would be great. I like the randomness because you can’t make yourself “OP” right off the bat, you have to collect upgrades that aren’t all the same.
That’s my 2 cents. Definitely an awesome game, will keep playing, will keep recommending even if my suggestions don’t happen, just think it would be nice to spend some of this gold I’m stockpiling currently.