We need new levels!!
Tue May 18 2021 Lafwee10I’ve upgraded every single thing about this game there was to upgrade. It took some skill, but I’m getting bored playing this game over and over with no new levels. I paid for the “Remove Ads” because the ads were annoying so that’s not an issue anymore, but the game is fun. But we need new levels ASAP!!
Alright game for killing time.
Wed Nov 20 2024 ¡Tryhard!This game has the ability to be SO much better than it actually is. My first issue is that the difficulty between levels is far too drastic. I’ve only played through to lvl 3 but the difficulty from lvl 1 to lvl 2 raises EXPONENTIALLY!! Mainly because the changes in the “upgrades” are small you can just barely tell that they make any difference. You have to purchase WAY more than you should to make any progress. My other issue is that while it may let you move the jumper, they do not actually move in any direction. They continue to glide straight down. My perfect example is on LVL 2, the ski resort. Once you play the lvl, you notice that the ski path off to the left and it curves back around the hill that you are forced to fly over. A smart person would follow the ski path so as to increase their distance and earn more money. However, the game will not allow you to. You are forced to buy numerous upgrades to attempt to fly over the buildings, fence, and hill.
Don’t waste your time
Fri Jul 30 2021 79DrewThis “game” is crap. I have no issues watching an ad every once in a while if there is an actual gameplay aspect. The problem here is that there is no gameplay. Here is the deal, you tap to jump off a platform. Then all you do is press a finger to the screen to spread your wings. Dragging your finger causes you to roll but you don’t turn. The roll is there so you can fly between objects in your path. After every 5 second attempt to reach your target, there is a 30 second ad. You can’t even reach the target on the first level without upgrading for more lift. You get coins to upgrade by trying to reach your target. In other words, this game is nothing but a money grab by the developers. I’ll not be getting any more games by this developer.
Cool concept, but there’s a problem
Sun Mar 07 2021 Mattchew82This game could be really cool. I don’t know about anyone else... but I’m so tired of games specifically made to make you watch as many ads as possible. I understand ads “pay” for “free games”. But when these games make you watch a 30 second ad after pretty much every level that takes maybe 10 seconds... it get ridiculous. Most games you download these days are getting like that. An ad every 5-10 minutes would be tolerable, but basically MAKING you watch ads to progress through the game at a realistic pace has gotten old. I delete the games after a few levels once it becomes obvious the main point of the game is to put as many ads in front of you as possible.
Mon Jul 10 2023 fbi_officalI never write reviews about anything but this was so horrible i felt compelled to. first of all, ad looks nothing like the real game. graphics are terrible. second of all, it’s just another clickbait game that forces unskippable ads down your throat the entire time you’re in the app. finally, the gameplay is just brain dead. turning the character does nothing to affect the path that they take. i did three separate jumps, one of which i turned left the whole time, one where i went straight, and one where i turned right the whole time. all 3 ended in the exact same spot. the whole premise of this game is watch ad, hold button, watch ad again, upgrade, hold again, watch ad. left me so angry i had to write this.
Ads and Quality Control
Sun Dec 25 2022 IhaveriffsThe ads in almost every game I try to play are ridiculous. I experienced 5 seconds of gameplay before I was expected to watch a 30 second ad. I rarely find a game that feels like it was created with any love of gaming. The iPhone technology and everything that goes with it has great potential as a gaming platform and so far it has been far from great. It’s over saturated with low quality content, which happened to Nintendo in the beginning as well. Their solution was to limit the number of games a single company could submit each year and increase quality control. Apple should do the same.
Time wasted
Sun Nov 27 2022 brok3npotatoesIt’s a great time waster but the physics are not good. Left/right control is useless except the occasional barely missable obstruction. Need so many runs to upgrade or you can watch ads (surprise surprise) and the upgrades are a fraction of a flea when it comes to noticeability. Also, each new level keeps the same previously ‘bought’ value of the upgrades, yet doesn’t change the given income to any greater percentage, thus making it more tedious and long to continue to upgrade. Junk.
BASE jump wing suit flying
Sat Feb 06 2021 1 star rating appBest game ever i love the brand boombit they make the best games ever the Egypt level is impossible though anyone who reads this can you give me a tip there are way too many ads I get ads like every minute and when it asks me to buy no more ads I press I like ads because I don’t like to pay money and when I press it I get another ad
Is this a virus
Wed Dec 06 2023 Kai172877So I downloaded this game and deleted it because I got bored of it but then when I deleted it it stayed there so I tried to put it in one of my slots and it made like 3 copy’s of itself in that slot and when it disappeared the picture stayed but when I opened the slot it was gone then it appeared at the top right side of the slot which isn’t normal I deleted it AGIAN and it came back as a weird looking app that I can’t open or delete please tell me what’s happening I don’t want my phone to be hacked
About that glitch.
Tue Feb 02 2021 alwmilleriiiI literally maxed out my Speed, Lift and Coin in the two days after I purchased this game (not happy about it). You can jump of the screen and glide forever and collect enough coin and points to max out. Have screen grabs if you want them. Maxed out 200 and waiting on the next and final level. Which won’t be to hard I am guessing. I have never beat a game this quick in my life. Rookies! Not worth $3.99!! And if i you don’t pay you’ll remove it from your phone due to the ad push that will drive you mad enough to buy it (guilty).