Tue Apr 27 2021 bull kickerI enjoy playing blackjack and poker I recently had a stroke and my wife found this blackjack game fir me and downloaded it on my phone. We haven’t been able to go to the casino in over a year now since the beginning of the whole Covid 19 virus so with this game I am able to spend time doing something I enjoy without leaving home it might not be quite the same as being at the casino. But it has been a nice escape from the tv and it was a very nice escape from my hospital room while I was in the hospital it also helps to keep my mind working and thinking so in that way it has been part of my stroke therapy. I enjoy and recommend this game to anyone that likes to play blackjack or even someone that might be learning or want to learn the game the only way to learn is to play therefore I recommend this blackjack game it is a very enjoyable way to pass the time while keeping your mind involved and stay busy as long as you wish. Good luck and enjoy the game.I Highly recommend this blackjack game. If you can’t get to the casino just download this blackjack app it’s worth the time
Great practice!
Tue Jun 05 2018 TitnipsPerfect app for honing your Blackjack chops and and really getting that "basic strategy" down pat. particularly while using the chart and or card in conjunction with basic strat. All the neat little features like the achievements and the different options that enhance the gameplay as you see fit makes for a rewarding experience that offers an addicting incentive to play as often as possible. The single solitary disagreeable attribute is of course being interrupted by the ads. No one enjoys being yanked out of the zone and bombarded with an epilepsy inducing waist of time. However, That being said, you have to acknowledge the fact that it's anything but uncommon and as far as ads go, it could be much worse. In the end I say the pros far outweigh the cons to the point at which the latter seems negligible so I still give this app 5 stars. Nice work GreenPanda! 👍🏻🤓
I’m sorry but the algorithm is not realistic
Wed Aug 19 2020 T-TownChampThe app has awesome presentation, the achievements are a really great feature, and honestly this app is the best looking and best feeling blackjack games on the app store. However, I can’t help but to feel cheated every time I play blackjack on this app. The dealer is constantly making 5 or 6 card 21’s, while as the player it’s almost impossible to not bust even if it’s just a 12. Want to hit a 16 and make a 21? Download a different app, wont even happen 1 out of 100 times. And I know Blackjack is not a game that has any advantage towards the player but even the app’s own statistics show that I’m getting beat by the dealer 70% of the time and I have sank 10 hours into this game. I play perfect basic strategy and losing 70% of the time is not even close to what the odds actually are. I know the developers of this app want people to pay for it’s absurdly priced chips but who would pay for that when the algorithm is so heavily skewed in the dealers favor? Fix the cards and we’re talking a 9.5/10 must have app but currently I’d say it’s about a 5.5/10.
Nice visuals, odds are not at all realistic
Sat Jul 16 2022 FarvalitoVisuals are great, play is simple and intuitive, odds are nowhere near realistic. Playing basic strategy, doubling bets on losses, and then resetting to minimum should keep you at a table for hours like it does in real life. In this app, minimum bets will get you realistic hands, while larger bets seem to favor the dealer nine out of ten times, regardless of the hands on the table. The larger the bet, the more likely it is that the dealer will push or win on a 4, 5, or 6, even if the player is on a 17 or better. And the losses keep coming as the bets increase. So trying to recoup losses to break even by doubling leads to a dozen losses in a row and either bumping up against the max bet or just going bankrupt. This algorithm is likely in place to force microtransactions, but it just becomes frustrating; so I end up playing to break even and then not playing again for a few days. Probably going to delete it soon, which is a shame because everything else about it is great.
I take back my great review
Sun Sep 17 2017 kbooneThis is my 3rd review of this game. I sang its praise the first time, then slammed it the second for the intrusive commercials and how they take over the screen.
So is the 3rd time a charm. A resounding yes❗. With the time and energy put into the gameplay, graphics and options, I felt this game deserved one more chance. Things seem to level out with things like how many times I'm dealt a 13 or 12, with the dealer always seeming to have a face card ending up with a 20. However with the daily incentives and finding the personality of the game (almost like the feeling you get from a dealer) things seem to level out.
I have dumped all other blackjack games and now have this loaded on my two iPads and my iPhone. Game play is the same, beautiful and smooth. My few small gripes and why I didn't give a fifth star.
1) I wish the game would sync in Game Center, so when I switch devices, I can pickup where I left off. After reaching a very high lever on the iPad I only use at home. My travel iPad mini 4, game level starts from scratch. I would gladly pay for this feature.
2) I would like the option to turn off the announcer saying "BlackJack". The cash register ring is okay. So 4 stars for now. I can't put this game down.
They try to shake you down
Tue Apr 04 2023 Spasz93It’s a cool looking app and concept with the different casinos. As a card counter tho I can tell you 100% this app has a weird algorithm once it gets to six decks. Dealer makes 19+ very often. It happens in real casinos, but when the running count is over 11+ the dealer is still getting the high cards. That doesn’t happen in casinos as much as it does in this app. They always try to get you to buy chips too. In other words- I think this app try’s to shake you down. It is fun and challenging, but it can be misleading to newbies. It’ll stay on my phone tho to play on airplanes!
UPDATE: The running count on this app seems to get more in the negative as you get more chips. Now that I’m over 200k chips I can’t get a positive running count. The app doesn’t have a reshuffle option- very sus as the kids say. I would say stick to other blackjack apps- this one is designed to take your chips and hopefully your real money.
Great FREE game
Sat Jan 08 2022 ffjgjnfjfjdjcbn222321I’ve seen a lot of reviews complaining but I’m convinced their just sore losers if u count the cards the decks are legit and the w/l rate seems accurate to any other blackjack I’ve played. fun way to practice with daily rewards so you never have to spend real money and upgraded casinos so there’s a feeling of progression through the game. Just understand this is like a simulation it’s not real gambling I saw reviews of people saying they got ripped off u don’t have to spend money to play u start with 2k and there’s daily rewards so you’ll never have to spend real money to play and if u thought u could cash out this much free money ur just a fool that prolly should be playing slots if gambling at all.
Algorithm doesn’t seem right
Fri Dec 15 2017 DjCyndicateI didn’t want to sound like a sore loser, but read a few reviews and saw others are saying the same thing:
I’ve noticed that you can bet small amounts and win all the time, but the second you start betting large bets you lose 15 times in a row to where you lose all your chips and have to “buy” to keep playing. I’ve tested it out and whenever you start betting large bets, the dealer always gets blackjack or to 21, 20 or anything higher than you numerous times in a row. Never seen that on a real table. Also, you seem to always lose when you have 20. I split a split and lost to 21 3 times in a row. That just can’t happen. Sorry, not a sore loser but that’s just not possible. Also, there’s just no way a dealer can get blackjack as often as the dealer does. I’d say 70% or more of the time the dealer gets it.
It’s a fun game when you bet small, just don’t think you’ll ever get to win big cause they need you to buy chips to keep their game going.
Totally rigged.
Wed Mar 01 2023 bears999In first 8000 hands, I lost at .77%. When getting to 43,000,000 and betting max I lost at a rate greater than 7%. I studied blackjack while in college and play exactly what’s necessary to stay within the 1.5% threshold as statistically true. Once you bet at a greater amount and refrain from buying chips, you lose quickly. I’m now greater than a 4% loss after only 2000 more hands. I went from a -37 to -411 in 2000 hands. That’s -374 in 2000 hands when betting max. That’s nearly a 7.5% clip which statistically should be between .5% and 1.5%. Just showing how rigged the algorithm is. I bet max and lost 43,000,000 in just 2000 hands. Most was lost immediately. I saw 1-12 loss streak and 2-11 loss streaks. Also, it seemed as though the dealer got blackjack about 3 to 1, but I don’t have stats to prove that. Please don’t buy chips. This game is deceptive and misleading, at best. Spend time with your family, instead of this rigged game.
Regular guy...
Fri Sep 24 2021 trublu44Downloaded for fun and pass the time. Monitored dealt cards... mine vs dealer through 150 plus hands, and all our hits vs standing etc. (winning bout 40% of the hands) I understand that original odds say dealer wins a majority of the times when one on one, but with 4 decks, I should have seen more favorable hands which I didn’t... meaning, 80% of my hands started with 12, 13, 14, or 15 dealt to me... no mans land... standing resulted in losing 75% of those no matter what the dealer did. And with 4 decks I counted ONCE OUT OF 150 plus hands when I was able to take hits of 5 cards, and approx. 30 hands I took a 4 card hit resulting in busting on 25 of those... BTW, I was playing very conservative... I have written these random programs before including roulette etc, and this is written way too much in the favor of the dealer for it to be fun for me. Thanks for the opportunity though, I will try other apps.