IT IS FREE!!!In-App PurchaseVersion 1.12022-09-04
Bugfixes of achievements and scores.
Roll & Write through the seasons!
Roll the dice and watch the forest change over the course of a year. From the bud to the last leaf - it starts all over again. For spring, summer, autumn and winter, there is a suitable playing field in this game, each with different rules.
The game is very simple. 2 dice are thrown. The numbers on the dice determine the size of the fields to be marked. Now select a forest symbol to be included in the scoring and the next move is made. Thanks to the cleverly designed game plans and the matching scoring rules, this simple principle always results in new exciting decisions. Most of the time, you have the choice between safe points and a riskier variant, which allows you to score significantly more points, but only if there are still suitable rolls afterwards. Here you have to decide wisely!
Due to the 4 game plans, 4 different challenges await you in one app. Because even though the very simple basic principle is the same in all 4 game plans, the different ways of awarding points always ensure an individual gaming experience.
- Tactical roll & write game
- 4 seasons for varied game fun
- 3 different modes in the app with varying degrees of randomness
- Compete with players from all over the world in weekly highscore lists
- Collect Achievements
Das muss gar nicht sein, denn einige der Gesellschaftsspiele taugen sogar f�r die Videokonferenzen. Wir zeigen euch, welche!
Coolibri Sun May 16 2021
Spieleabende mit Freunden sind w�hrend der Corona-Krise tabu. Doch Paare m�ssen nicht verzweifeln: Auch f�r zwei Spieler gibt es jede Menge... Wed Dec 16 2020