This is awesome
Tue Nov 22 2022 e chezFirst when I got it I like never played it but then one day I clicked on it again I saw that there were tutorials then I was like this game is.. AWESOME sure the ads can get annoying sometimes but overall this game is amazing and don’t they put ads cause the game creators want to make money or something so really the reason they put it there is because money and who doesn’t want to money? So that’s really just the reason there is ads in every single mobile game though some games just aren’t fun because of how much ads ok enough of this ad stuff the game is amazing and I would like some more instruments and the bongo cat meme is sadly dead so I don’t think they are going to do an update like I’ve every seen a mobile game (only the really good ones like Pokémon go or something) but this game is really good just they are probably not :(
Ok this is AWESOME
Fri Nov 15 2019 Brooks346So when I first got it, I was like meh but when I started it, I was LIKE WOW! So I continued and now I’m awesome at playing happy birthday to you! I sang it for my dad on my birthday! It’s today! And I’m super exited to learn other songs by playing bongo cat musical instruments! It is awesome and I recommend it! You can learn different songs everyday, and play on lots of new instruments and the funny thing is when you play the trumpet bongo cat shakes! Hahahaha it’s awesome and I hope you can get it too! Please get it and check everyone’s ratings and maybe a lot of people like it! I do too and I recommend it! Like i said IT IS AWESOME so please get it for me! Please today is actually my birthday! Hope you enjoy bongo cat like I do! Have a nice day!
Best game but need updates
Thu Apr 06 2023 bluey and loueyThis game makes me very satisfied by we need updates man if we do not get updates the songs they just get annoying and we need like different likeInstruments and we need like golden hour by jake we need Billie Eillish by armani white he’s a good one we need ocean blue eyes by Billie Eilish I think but the main one is I might kill my ex and that is the best one so maybe we need a little bit updates and maybe we can actually record and when you do make the updates I really really really want to know first to get the updates because I’ve been playing this for a very very long time love the game tho lol
I have an Idea!
Thu May 14 2020 Computer gaming with TristanI love this app I have thought of a new feature! Actually, two! One: A feature where u can tap on the songs on the sample tunes and it would ask u if u wanna it play that song on the current instrument or if u wanna do it yourself! Two: A feature where you can connect to the internet and listen to custom song people have made and posted on there! And of course, u can post your songs yourself! It’ll be nice listening to other song and getting inspired for a new song! I hope these two features make it to a future update! I love this app so much! It’s worth the 2 bucks! Keep up the good work!
Wed Jun 28 2023 Kelsey cake slice butter 🍰So basically, I started playing the app. I thought it was a bit boring so I took a break of it but one day I went back on it and then I saw that it had other instruments and then I saw that you could teach you songs so then I did happy birthday at first it was just not that good but then the second time it was so good and then I wrote it on paper and then I kept doing it and I wrote all the songs that I knew to try it and then I was an expert at doing happy birthday, and that’s when I found love with this app and I didn’t Havana and It sounds so beautiful THAT’S WHY YOU NEED THIS APP!!!!!!!😍😍
Ok but..
Fri Nov 19 2021 StellaomggyIt’s a great app and it has great and sorta bad music. I get that the really off key music is because… well, it’s a cat playing… The problem is, THERE IS WAY TOO MANY ADSSSS! There is an ad every time I look for more music options and practice songs. I’m sure I would have a much better experience if it were to have less ads. The last complaint is more of a suggestion. Maybe we can be able to click on one of the example songs and it would pop on the music example so you can quickly look back and forth to play the numbers for the song.
Thanks for your time and I hope to see one of my requests
Amazing! ❤️🐱
Fri Jun 09 2023 StrngetTngz_11This game is adorable and amazing and fun as well! I do recommend this game for music lovers, like myself! I get to learn some songs! But my suggestion is that there should be more songs to choose from. There is only a small amount of songs right now. Also, I would like there to be a bit more options for instruments. But over all that this game is fantastic! I really enjoy my experience playing this game! Hope you get around to my review and take my suggestions! Thanks! ✌🏽❤️
The majority is great but there is a few things
Fri Jul 02 2021 fixmyproblems_orsohelpmeI love bongo cat, But there is a few things that need adjusting.
It needs to have an option to make a band, or you could turn the option into battling another person that’s online and a song battle, or you could do both of those ideas. Also there needs to be a option to record in the app because what if you want to share your new song that you just wrote with the world, did you ever think about that, you don’t have that option yet so I’m thinking you didn’t. Take my advice or so help me I will delete this app. FYI, even though I’m a 10-year-old I make a pretty good point.
Bongo cat is amazing
Thu Feb 11 2021 sister and sisterMy sister got bongo cat and I got really annoyed but then I tried it and I was like wow now I know why she loves it so much so I started playing it a lot I just finished learning how to play happy birthday and my birthday is not that far away so when I celebrate my birthday I’m gonna play this bongo cat game it is so funny when you can learn different songs every day on bongo cat and so if you are in so I’d very much recommend this for your child if they want to grow up and be a musician just like me bongo cat helped me!
Untitled cat rating and a cat story
Thu Jun 29 2023 i love kawaii kunicornSo you know a problem? I'll tell ya. THERE ARE ADS! And after those ads, it goes silent! And I keep trying to play happy birthday, but whenever I press that button, it’s always ads first! So I’m trying to get you to fix as well. Okay, now for the cat story. There was a kitten and she tried to chase the bad raccoons out, but the raccoons were just too powerful! So the kitten grew up to be a cat, and she made an army of cats, and dogs, and pigeons (for some reason). And the cat destroyed the raccoons, and she lived happily ever after.