Sat Jun 19 2021 cmsxxIgnore the star rating. This game is decent, don’t get me wrong. I would give it a 3 star rating. The amount of ads in this game compared to the quality of it is poor. There’s two ads in between every level, and when you’re finishing levels quickly, you’re watching more ads than you’re playing games. And I understand this is how people are being paid to create this, is through ads. But, the game just isn’t good enough to understandably have THIS many ads. It’s decent, but the graphics and things just aren’t top notch. There has to be other means of income for these creators whether that’s a membership or better deals to purchase power-ups. Or, better the app. Make it worth while, or worth purchasing an ad free version. Right now, the app isn’t good enough for me to want to purchase anything, when I can simply download a better version of this popular game, and play with less ads and better quality.
Ads that can’t be closed = delete
Fri May 12 2023 Delaware JakeThis game is unplayable because of the 75% of the time you spend trying to close ads. This is a true shame, because the game is fun. I am OK with an ad displaying between levels. I get it; nothing is free. But with this game you have to opt out of up to 5 screens to return to play. First you get the usual page, or two 😡, that gives a delay before displaying the X in a random corner; then you get a screen with the countdown X that makes you wait 5 seconds; then you get a screen that will not display the X until you launch the App store, which must be closed; then—if the gaming Gods are smiling—you get a final ad screen that you can close and play the level. Then, adding insult to injury, the first game-level screen is often a screen prompting you to cash in bonuses or purchase them, which has to be closed to actually get to the game. Give me a break! Again, I am OK with an ad. In fact, many of the games I’ve downloaded have been thru an interesting ad. But after I decline that first solicitation, what makes them think my mind will change if they show me 4 more ads for the same freakin’ game? The worst offenders are for Royal Match and Gardenscapes. Is there anyone who wants these ubiquitous games that hasn’t already downloaded them? Deleted. 😢
Fun game, but….
Fri Jan 03 2025 TehRuralJurorTwo big issues. First is the ads. I’m glad they’re short, usually manageable to deal with, especially when looking at previous reviews where it sounds like they used to be much worse. But, it’s still incredibly annoying how much they pop up, even after having just watched one. I’ll watch one in between levels, but if I switch apps real quick, or let my phone lock (even accidentally), it throws another ad up, even while in the middle of playing a level. Also, the price of disabling ads is, frankly, far too high
Second big issue, is the targeting line. It is incredibly frustrating at times because it is not entirely accurate to where I’m aiming. I could be aiming at a certain block, that might be cutting it close to another block, but the targeting line shows a clear path to the one I’m aiming at. But when I fire, it hits the other block, completely ruining the shot that I was shown to be able to make because it seems that the path the targeting line is showing, and the path the balls actually take are two different paths. It’s an incredibly frustrating mechanic (or bug?) in an otherwise actually pretty fun game
Never do weekend mission!
Sun Oct 24 2021 SwutThis game is very addictive, and I have enjoyed it. The only reason I’m not giving it a five star is because of the weekend missions. We can missions are currently trendy with video games, but this one misses the point.
The weekend missions consist of three levels that you have to get through to get bonuses. Unfortunately some sadistic programmer set it up where if you fail on the second or third mission, you have to go back and redo the first or the first and second. This makes the missions almost impossible because you have to get the second and third right on your first try after passing the first.
In addition, the weekend levels are not easy, so it becomes nearly impossible. This makes what would otherwise be a fun challenge so frustrating that itge game itself is not enjoyable. There is a secret “bug”/“cheat”That lets insiders definitions without always going back to the first level. I have no idea why they would ever program the cheat in, unless you knew the weekend missions are so unplayable hard that the programmers cannot test them.
Ads, purchases and placements
Sat Sep 12 2020 I'm the bunnyIt’s a fun game, time killer. Can take it or leave it. I just want a game I can play in downtime. Not a lot of fuss or managing this and that. But people are right. The ads come up a lot...if you get a phone call or low battery or want to check something on your phone in the middle of a game. You have to start all over. Then when you want to hit PLAY you end up hitting the stupid BUY button that pops up over the play button and you wait until it goes thru to the store and to cancel. Annoying. And it’s so easy to hit buy when you don’t want to. Credit cards are attached to the store. It’d be so easy for a kid or anyone to accidentally buy something. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hit BUY.
I would never buy any thing on this game to help me beat levels. It’s not that kind of game. Put the SHOP away and let ppl buy if they want and steer clear if they don’t. The app would be worth it if you did that and kept the ads to a minimum. Otherwise, there’s other games like fun run candy crush and cookies whatever that don’t have the annoying pops ups all the time.
Pretty good!
Thu Dec 15 2022 Fire8/Flame8I recommend this game a lot. I tried to find games like this and it took me a while. This game is pretty good. Graphics are good and there aren’t very many ads. I don’t have many problems except that the ads are all for royal match 😀. There are 1000s of levels. I rlly hope you guys make some new game modes soon like the game modes area says you will. One other annoying feature is that in the classic mode when you get to a level and die then you have to restart all the way from the bed inning and it can take a really long time. Overall though I think this is a great game and there should be more ads for it in other games. Thank you for making This game and have fun!
This is a couple days later and there r actually a lot of ads. After every single game there is an ad! Still good but developer u need to fix all the ads.
Change in ad frequency
Tue Feb 06 2024 buchanan8I just want to say, I’m not a fan of the new ad structure. In the previous versions, when you watched an ad, you would get a reward like a power up. So one could watch ads to complete difficult levels, which I would do quite often. But recently you’ve increased the ad frequency so that one must watch an ad just to retry a level. That frequency of ads has ruined the game for me and I will likely delete the game and find something else to do with my time. I understand you’re trying to earn a profit. But there has to be balance. Spending half of your time watching ads is too much for me. I wish you would return the game to the previous ad frequency. Otherwise you’ll lose me and likely many other potential customers. I’ve been playing this game for a couple years now, on level 3400 currently. So it’s a shame to have to quit playing now. But if this is how the game is going to be moving forward, I guess that’s the end of that.
OK at first
Wed May 12 2021 stue troryThis game is pretty fun to play until you get to higher levels, then the “projected trajectory” of the ball is nothing like what it actually does. Sometimes it does the reverse as if the ball was launched from its point of return. This could be either a glitch, or a design flaw, regardless it makes the game instantly infuriating.
Also, the bonuses frequently don’t work, you can tap on them as much as you want, they simply won’t load. The red crystals display as “full”, but there’s no option to do anything with them, so what is the point?
The ads are pretty annoying too, sometimes if balls are in a long pattern of ricochet, an ad will start and either end that round early or just lock up the game entirely.
This is a shame, as this game is cool to play until it starts doing random stuff that seems to occur for no reason other than to frustrate the player.
Deleted it from my device after too many incidents of the trajectory not being accurate or even logical.
Thu Jul 15 2021 jlmcgraelThe reward structure on this game is clearly tuned to force you into making purchases, and not just one or two purchases, I’m talking consistent purchases if you want to actually enjoy the game. The amount of rubies you receive as organic rewards in the game is laughably small, and doesn’t get you anywhere near enough to actually use power ups. So of course you have to buy them if you want to use power ups. And then there are many levels that are darn near impossible to beat without power ups and end up taking me days and days and lots of luck to finally beat. Also basically every time you fail a level it prompts you to spend $2.99 and says it’s a great deal to save yourself. I respect that game developers need to get paid, but this game is very sleazy in how much it advertises to you and makes you pay and keep paying if you want to actually have any fun…. I wish I could just buy a good brick breaker game up front and get a reward structure that’s tuned to entertain the customer instead of extort them.
Nearly Impossible at high levels
Wed Oct 12 2022 robingalaxyI really wanted to like this game. It's a cute little game to play while I'm watching something. However, when you get to high levels, the game becomes completely impossible. The projected path of the ball is so inaccurate, and genuinely feels like it is purposefully moving so that I cannot win the levels.
Gems are also almost never given and you cannot get a number that'll buy you anything without either putting the game down for days and then crawling back or shilling out money. This game is also desperately trying to get you to accidentally click "BUY", which is extremely dangerous for anyone with children who want to play this game, as they could pretty easily accidentally buy something if you're not careful.
I loved this game before I reached high levels (100+), but it's just become an absolute drag. Do NOT waste your time getting this game, let alone spending money on it. Do yourself a favor and look for something else.