i love this game!!!
Thu May 16 2024 haylee 🖤usually these types of phone games never hold my attention and they’re never even fun enough to justify the amount of ads you have to watch just to play, but this one is great!! all of the negative reviews saying there are too many ads…. let’s be so for real…. yes, ads can be annoying, but this game is actually fun!! so i’m okay with some ads here and there.
this is a very good quality game, very fun, the fortune wheel doesn’t cheat you every spin- you actually get some good tools from
it- AND they even GIVE you gold coins after ad breaks that are unskippable….. i think that’s pretty fair!! y’all are HATERS. love u cake sort 🫶🏻
Sun Nov 26 2023 krlpmvjdlaekaSo I loved this game at the beginning, enough so that I paid for no ads, but the more I play the worse it gets. It seems like once you pay for no ads, they make you watch ads to get stuff that you didn’t have to before. For example, now that I’ve been playing for a while, the bonus rounds, which you unlock by getting points in the main level and used to be free to play, require me to watch an ad to play a level that I earned by playing… The developers reward you for your purchase to stop forced ads by forcing you to watch ads to unlock previously free content. Another thing that’s changed the more I play is the way the cakes move around the board. Oftentimes, when I place a cake, they don’t actually merge all the slices, leaving multiple plates instead of combining them. It’s almost as if they are forcing you to buy the booster tools, which cost a lot more than your coins accumulate. The whole thing is just designed to make you watch more ads (which to be clear I have NO problem doing in general, just not when it’s to play levels that were free to play before I purchased the no ads thing) and spend more money, which is so disappointing because I used to really enjoy the game.
Fun game but the amount of ads is ridiculous
Thu Jan 18 2024 enragedreviewsThis game has a good balance between fun and challenging, and is a creative take on the usual merge games. It’s also nice that you can play offline. However, like other reviews have mentioned, the amount of ads you receive while playing is ridiculous. I understand the needs to make profits, and I’d happily watch a few ads a day to support the developers, but it gets real annoying when an “ad break” is shoved in your face every 60 seconds. Besides that, to get the free the power-ups, you almost always have to, wait for it, watch another ad video - and even then, sometimes you won’t even receive the items. After 2 days of playing, I think I’m ready to move on from this game, not because it’s boring, but because I just have better things to do with my time than sitting around watching ads.
Addicting game, but WAY TOO MANY ADS!!!
Mon Feb 05 2024 JennJenn107This game is really fun to play, but to mimic many of the other reviews, the amount of ads is unbearable. You can’t play the game without watching ads ever other minute. Whether it be a forced ad, or just to continue with the game, it’s way too much. The ads are also super long. Other games I play have on average 30-second ads. This game has ads that range from 30 seconds to well over a minute. The levels don’t start over, so in order to continue playing, you have to watch multiple ads to get boosters. The boosters also go up in price each round. So you may have to watch like 8 ads just to purchase one booster, which doesn’t necessarily get you any further in the game. I really like the concept of the game, but I’m wasting half my life watching ads. So unfortunately, I may be deleting it.
Don't do it
Mon Jul 22 2024 FattsMcGreggorThis app genuinely doesn't want you to play it. It wants you to feed money into it, first under the premise that paying to go "ad-free" means you won't have to deal with any ads. This is not true.
Altogether for an "ad-free" experience, you will pay $10. $8 to remove persistent banner ads, another $2 to remove ad-breaks between gameplay. However, there's still ads in the game for literally anything you want to do in the app.
Want to do a daily challenge? Well, don't count on actually playing the game because the challenge is actually to see how many hellish ads you will sit through - sometimes, literally an hours worth of ads - to make 3 moves using tools. Which, in 99% of instances, are required in order to make any actual progress and succeed in the challenge.
To say nothing of the REAL game which is rigged so that, you guessed it, you are eventually boned into either paying for tools you need to complete a THING or watching another hours worth of ads to spin a wheel that will maybe give you 40 coins.
The game could be fun. Could be! But the people behind it, be it the dev's themselves or the corporation that owns this, are greedy pricks and just want your money. Pay to play! And even after you do, pay some more!
Anyway, I hate them, the end
Sat May 11 2024 TygerluverAbsolutely atrocious. An ad plays every thirty seconds and I’m not being hyperbolic. And they’re long ads too, each one playing for about a minute before you think it’s over, but then another timer pops up and then when you FINALLY think it’s over a THIRD timer pops up. Those most obnoxious of ads where you’re just left staring at the still “download now” image for thirty friggin’ seconds.
Normally I’m willing to pay for ads to be removed from a good game, but unfortunately I don’t know if this game is any fun. I only played for about ten minutes before I was too miserable to continue. And by “played for ten minutes” I mean “played for three minutes and watched seven minutes’-worth of ads”.
I’d say the developers should be ashamed but let’s be honest. This is a low-effort cash grab with no talent or creativity behind it. It’s not a game, it’s just commercials.
Mon Jun 24 2024 ChiguynextdoorThere’s no way the 4.7 score is legit
This could be a decent game if they actually gave you pieces you can use and CUT DOWN ON THE ADS!!!! I get that companies have to make money, but there are a lot of free games out there of a much higher quality with not even half the ads.
There’s an ad to collect any bonus, and ad to continue the game, an ad to restart the game, and the stupid freaking AD BREAK anytime you make a good move (clearing a cake - especially two at once). And given there are no levels and they rarely give you the pieces you need, you need to use the power ups a decent amount. Guess what, you have to watch an ad to earn them. Even if you don’t feel like watching an ad and try to restart the game, you have to watch an ad.
Can’t collect daily reward
Mon Jun 03 2024 CatscatscatscatssssssWhat the title says, is my biggest issue. I’ve been waiting to be able to collect day 5 for several days now. I really enjoy the gameplay and the variety of cakes. Was totally worth the $3 to get rid of most of the ads. You still have to watch ads for some extra things, but it’s not focus-breaking like trying to play without the “no-ads” option. I hope that option is kept at 2.99, it’s very reasonable and most other games charge way too much, in which case I usually just delete. I understand developers need to make money but at the same time, it’s refreshing to not feel gouged.
Sad there are so many ads
Wed Jul 03 2024 jordania shiriThe game is really fun, but the amount of ads is distracting. It also seems like the daily reward spin doesn’t update regularly. Many times I’ve open the app greater than 24 hours apart, but it still has an “play ad for reward” button instead of just the spin button. It also seems like they’ve made the bonus round ad-based in order to complete. When I first downloaded the ad about a month ago, I could complete the bonus round without much difficulty. But they’ve made it harder so you can’t finish without watching an ad or spending coins for to use a tool to keep going. All of these ad based games are making mobile gaming much less fun.
Fri Jun 07 2024 GrayyyybyvifufyfAVOID THIS GAME! it was a mistake buying no ads. They absolutely destroy the game for you since they can't make money off of you anymore. It's even started not fully sorting cake that's clearly next to each other. I brushed it off a few times but it's endless and to a point even if I watch an ad to try and save a game, they'll just not let them fully connect and I'll be "too full" to keep playing 🙄 I'm constantly losing my progress because of glitches like this and it's making it almost impossible to want to keep playing.
Just had to come back to this review, it did it AGAIN. Two games in a row lost to this stupid "glitch" Definitely just uninstalled, plenty of games that do the exact same thing and don't try to f you for buying their items