Game is great- but a LOT of adds
Fri Mar 29 2024 bkn 3276Overall this game is very fun, and soothes my ocd brain but it is quite annoying when an ad pops up (an occasional one is ok) and when you try to x out it gets stuck and makes you restart the game. I’ve also found that some of the “prizes” aren’t really what they seem, on a competition I entered the prize if you won 12 rounds in a row was 20,000 coins but what was not advertised is you split that with all other winners instead of 20,000 coins I got 400. Overall if you’re looking for a game to make you think and keep your mind busy, this game is great but beware of the super annoying ads.
fun but annoying
Fri Jul 07 2023 Queen SommerOk so you might be wondering what i mean by “fun but annoying”. Playing the game most of the time it’s fun to play but then there will be times when i’m playing and i just need to get one more person in their seat and when i click on their seat it doesn’t work. this has happened to me over 10 times and i don’t know if it’s a bug in the game or what but it’s really annoying to be playing and then you can’t get that one person in their seat. I find this to be especially annoying when i’m in a boss round and everyone is in their seat but i can’t get one or two of them in their seat when their right in front of them. all and all the game is fun but it gets frustrating and VERY annoying when this happens mid game. If you didn’t get what i was saying look at it like this: okay, imagine your playing a game that you really like and your in a battle and your winning but then all of a sudden your wi-fi disconnects or your device dies; now imagine all that anger that you would feel if that happened and that’s how it feels when i play and the game isn’t working right. all i have left to say is just please fix this problem…please and thx.
For a while it was fun
Mon Jan 29 2024 PirateParrot7I downloaded this game a couple weeks ago and was really enjoying it, but the game suddenly changed. In the beginning you could continue to play by watching a commercial and it was much easier to earn the little boosters. Now you can’t even get a booster by watching a commercial. They have added this annoying “winning streak” contest. I don’t care how I stand up to other faceless players that in all likelihood are just AI degenerates. I am not going to purchase your little packages, and if I have to play the same level over and over, I will be bored and delete the game. If the designers can’t be happy with the revenue from the commercials I watch in order to progress, then they totally lose my business. I have deleted the app and will move on to other games that don’t force me to repeat, repeat, repeat the same level or put me against players I don’t know and don’t care about. Too bad because the little seat guys were cute and the game started out being such fun. Sometimes you can leave things alone and enjoy what you make from them. If you get to be too big of a money grabber, you ruin it for everyone.
Fun Until Glitches-Don’t play until they fix
Sun Mar 31 2024 Nicknametakenx43000The game is simple with plenty of ways to keep yourself entertained. Races to win a set amount of games, being someone to keep your winning streak, side competitions you pay your winning coins to unlock. It’s simple and fun BUT the freaking glitches where an ad will play in the middle of your game round and then glitch to a black screen and stays there-where you cannot finish the round are absolutely killer to my love of the game. It kills your game streak because if you close the app and reopen it to resume playing, it counts as a lost round. If you just let it sit there for hours waiting on the black screen to go away, the game restarts itself and you lose your win streak. All your hard work is lost and it’s not your fault. It’s becoming more frequent now as well, so I’d say it’s time to leave it alone. Don’t bother downloading or you’ll be just as disappointed.
My opinion
Wed Jun 14 2023 Pickle_lovrIt’s a fun game and I didn’t realize this till now (I’m on level 25) that you have a certain amount of moves which is completely stupid, because people just want to play the game we don’t want a challenge in a fun game every once in a while some people want one but you should make it a part of your “challenge mode.” And the “bronze league is just stupid, people don’t care how “good” they are and I hate when apps have something like this, I almost always delete the game but then months go by and I see an ad for it and I like the game but when I see the league thing I just delete it again. Also to all the people saying the ads aren’t that often/you rarely get them yes sometimes you don’t get and ad for about 2 levels but after that you get 2 ads back to back.
it’s a fun game overall! :•)
Sat Aug 12 2023 stillman_i downloaded this game and my boyfriend saw me playing it and downloaded it too, and now we play it together. it’s very fun, it’s set up nicely, we love the strategy involved (with the moves, occasional timed games, etc.) and also love the little character guys, but we do have a few complaints:
• my boyfriend bought to remove ads and it didn’t remove all of his ads, which is super annoying after spending $4.99.
• the online feature in terms of the leagues and rail races is clearly fake, and does not contain real people. my boyfriend and i compared leaderboards for the bronze league and it didn’t even remotely match up. we wish the developers would create an actual online space, and it would also be cool to play with friends in some sort of multiplayer session (like a rail race with just friends, etc.)
• we’d love more customization! like if you could customize the little train passengers (give them hats, change their colours, etc.) and change the colour theme of the train by spending coins.
solid 4/5 game, but could be much more fun! i’d recommend this game to anyone who likes fun, engaging games !! :•)
Great game!
Wed May 29 2024 AshlillestFirst, I am not getting any coins or benefits for this review, these are my own thoughts. This game is one of the best I have tried (the first one I have taken the time to review). I am almost on level 500 and have not had to spend money on any power ups. The levels vary in difficulty, and are challenging but not impossible. I like that I have to think through scenarios and it’s not a mindless game. There are not a ton of ads, which is very nice. Also, there are many events and challenges, which adds another element to the game. Overall, I really enjoy this game and definitely recommend downloading!
Could be Better
Wed Mar 08 2023 Robyn 🐢I found the game quite fun to start, but have noticed several things. One, there are levels that haver fewer moves than red players. When you can’t move each guy even once, how are you to finish the level without ads or using a switch/propeller? Two, I think some of the levels are repetitive. I find myself playing the level and believing I have played it several times already. Three, Ads. I paid for the no ads option, but still feel like I spend more time watching ads than playing the game. Four, what I am collecting coins for after I have bought all the challenge levels? Is there something to spend them on that I am missing?
Boss Level Issues
Sun Mar 12 2023 JoshCaleb12After playing well over 660 levels, I am starting to feel like the puzzles are repetitive. Nothing new.
I enjoy the short mental breaks this game provides with the light logical challenges. My issue is when I get to a “Boss Level” which I really enjoy doing, it requires watching an ad to enter the level. I don’t mind watching an ad, but the problem is, when I click on “watch ad” nothing happens a lot of times. I go away, and come back. Sometimes that will “fix” the issue, but not always. It’s almost as if you WANT us to skip the ads… which doesn’t make sense, since that’s how you get paid.
iPad version is great…iPhone one not so much
Thu Mar 09 2023 HenelNibueI want to make it clear I am writing a review on the iPhone version…overall, the game is great. I love it! However, I can’t always take my iPad with me, so after playing it for a week or so on the iPad and paying to remove the ads, I downloaded the app to my iPhone.
I tried the restore purchases option, and the app did some weird things. Then I tried the remove ads button, and all it does is get the game stuck.
I don’t like having to watch an ad to play a boss level, but the game is worth it. However, having to put up with an add after every other level when I have paid to remove them is just too much! I have upgraded to the latest version of the game and my iOS is up to date as well.
Please!…fix this