Good game but needs some help
Thu Jan 11 2024 ButterflySoloI enjoy logic puzzles and this one is fun BUT there are a few things that need to be addressed. The answer highlighting is one of them. In one, “camera operator” was an answer but only camera was highlighted, resulting in a loss of life. In another puzzle, “dress shirt” was highlighted as one when they were separate items, leading to a loss of life. Another area that needs improvement is when the keyboard is up, the tip button and whatever button is opposite on the bottom blocks part of the bottom cells so it’s difficult to see if you’ve typed correctly, as sometimes the keyboard doesn’t pick up on some taps, leaving out letters. That leads to a loss of life. I play on an iPad Air 10” screen so it would be nice to either play in landscape mode or to zoom in and out to see all of the puzzle at once.
Fix the formatting (and the ads)
Tue Sep 26 2023 #ALUMINATYCONFIRMED🚀I like this game because it is challenging and I love logic puzzles. However, there are several things about this game that I do NOT like and/or believe needs to be fixed (ergo, I only gave it 3 stars). The first thing is the amount of ads. I get that you need to have ads for your sponsors, but that MANY ads that FREQUENTLY (i.e., as soon as I open a puzzle, every other time I guess either right or wrong, etc.) is a bit much. The second, and essentially the BIGGEST, issue is how the actual game is formatted. What I mean by that is that there are some puzzles that fit just fine on my phone screen, but for much larger puzzles, I often times have to scroll back and forth, which wouldn't be so bad if I could turn my phone landscape and play the game that way. Also, I tried playing this game on my iPad (since the app CLAIMED that it is iPad compatible), but it was only formatted to an iPhone screen (also, I still couldn't turn my iPad landscape for easier gameplay). If it weren't for those two issues, along with the fact that there's no way to get more hints except to PAY for them, I would give this game 5 stars. If these problems are fixed, then I will go back into the App Store and change my review.
Good game. Could use some quality control.
Wed Oct 11 2023 xLordxMtnDewFun game overall. Puzzles are challenging but not so much that they can’t be figured out with a little thinking. But the attention to detail is not very high. In the “animals” puzzle, the clue stated “Rabbit can be found in Column B” but the entire B column was full. So at that point it was a guessing game as to where it actually was at. The Ads are extremely frustrating. Having the banner ad right below the Enter key when typing has led to multiple ads being opened. As well as the full screen ads that pop up mid game. I could understand after a puzzle or two, but mid level breaks the concentration so easily. Then the keyboard itself is not very responsive. Often times multiples of letters get inserted, or no letter at all. Which if not paying attention, leads to incorrect answers and a loss of lives.
Also the layout is annoying at times. Having to scroll side to side incessantly to see answers doesn’t help. It’s harder to keep track of info that way. Being able to switch to a landscape mode would improve this aspect greatly.
Good game. Could be great. But needs some help rounding off the edges.
Fun and Challenging except….
Thu Mar 14 2024 SireesAnwarI love logic games and this one is rather fun. You have a grid and word puzzles to help you fill in the grid. You get 2 mistakes and on the third you have to watch an ad. Fine makes sense. But literally after watch the long ads I get an answer right and have to watch another ad. This is extremely frustrating. And sometimes when you’re playing and you’re getting everything right, you’re still watching an ad about every other answer. You can get hints for the puzzle by watching an ad which is also logical. You are doing something to gain a reward. But if I do that and then I get the answer right I’m forced to watch another act. There are so many ads in this game that it’s not even worth playing. If the excess ads were cut down and you just had to watch ads when you made mistakes or wanted extra clues, then the game would be worth it but at this point, I just wanted to delete it.
And then there is the formatting. I get having to scroll for bigger puzzles on a phone screen but why can’t I even turn my phone. It is frustrating though the ads are more so.
so many ads
Sun Mar 10 2024 IAmACatWolfFoxHybrid🐱🐺🦊I understand that ads are needed for sponsorships for mobile games and thats how you make money and that’s completely okay. However, the amount of ads in this game is unnecessary. Ads in the middle of a level are very frustrating and break concentration. It would be completely understandable to have ads after every level, but getting an ad after almost every other box being filled is a bit insane. I’ve genuinely considered deleting the game a few times because of the amount of ads, but have never done so because it is a good game overall and it gives me something to do when i’m bored. There was a time when I watched a full ad to revive, and then once I filled the first box after being revived I got another ad that I couldn’t skip because it was only about 15 seconds long, but it made me wait another 10 seconds to exit out of the ad after the ad was done playing.
there are way too many ads in this game and you would probably have more players if this wasn’t the case
Fun puzzles but annoying issues with interface
Sat Jan 20 2024 squawkyThe puzzles are straightforward and fun, although sometimes the clues can be a little vague (and require guessing, which is stressful given that you only get three mistakes per puzzle - and it’s easy to make a typo that costs a life.)
The interface ruins the experience for me, though. You are stuck in portrait mode and there is no zoom option, so you cannot see the whole board at once - tricky when a clue refers to a cell or column you cannot see. The worst, though, are the “store” and “hint” buttons that cover up two of the three word cells at the bottom of the screen. If you are working on the corner of the puzzle, these hide the word as you type and cover up the clues that might appear when you get the correct word.
There are a plethora of ads - two or three will interrupt you mid-puzzle, and there’s another when you finish. That’s the price of “free” games - but the reason I deleted the app is the interface, not the repeating ads.
Too Many Vague/Absent Clues
Fri Nov 03 2023 ajax_18I agree with several of the other reviewers here that the idea of this game is great, but the execution needs some work.
As you get further through the levels, there are several puzzles where there are not enough cells with clues for you to make deductions about the remaining answers — or if there are clues for say “cell A1”, they are not revealed until you have used a hint or randomly guessed an answer to another cell that you needed the answer to “cell A1” to have solved in the first place. (If that sentence didn’t make any sense to you, then you have some idea of how frustrating the game can be 😆) Other clues are entirely too vague to be of any use. One clue in a puzzle about cards/card games just says “Find Deck”. That’s it. That’s the whole clue.
I really hope the game developers take this feedback and that left by other reviewers to heart and smooth out these rough edges. The game would be really fun if they could figure out how to make the clues in this logic puzzle actually…logical.
Lots of clue errors
Sun Jan 21 2024 gosleyjReally like this game BUT I’m having the same problems as other users. Starting around level 60, there are at least one clue error per level. For example it will say a term is diagonal from the cell but it turns out to be to the right. I paid $6 to remove ads but end up having to watch after losing lives because of errors. To move on I have to wait for it to offer a free hint (free hints might be a benefit you get after paying to go ad-free since I don’t remember getting them before purchase). Also, the shop & hint icons being on the playing field for the iPhone version might be necessary due to screen real estate, but it should not be that way on the iPad version. Also, the whole grid should be able to be viewed on the bigger screen along with an option to view in landscape mode. It’s a shame that the developers don’t fix these flaws since it’s the only logic game of its type. Would give it 5 stars if even a couple things were addressed (fixing clue errors is a must).
Just one request!
Fri Mar 01 2024 SpinningOnionLove the game, it’s truly fun.
But you know how games like sudoku have a little section for you to write possible answers before you have to “lock in” your answer? I would strongly urge a feature like that.
If a hint says “column 2 words start with P”, then I’d like to have the ability to at least put the letter P in each of those boxes while I figure out other boxes. Or if a hint says something like “apple and carrot are in column 1”, then I’d like to write “apple or carrot” in each of those boxes so I can tell at a glance.
Currently, if you try to put in a text without pressing enter, it will delete the word/text you put in. While I’m glad it didn’t penalize me for thinking it was a wrong answer, I’m also sad to see the lack of this feature. I feel it would be an extremely helpful addition. A zoom-out feature would be nice as well. :)
Overall I still think it’s a great game. I just think it could have some additional features to improve the experience. (If I'm allowed to be greedy, I’d also love to see a “traditional” version, where instead of a life system, it doesn’t alert you when you answer each box, but only gives you one pass/fail at the end when you fill in all the boxes [similar to how sudoku has several modes: one where it alerts you each answer, and one where it won’t tell you until you finish the puzzle])
Fun game, nearly unplayable
Sun Sep 17 2023 MusicalLauraThe game itself is a very fun concept that I really enjoy playing, but the more I play, the more frustrating the details become. The ads are so frequent that you’ll often get one after only filling in one cell. They also tend to play for longer than ads on other apps. Ads should really only play after completion on puzzle games because they make you lose your focus when they interrupt in the middle.
The UI also needs serious work. It’s not adjusted for iPad so I have to scroll side to side/up & down for what should easily fit my screen. I also can’t dismiss the keyboard once I tap on a cell, so if I accidentally tap the screen, change my mind, or need to reassess, the keyboard takes up half the already small display until I figure out an answer.
The clues themselves could use some touch-ups, too. Some of them are worded in a way that’s very confusing. One clue said that “mayo, nachos, and bagel” are on two separate diagonals. Apparently that meant that mayo and nachos were on the same diagonal, and bagel was on a different one. On a game with limited mistakes, clear clues are really important. There’s also no description of the theme beyond the title, which can get confusing at times because some of the themes aren’t the most cohesive. A logic game lacking in logic is pretty bad.
I hope it gets updated with fixes. I really want to like this game.