Surprisingly good
Sat Jun 01 2024 Kai10373Got bored and saw and ad while playing one of those run games, it looked like a good way to pass time but is actually rly addicting now. It’s in a “Clash of Clans” style setup where you have matches and play cards which is rly sick. Im pretty sure you play against bots bc I’ve probably played 20-50 games at this point and haven’t lost a single one so playing against real people would be sick also being able to change where your tower is facing or direction the saw and stuff is going and it not being dependent on what side your on would be sick. All and all though, great game
I like the game, but it needs polishing!
Sat May 18 2024 autoble879Okay, to start off i just wanna say this game is really fun i’ve been playing it for about a week or two now. But, their are a few things I would love to see the game improve on. First of all fixing a few bugs relating to some of the cards like the “minion swarm” and the “gun”. Second the progression in the game feels very slow in the sense of upgrading your cards, coins seem to be an issue for me. I have basically all my cards ready to upgrade but gold is the only thing limiting me to do so. Also the packs are a bottle neck but i wouldn’t say it’s as major as the gold. Also progression through the ranks is way too easy once i started actually pushing up the ranks, i got to “ultra diamond”(the max rank) in 30 mins to an hour of playing. I think playing against real players would solve this issue and make the game feel less stale from playing against bots the whole time. Their is also a problem with the card balancing, some cards seem to be way more powerful than others and some seem to be borderline useless. So over all this game has a lot of potential and if it can fix these issue AND differentiate from all the other games of it’s category, it will definitely be a top tier game.
Encourages you not to play.
Sat Jul 13 2024 SherrienySo here’s the thing. This game itself? Decent, sure. But the principals it operates on encourages you not to play much at all. After every game you win, you get a ‘card pack’ that you use to upgrade your cards. Simple enough. The problem? Each card pack is held back by an arbitrary timer. Most seem to be 3 to 8 hours. You can watch an ad to knock 30 minutes off the clock. You can, at maximum, hold up to 4 card packs. This means that if you play four rounds and win each time, if you don’t want to waste a card pack, you have to wait for hours before you can play a single round again. And you can’t exactly open all the card packs at once, you can only unlock one at a time. So if you have 4 three hour card packs, you’re waiting 12 hours total between them, provided you check in three times to swap which pack you’re opening.
Sure. You can unlock the card packs early. And sure, you can play without the spoils. But watching six ads to play a single round or playing to your own detriment seems like a stupid thing for anyone playing a game to do. Especially since there are also skippable ads between rounds. Essentially, the entire game just isn’t really worth it if they want to gatekeep you playing that much.
Pretty fun actually
Thu May 23 2024 Bad gwamar 4 a nacknermIt does have a lot of flaws / shortcomings. The game is VERY easy as you go against computers instead of real people, and even though they do have infinite elixir and can play the same cards over and over if they choose, they often make plays that make 0 sense. The canon is by far the best card in the game, but oddly enough common cards are the hardest to level up (except for legendaries, none of which I have or can ever envision myself getting despite being well beyond the highest trophy range at this point) so that almost balances it. Certain cards are completely useless, specifically the double ray canon, minion hoard, the elixir pump doesn’t even make back as much as it costs before disappearing, and the minion king as well is really bad after the nerf so his minions aren’t invincible, and of the 3 spells in the game the buzz saw is by far the best and the other 2 aren’t great. Troop cards in general aren’t very good and the best deck I could come up with uses 0 troop cards.
Canon, cart, and buzzsaw should be in every deck, and the other 3 cards i use are wall, mortar, and gun.
Has potential
Sat Feb 10 2024 Otf_ShineThe game is more or less a standard deck building / tower defense combination game like clash royale and merge dice. However, the specific concept is still fun, with being able to see the colour wars like a Mikan video. The big issues I have are 1) this is a PvE game currently, which doesn’t work very well with the deck building idea imo, and 2) the balancing of the cards need work. For example, the mortar is pretty much useless since it only attacks 1 VERY small spot on the board and doesn’t do very good damage. Meanwhile, the spinning turret, which costs less mana, can give you a ridiculously good start and can be very good on defending against the battery towers that summon the tiny guys. The standard turret, which costs the same as the mortar, is seemingly one of the best turrets in the game, due to it swinging back and forth and having a ridiculously high fire rate
Tl;dr: the current state of the game is a bit janky balancing wise, but it could turn into a very solid game depending on adjustments to the towers. PvE gets boring very quickly in this style of game.
Has real potential
Fri Mar 15 2024 YoyoHeroNormally I never write reviews and I know mine is higher compared to… everyone else’s, but I feel like this game could really be polished and fleshed out to something people would want to play. For starters I never had the game bug or crash on me (unlike many others), and I took the time to just kinda see everything the game has (it took like 2 hours to hit max “rank”). The strategic aspect is definitely there, and if the developer/company wants to take the time to make this its own fleshed out game with game modes, real multiplayer, a progress system to unlock new cards, something that is a full game and not a minigame, then maybe this game could really shine through similar genres. I have a million ideas for a game like this and it has potential, but I fear it’s only going to get about as far as it is. Hopefully the developer can under stand this and turn things around.
Tue Jul 09 2024 Xeno3421I find this game a lot of fun and I play it often. The game is great except for the amount of time it takes to open cards. Hold and green cards take 3 hours and purple ones take 8 hours. I do not like the fact that I have to wait 8 hours just for an upgrade on cards that doesn’t help that much. I would propose that the developers make the wait time on cards shortened. I think that if you made the wait an hour or so it would be a lot better. Or perhaps the developers can adjust it so you can also get card packs just by winning a certain amount of matches. This game is really fun and I have no other issues but if the developers could please fix this problem then I’m sure that a lot of the players will want to play more. Thank you.
Good but mine broke
Tue May 21 2024 bornsinner9I actually really like this game, and have been playing it a lot recently but within the past few days I havent been able to. When I try to open the game I get stuck in the loading screen. I hope someome can fix this, because I actually enjoyed the game. When it comes to the game, you can tell is still been working on. For example, the king who you can use, spawns his own little minions, but for a while, they were literally indestructible. They fixed that in an update. In the same update the broke the green packs, it used to be immediately opened, but now it takes three hourse, which makes no sense because why does it tske as long as gold packs, but give you a lot less? Hope yall can fix these issues, along with my personal broken app.
Pretty Fun but timers are buggy
Sun Jun 16 2024 DwydenIt has forced ads after a match but that seems acceptable to me. Only issue i have is the timing for opening chests and renewed daily items is so messed up. Its a 3 hour chest, you open the game 5 hours later, and the time to open is now set to the amount of time between clicking to open the chest and how long its been since you clicked to open the chest, its taken me 14 hours sometimes to open a 3 hour chest.
Daily items you can buy also do not work correctly, 15 hours ago it said the items would renew in 10 hours, 15 hours later it says i still have 3 hours to go.
If the timers are fixed, i can say its a very fun game, probably update it to 5 stars.
Has big potential!
Mon May 06 2024 Michel AlfarahThe app is still pretty new, but it has huge potential to be a PvP strategy game. Right now you play against AI, and try to climb your way up a trophy system ladder, much like clash royale.
Things I like A lot:
-Very addicting
-Has huge potential
-I played it for THE WHOLE day when I downloaded it
-very creative and interesting
-seemingly a great strategy game
Things that could use fixing:
-Card cost balancing
-If you want a game to blow up and not get deleted too quickly, DONT ADD ADS. It’s better for the long term, and it’s bound to get you more players that will get you more money in the future.
-When you climb the ladder and earn more trophies, you stop earning cards and things to unlock, although it says “New Cards Unlocked!” Nothing gets unlocked, and no new rewards get added
-PvE (wish it wasn’t)
-only 1 game mode
-The Card boosters that you earn when you win games take TOO long to open
-I got to ultra diamond (highest rank) in 1 day, without needing to upgrade most of my cards or unlock that many extra ones