Basically pay to win
Sun May 05 2024 HsjdhdhshshdhxxhcuendThe game was extremely fun for a few weeks. I even paid $5 to never see ads again because I liked the game so much. Unfortunately, after around level 20 the ball rewards never show another “+6 balls at the beginning of each round” which means it’s impossible to get enough balls for a good power up before being forced to watch an ad. It definitely feels like this lack of the +6 balls is on purpose. Additionally, you can’t get past certain levels without being forced to level up, which means losing 15 games in a row until you have enough coins to level up. The alternative is paying for gems to get coins to level up, or watching ads to get power boosts. At the foundation, this game is highly fun and addictive, however there is a point of diminishing returns where you’re just stuck. Without the +6 balls, you’ll never have good enough power ups to win the game because each round you get maybe 4-6 balls to start and will get maybe 40 balls to spend each round. I hope the devs read this and fix the issue - unless it’s on purpose, in which I just can’t play the game anymore for more than 1 round without being bored.
As usual fun at first
Wed Jun 19 2024 HypomanyacI picked up the game to see if it was as the ads said it was, and it truly was a unique enough game. There was a challenge, the concept was novel, and I didn’t just float through nor get locked at any point. I opted for the ad free because I got tired of seeing them so much.
I reached a point of needing to grind and that allowed me to gather resources to build and gain more characters without paying into it.
Then I noticed I was just winning every time. I thought I had over leveled or something. Nope. I switched to one character that was 40 levels lower than my highest ones trying to grind for resources again so I could level people up. Even with that I’m blazing past each stage. Currently around stage 130 with a character level of 20, and I don’t even have to try. Sometimes I pick the worst options to see what happens and it’s always a breeze. I will open the game and then close it because I k ow it will do nothing. Watching the balls fall is the only satisfaction left, but when you know all the formations it gets really repetitive.
This game was a lot of fun, and I wasn’t expecting anything huge. Now it just feels like a waste of time, and honestly I don’t want to continue because I’ll get to the end really soon and there will be nothing left.
Unless they do better do t get the app!!!
Tue Mar 05 2024 Meso30180Ok when I first started playing this game I was in love ….. then about a week into it I started noticing little things that kind of annoyed me but got over it …. Then another week went by and now the only changes I have noticed are exponentially worse than before said improvement….. random forced adds when I have either not even had the chance to watch one on my own or directly after I have just watch a whole add…. Also the game play is getting to the point where it is t fun to play anymore cause the opponents from the beginning when we as players have no chance at having the perks have most of not all the perks used against us….. then when for example I have upgraded the chance to attack twice to the fullest so meaning 80% chance of attacking 2 times I will go whole rounds till death only attacking once while the 5 opponents each attack twice till I’m dead….. it’s become not fun! I have never played an app that as they fix stuff and update it it has gotten worse so bad it’s maddening and almost not worth the time…
So darn unfair
Mon Jun 17 2024 EldenJohnI don’t normally write mobile game reviews, but I gotta talk about this. This game cheats. Like really badly. Effects that have a percent chance of happening never happen as much as they should be (I had one game where I had a 90% critical rate- criticals were NOT hitting like they should have been), and it also feels like enemy effect rates are cranked ALL the way up, ESPECIALLY right as it feels like you’re winning. There’ll be games that’ll be going flawlessly, and then you get to the boss and you’ll get like 7 misses in a row and the boss just one-shots you. I play this game with an adblocker, so ads aren’t the biggest deal for me, but with the way the game is played, it almost feels like it stonewalls you if you don’t watch the ads like it wants you to- but I’m not gonna turn my adblocker off, so it’ll basically be me throwing my head against a brick wall until I’m over-leveled enough to move on. Again, I don’t normally write game reviews on here but I just really had to talk about it.
Pay to win, too many ads
Tue Jul 16 2024 ThatOneSpiritLet’s start off with this. After a certain point, you will be locked between having to wait DAYS to unlock new levels of your hero, or be stuck replaying the same mission as everything will keep killing you and you won’t be able to progress. Expect to see an ad every 2/3 rounds of your character doing something. The upside to this, the ad free is quite cheap, so I let it slide. However, even if you buy the ad free, anything else that would require an ad, still forces you to watch ads. So I paid money to play the game? That’s it?? I enjoy this game, or enjoyed this game, but after a certain point, if you don’t spend money it will take you days, weeks and maybe even longer to simply just progress.
Fun for a few days, not worth the time afterwards
Wed Jun 05 2024 LordbedoPlayed for about a month and I’m over it. The game is a fun concept but gets extremely repetitive. Progression is steady at first, but at hero level 40, they soft lock you to where you cannot level unless you get hero cards, which come randomly and almost always are for a hero you don’t even have. And if you can’t level, you can’t beat the incrementally tougher battles. So you have to spend significant money to progress in the game.
Another thing - the amount and type of ads shown is ridiculous. It’s nearly impossible to win a stage without volunteering to watch a few long ads, and in between those they force you to watch many more. If the devs could check their greed, I’d have kept playing and probably spent some money. Instead they wasted my time and made nothing off of it.
Honestly a fun little game, but…
Fri Jun 21 2024 CharlrybevIt really needs to shell out more resources. Like you get 80 coins a round and like no gems so you have to play a level like 15+ to beat it. Seems intentional which would be disappointing because games should be fun and stimulating. Rewards=stimuli for your neurodivergent audience my dear devs. Where there’s a skill tree, I will go. Where there is drops, I will loot. I even paid to not have ads and for the battle play to be sped up (which I thought was pretty steep pricing btw why is it so expensive for the pay to win options? If you lower the prices more people will pay for the silly lil boosters. Thats just economics). Anyway. Add more resource drops please. Consider lowering the prices for stuff. I’ve paid $15 so far and at best am mid tier satisfied.
Wed Mar 06 2024 ENDL35598% of the people playing this game had NO PROBLEMS with it. None. Then you guys updated it, and then instead of 1 ad at the beginning of the stage and 1 ad at the end, I also got 1 ad in the middle. I can deal, not that bad. What have you done now? It’s been one day since the last update. I opened the game, and 3 minutes later I’m still not playing. Just ad after ad after ad. I got 4 30 second ads before I could even play. Then when I finally get into a stage, there’s another ad. I defeat the first wave, and the selection screen appears. But, then you get an ad. Then make a selection, followed by an ad. THEN the wave takes 3 seconds of play time, followed by an ad. Your greed has ruined this game. I was online for over 10 minutes. I played the ACTUAL GAME for about 20 seconds. Why ruin an excellent concept with bottomless greed?
Fun but ads lock you out
Sat Apr 06 2024 DwydenThe game is fun enough but the forced ads are a little much when i already voluntarily watched numerous ads. The biggest issue though is the ads dont end. They wont let you get back to the game. Sometimes if you wait 3 minutes the ad will actually close but mostly they lock up and you cant get back to the game. I died and soi watched an ad to revive but the ad doesnt let you back in, so you kill the game and reload, game reloads and you continue the game, but because your dead, you must watch an ad to revive again, so you do but the ad doesnt let you back into the game, so 6 minutes later you still cant play the game. I give up, im uninstalling, maybe if the fix their ad provider, change it to a reputble ad source the game would be more stars even with the silly forced ads.
Good but!
Sun Apr 14 2024 ElfmageI love voodoo games I have never had any issues with any of there games, yes they have lots of ads but still it is what it is. Anyways usally don’t spend money on games but this game caught my eye I liked it I played it. I got to normal level (not crazy far into the game) but the game will freeze on my equipment screen and it says I have no equipment on. I close the game out, I try loading a fight up. Nope won’t load I try to cancel the fight it says I’m on 15/15 wave and have XXXX value on all these items. I close the fight out and goes right back into the equipment menu and freezes. I know if I delete the game it will probably “fix” the issues but then I have to start all over and I did not remeber seeing a restore button. So ended up just requesting my money back and try to find another game to play.