IT IS FREE!!!In-App Purchase
- Unlock City Park Box - $2.99
- Unlock Underground Box - $2.99
- Balloons 20 - $2.99
- Solutions 15 - $10.99
- Unlock all level packs including future updates - $9.99
- Unlock Junkyard Box - $2.99
- Candy rain 5 - $2.99
- Unlock Fruit Market Box - $2.99
- Solutions 10 - $7.99
- Superhero Set - $2.99
Version 1.17.22018-12-29
We have improved stability and fixed some bugs.
SWEET! Om Nom's shenanigans continue in Cut the Rope 2! With new characters, fresh gameplay elements and tricky missions, candy collecting has never been so fun!
Eager to learn more about Om Nom's adventures? Watch "Om Nom Stories" cartoons and other amazing videos on our YouTube channel!
In his unexpected adventure, Om Nom breaks out of his box and travels through lush forests, busy cities, junkyards and underground tunnels, all in pursuit of one goal – CANDY! Along the way, he encounters the Nommies, the cutest candy collecting helpers a little green monster could wish for!
ALL NEW LOCATIONS TO EXPLORE! Experience 168 entirely new levels of candy collecting, rope cutting action.
ALL NEW CHARACTERS TO MEET! Find 7 new characters, the Nommies, to help you on your unexpected journey.
ALL NEW HATS TO BRAG ABOUT! Customize Om Nom, choose your favorite candy and select your finger traces.
ALL NEW ADVENTURES FOR OM NOM! Experience completely new graphics, sound and gameplay elements, including the ability to move Om Nom.
Familiar to play, yet challenging to master, Cut the Rope 2 brings fresh challenges and unanticipated obstacles to the candy crunching, physics-based phenomenon that has delighted millions of players around the world! If you like Cut the Rope, you’ll love Cut the Rope 2!
• Roto can carry Om Nom to the best candy catching locations
• Lick can make small bridges with his tongue to help Om Nom reach his goal
• Blue can lift Om Nom to new levels of candy hunting fun
• Toss can throw objects, including candy
• Boo can scare Om Nom to jump to new heights
• Snailbrow bravely rolls on walls and ceilings and pushes candies around, like a boss
• Ginger can burn away obstacles between Om Nom and the candy
Don’t waste any time - exciting surprises await! Help Om Nom find his way home...out of the forest, through a pond and a junkyard, into the city and beyond!
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Just sit back and enjoy the cheerful and relaxing game atmosphere of one of the most beautiful free educational apps for kids. If you like Cut...
AppAdvice Fri May 03 2024
It's taken Om Nom four games to escape the confines of his various cardboard prisons, but Cut the Rope 2 finally sees him out in the wild,... Mon Feb 03 2014
Developer: ZeptoLab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 App Reviewed on: iPhone 5 Graphics / Sound Rating: User Interface Rating: Gameplay...
148Apps Fri Jan 03 2014
Help Om Nom in his never-ending search for candy in Cut the Rope 2.
AppAdvice Thu Jan 03 2019
Join 990 million players worldwide and experience sweet, award-winning gameplay! For the first time ever, Cut the Rope is completely FREE in...
AppAdvice Wed May 03 2017
Subscription cost is $9.99 for 1 month. If you choose to purchase Premium Membership Subscription Pack through App Store, your account will be...
AppAdvice Mon Jan 03 2022
A few days ago, Cut the Rope creator ZeptoLab announced that Cut the Rope 2 would be released on Dec. 19. At the same time, the studio...
AppAdvice Fri Jan 03 2014
Experiment to feed Om Nom candy! Cut the rope like never before. Everything you love and new gameplay! 200 levels and more to come!
AppAdvice Mon Jan 03 2022
ZeptoLab has been letting you feed the cute candy-loving monster Om Nom since the release of the original Cut the Rope physics-based puzzle...
AppAdvice Sat Jan 03 2015
Cut the Rope: Magic ($0.99) by ZeptoLab UK Limited is the latest installment of the ever-so-popular Cut the Rope franchise.
AppAdvice Sun Jan 03 2016