I like it but bit boring…🤨wonder why I’ll tell u (my opinion)
Mon May 09 2022 leah.ashe.fan❤️I got it because I saw a YouTuber play this so I was thinking ok I’ll download it well I’ll get to the point all u do is walk but and a lot of more stuff but update idea: could u add where u can pick out ur own dog collar because so if ur going choose to runaway the people can know if ur a street dog and they can call the owner and say I have ur dog come pick it up and I been playing it for a few days but it keeps getting boring as u play it and yes you can do a lot more stuff but this is my opinion so uh if you see my review thanks! Overly I love it I do and not recommend it 😑 it’s good because I love to be a dog in dog games i couldn’t find any games to play as any dog only like not dogs so I looked up dog at some point and found dog sim it’s soooo fun and this(YouTuber) bye for now I don’t recommend it little
It was fun for awhile…
Mon Apr 08 2024 fix rhis! ☹️🙁I really enjoy dog related games, so when I first downloaded this game it was really fun and enjoyable. I enjoyed making the decisions myself and thinking like a dog with the family I pick. But after some time I felt some levels repeated, it was basically all the same with small differences if anything. I still played it in my free time, though. I will say I stopped playing it for a while, like a few months since I got new games and just kinda forgot about it, I just recently remembered it and wanted to start playing it again, but for some reason whenever I open the game I can’t do anything. It just takes me where you’re with your owner and you run to collect dog bones to go to the next level, but that’s it. No buttons, nothing on the screen for me to press and no matter what I do I can’t fix it. I’m starting to think the only solution is to delete the game and redownload it losing all the progress I have. I don’t know if this is some kind of bug or glitch in the game or if it’s something with my phone or something, but just in case I wanted to bring this to the developers attention to see if it’s fixable.
Please Don’t Take This The Wrong Way
Sun Apr 16 2023 Endling FanI really appreciate the developers making a game where you can think like a dog. There are some glitches though that bother me. 1. When you are playing as a female dog and eventually have puppies, there are some times where the pups will call you or do something that includes “Dad” aka “Father-like”. It’s the same when you are a male dog, you somehow have pups and they refer to you as “Mom” aka “Mother-like”. This glitch is a bit awkward and makes me get very confused. 2. (Last one) When ever you are a male dog; the game’s name is “Charlie”. I know some people don’t like this name or would want to name their character after their own furry friend but during the game when you’re doing things with your owner, the following happens. They call you “Charlie” and it a female then the first female name (I forgot it). Also, when you view your profile you can sometimes be labelled as the first name that pops for your gender. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I would greatly appreciate you considering fixing these glitches. Except for that, this is an amazing game!
Trash app .Let me explain .
Sat Apr 15 2023 Not dealing with itSo this app seems fun , because how many times to you run into a kids version of dog bit life ? Well this app is really low quality . It’s boring . It repeats things so many times to make you think they put effort into this . The part of picking choices is only 12 % of the game . The other part is just running and collecting dog bones . Well it’s not even a challenge you just hold it down and YOU CANT STEER . Kids this app might seem fun but it’s so boring . You have a short life span , barely any interaction, only two BORING choices, and ads . If you like that stuff then yay you you 👍🥳😃 . But if your looking for something fun and enjoyable get something else TRUST ME ! If you think differently or have something to add on put # Thinker . Thanks for reading !!!
Good, but……
Sun Jun 12 2022 QueenRoo52311 👸👸Okay, I’ll admit. It’s fun to play! But i didn’t give five stars. So you’re wondering why I gave it a four. I’ll tell ya now! 🤓😁
1. There’s a glitch, after each level you see this black screen and no way out but rejoining the game. But I found a solution! It still works but you might wanna be careful because it has some money things on it and you don’t wanna spend money you don’t know you’re spending! And after everything you can also see again! You see everything you’re doing, then it goes back…. If you can’t fix the black screen, at least just delete the money things!
2. Right when I started the level of the day, it showed me having a puppy. ( Dont worry, there’s a blanket over it)So if you don’t like your child seeing that stuff, don’t download this game, or you can take the phone on the level with a fat golden retriever in a hospital bed.
3. Too many adds! And that’s the money thing !(pretty sure) and after each level you see adds! If you’re a person who hates adds, or doesn’t want to watch many of them, I would recommend NOT getting this app. And take away the adds please!
That’s all I have, all these reasons I should’ve given you three stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ but I didn’t, I just really like it. Keep up the good work, and fix the problems please!!
Fix this immediately or else I’m giving you one star rating
Wed Jun 29 2022 black midi statI’m trying the name the newborn pup from my brother Charlie but it won’t work I keep hitting name but it won’t work please fix this immediately rattles before my 3% runs out just please do it for me I wanna play the full game without running out of percent so please just do it or else I’m giving you one star ratings company get it get it gone get it on and I want everybody to have no ads so it makes it fair without weight I’m trying to take a picture and an ad interrupt me that’s what’s wrong and I don’t want to buy an absolute subscription ticket for nothing no I’m not buying it for a whileI’m not buying it for zero99 I got a price they’ll know it’s about worth nothing excuse me but anyways just do it please please please pretty please right now do it very quickly or else I will do something to your company every raining I have will be a one star or else.
Great game but…
Fri Apr 15 2022 Lydia 123123123123123123I love this game and think it is really unique and cool. However, there are a couple of things that bother me.
1. It is very repetitive. Every other level you are just having your owner walk you. Is that really the only way to level up? It gets pretty boring after a while and kind of makes me want to delete the game.
2. There are way to many ads. There are ads every level and one if you want to choose the middle option. There is also one at the bottom of the screen. I know you have to get payed somehow but maybe tone it down on the ads a little.
I’m not trying to be rude about it but these things really should be changed. Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you are, I hope you are having a wonderful day! I hope this helped!
This app is so boring
Thu Mar 14 2024 Graces opinion's 😉I don’t like this app. I gave it a two star rating because you get to choose the name of your dog and choose the family it should have. I believe that this app is not good for kids that are at the age of four. The adds are terrible. All the time there is a little rectangle showing an add and I was playing the game and saw this terrible add about a truth or dare thing and the girl that was doing a dare had a choice of running around naked or dancing in front of everyone and she chose dancing and she twerked and that’s not appropriate for four year olds so fix that immediately!
Basically all you do with the dog is make it run with one of the humans and that’s real boring. And once I came across these dogs in the game that were on a walk too and they said choose another dog breed for the dog you have now and that is just not a real dog life. Dogs can’t just magically change their breed. That’s very unlikely. Please read this before downloading because you will thank me later!
Wed Jun 28 2023 rianbowkittensuprizeOK this game is fun and all but I found numerous problems. Let me explain. (PLS READ IT ALL)
Number one: I think you should be able to choose your own size in your own dog breed because I just find it a little nerve-racking that when you finally get a mate if you choose of to be a female dog, you’re bigger than your mate. I find this issue pretty annoying. Please fix it.
Number two: another thing that also makes me mad is that once you find a mate and go through without a little while it changes the breed of the dog did this to me about four or five times and it made me just annoyed. Please fix this too.
Number three: once I got in leveled up into the game, I found out that they’re way too many ads when it comes to the point when you have to choose between the job of a priest or police officer. I chose to be a priest, but this did not work out very well because when you’re able to take a picture for your scrapbook, I kept hitting it and it only went to another ad. I did this about eight times and it still didn’t work. I finally got to take a picture, but it made me really annoyed.
I would like to know more of the various problems in this game, but that would make this too long, just noticed that when you download this be prepared to find problems, glitches, and nerve-racking levels!
Could be better
Wed Jun 15 2022 ZaylennWhen I got this game I was OBSESSED with it, but as I leveled up I found numerous problems.
1. Too many adds
Every time you answer a question there’s and add. And that can be really annoying to people trying to enjoy the gameplay without numerous interruptions. This problem also angers me because I’m 13yrs and 9months and I’m so close to getting to the heaven part of the game. But as I got closer and closer I realized that the “good dog” answer required more adds but the “bad dog question sometimes didn’t have adds at all!
2. Repetitive
Like I said earlier, I’m 13 yrs and 9months (in the game) and I’m so close to finishing! But the problem is as when you age up, the levels get repetitive and reused since the beginning of the game.
For me personally, if I’m gonna put my time into a game I want different levels.
3. Glitches
This one really irritates me because I’m so close to finishing. But I can’t finish the game! Every level I try to play it gives me a black screen and if you log out and log back in it just comes back. And I don’t know if others have this problem but for me when I don’t have the glitch it shows I’m like 2 questions away from finishing but if I answer a question it shows that I just started the game!
I’ve dumped much of my time into this game
And I’m sad to say I’m deleting it.
Sorry for the long comment.