Super Funnnnn!!!!! I would download it again if I could!! LOL
Sat Apr 08 2023 Eva501212I really like how this game lets you experiment with different wheel shapes. I win almost every time, so it’s really stress free and I can just have fun with creative wheel shapes, but sometimes it’s close and it adds a whole new element of suspense to the game. I love the way one can just kind of know what wheel shape will work best for different terrains. For example, when I come to part of the level with ‘stairs’ I know to make a 90 degree angle and it hooks perfectly onto the ledges. I only have three small problems with it, and maybe I’m just being picky, but I wish that you didn’t kind of stop moving while you drew and new wheel shape. Secondly, I wish that you were given more time before the level starts to draw your wheel. Lastly, it would be nice if the box was bigger or if you could purchase larger boxes to draw in. I hope this helps the developers improve an already amazing game and I highly, highly, HIGHLY that you download this AWSOME APP!!!!!!!
It’s so amazing
Thu Dec 19 2024 MoonrtIt’s amazing because like you could draw you can also lose but ignore that but you can have so much fun. Draw whatever you want you can you can even scribble I hate this part they every everyone rounders ads it’s fine because you know you can draw Mickey Mouse. You can draw SpongeBob but yeah like it’s amazing. We love it. We love it. We love it. OK love this game so much it’s just funny how you can draw everything you can even do like up down up down up down up down up down OK so so lucky you got to know everything OK he can’t just go to this game is boring. You gotta go like OK let me eat a chip and then I’m getting some energy and just ignore the ad. Just sit back and eat or drink or like have a good you’re good people you’re good peoplepeople come on human beings random human beings random human beings around God to say hi it’s so good. How game is leaked this you can make your own game. You can make your name just know that OK
Capped Upgrades Ruined My Experience
Sun Apr 26 2020 Pokepig359So I’ve been playing Draw Climber for a few months now and up until recently it’s been a good experience. When I first got the game the offline earning system didn’t work at all, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. However, when it did start working I put a lot of work into upgrading my coins per hour. About 90% of the time I opened the app, the purpose was to upgrade my coins per hour, with a few games on the side. I did this to the point of getting ~8,000 coins per hour with hopes of getting eventually to 50,000 coins per hour. One day I was doing my routine upgrades when I noticed that the cost had sunk way down. My heart dropped when I saw that the coins per hour were capped at 1,016 coins per hour and the speed capped at 101. Since then my experience through the over 500 levels that I have played had all been for nothing, and my experience has been ruined. I’d uninstall if I didn’t have hope for what could be to come. I beg of you, developers, please remove the upgrade cap. It’s unnecessary and can only lessen the experience of players like me. There could be no harm to other players as the game is just against CPU’s, so there is absolutely no reason to cap out the upgrades. Thank you.
Could be better...
Mon Apr 06 2020 Lisey_Pi@nist_SiNgErSo, first, I want to say, thank you! My last review said that there wasn’t enough opponents to play against, but now there is! Another reason I’m typing is because this could have easily gone up to a 4 star rating, but it didn’t. This could even be a 5 star rating, but there are reasons why it isn’t. First, there is only two things you do in this whole game, you change your avatar and face against opponents. But there could also be another thing to do. There could be world changes with natural obstacles. Then if the obstacles run out then there could be more automatically. And next, avatars. There should be way more than just the amount of avatars to pick from. Now, this is the final reason haha 😂. Finally, the avatars. Another thing for the avatars. There’s one section that you could get the avatars only in the gifts you get. I’ve been trying so hard to get the last gift as my avatar, but the game is rigged. Rather than fixing this, why can’t they be daily gifts, and make all of them free? These are just some recommendations for the game, they don’t have to be done. But I would really love it if they were. Thank you for reading this. 🙏🏻👍😁
Should be a 5
Tue Mar 03 2020 bathbombs960231This game could easily be a 5 star game. Was hoping to find a contact to voice my complaint to, so I didn’t have to reflect it in my rating, but could not find a customer service number anywhere. This game is so addicting and satisfying to play. What takes it from a 5 to a 2 is the fact that when you pull ahead of your opponent, the game forces them right back up next to you again. I’ve had opponents who get stuck at a wall and I reach the top before they even get a hold of their first step. Two steps later, the opponent ZOOMS up right next to me. It’s impossible. Why won’t the game let me win by a mile if that is how it goes down? It has no problem letting me lose by a mile if I get stuck. Once I get unstuck I don’t automatically zoom back up next to them. This one mechanic is enough to make the game unenjoyable when you know you should have a massive lead, but you don’t all of a sudden and then you get stuck and lose when you should have been more than far enough ahead to give you the extra time you needed. I do not understand the mechanic. Would be great if someone could explain it to me.
Billboards on Legs without airplane mode
Fri Jul 14 2023 Jftech01Played for about 15 minutes. The actual concept of this game is really clever, but clearly the developers wanted all the ram going into loading the silly amount of ads on each page rather than The game itself and this causes it to lag like crazy and pull more juice from my battery than any other game I have ever tried. There are ads constantly loading at the bottom of your screen, ads that pop up in the middle of the races, and then ad popups at the end of each trial or race as well. I wouldn’t mind one ad after each race, but the fact that there are tons of them at once prove how pointless it is to try this game out. “Draw your legs and make a running billboard” is a more appropriate name for this game. Try it out if you want and flip on airplane mode and you’ll likely get some thrill out of this game but otherwise, don’t bother until the ads are reduced
Just an all around horrible game
Fri Sep 29 2023 Golden_PegasusThis is another quick cash grab which uses manipulative business tactics to trick the player. For starters, you can buy no ads but you don’t actually need to do this because the game doesn’t feature online play, despite trying to appear as though it does. Which means you can just disable your internet and get the same experience, for free But beyond that I’ve also found that once you reach a certain level, you can’t level up anymore but it won’t have any issue taking your gold And last but certainly not least, the bots use a technique known as rubber banding where they will essentially teleport behind you no matter how far ahead you are at a certain level. This, paired with the inability to level up just makes an experience that is designed to frustrate you and to get you to watch more ads before quitting altogether. Do not download this game, I would give it a 0/10 if I could. One more thing to note: I believe a lot of the reviews on this game are from bots as well, there’s no way the majority of these people actually think highly of this garbage
Lazy and unplayable
Fri Feb 21 2020 ~Bruh~We all know the devs of these games put more effort into making a coffee than designing their games, but this game is so rigged and money hungry that it isn’t even a game. It’s like walking through times square, everywhere you look there is an ad, except new york is an actually fun experience. One you unlock all of the outfits with coins and keys, the only way to get the others is to watch videos that take as long as a flight from Los angeles to miami. After you finish a level: ad. After you buy something: ad. Even when you first finish loading in: another ad. Not to mention, this game tries to look like an online game, but it’s way too obvious it isn’t. The AI is rigged to catch up to you no matter how far ahead you get to the point of straight teleportation. They also always match and even surpass any speed upgrades you purchase. The even cycle through names that aren’t even real usernames, just random people. I miss when mobile games were fun and actually made me want to play them. No ads, decent programming and effort, and minimal microtransactions. This is the opposite of those games.
This game NEEDS to be multiplayer and a bug
Sun Feb 23 2020 pashanelyubinThis game is really fun to play when I don’t have internet or have nothing else to do. It hooked me up in about 10 minutes, and couldn’t stop playing (until my mother called me to eat). I was playing and playing and now I have all the exotics in the game (favorite is heli). So I was thinking if this game was multiplayer with others it’ll be fun to test your skill against others. Something else I would like to see added into this game is a sandbox mode where you can create your own levels and play them. Ok now for the bug problem. I bought the offline money thing a lot and I closed the app by accident and reopened it. I then got like 20k and i kept on doing that to get 50k (this makes me an exploiter but I had to point it out) and it just makes the game easy. Please fix that bug and I would love to see either one or two of those features added into the game!
Ps: this game is awesome! :)
Almost 5 star but one glaring issue
Mon May 18 2020 Brandon_219I really like this app. I find it pretty fun and unlike some reviewers I don't mind that the vs mode is really a cpu. That said, I don't like that the CPU skips to catch up to you if you pull too far ahead of it. Yeah it's exciting when it's a close race but I don't appreciate pulling far ahead for the first 2/3 of the race only to lose from slowing down in the last leg. The CPU shouldn't have overtaken me because I should've been far ahead of it. Most of the time it's subtle but it's pretty blatant at a vertical stairs portion of the race. I always reach the top of the stairs while the CPU is still struggling to climb up at all, then once I'm past and the stairs are out of view the CPU is suddenly right behind me, having clearly skipped it. I do get excitement out of close races but they should be organically close, not artificially so, and a real player should definitely not lose to a cpu if they're ahead for most of the race and the CPU is just transported to constantly be on the player's tail.