Great concept, fun game, but slightly flawed and with a lot of wasted potential
Mon Jul 20 2020 Chubby widdle BabyI love this game and it’s a great way to kill time when you’re bored, but I think there’s a lot of stuff that could be or could have been improved upon. For example, I think it would be awesome if there was an actual online and/or local multiplayer because I would love to see what people would come up with when they draw their vehicle. Furthermore, it doesn’t really matter what you draw and a lot of the time whether you win or lose just depends on luck, because your weapons and the enemy’s vehicle and weapons are completely randomized. Sometimes you’ll get three cannons and an axe, sometimes you’ll get just a spear or a mace. It would be awesome if the weapons were more customizable and what you drew mattered a lot more. So, overall, I think the game is really fun, has a great concept, and is amazing compared to most of the crappy mobile games on the App Store. However, it has a LOT of wasted potential and I hope they update it at some point. Sorry for my rant lol
There is too much adds!
Mon Sep 30 2024 Lolloz80To be honest me and my brother love this game, but there is one big problem with it that I hate! There is just too much adds!! For example I beat the enemy, ADD! every single time I beat my enemy, just adds every time! Another thing in the game is the ink is very expensive. But I can still get it using adds. Wait, ADDS AGAIN?! Future update can you please slow down the pace on the ads? Then there are also some glitches that are pretty funny and I want the the game to not fix. For example, drawing in one place a lot (if you have enough ink) makes your drawing start glitching out and sometimes just explodes from the enemy’s weapon. Another glitch the game should keep is when you start spinning around because then it just slams you on the ground or makes you fly away in the back. Sometimes you can even get the enemy to glitch which is one of the funniest glitches. And one last thing, I would love for the creator to add more things to the game. Perhaps more maps, more different types of enemies and lots of more different types of bosses because it’s getting boring. I probably would’ve gave this game 5 stars if there wasn’t so much adds. PS~can you also add something to the game like changing the color of your drawing?
Needs 2 player!
Sat Jun 06 2020 panda rightsOkay. I hardly have anything to complain about in this game, but there are a few things. First, I think that you should dial down on the adds. They are very annoying. Second, you really need to be more original and creative with bosses and AI’s. The bosses are always the same after a few boss battles and it’s really getting boring. You should possibly add more, or maybe switch something up. For example, maybe do a boss battle with a boss, and a few other AI’s helping it. Or, maybe you get to be the boss every once in a while. Let us have a few special matches where we have extra ink and more space to draw and create our jousting vehicles.
Third, I would definitely like this game more if there was a 2 player type thing. Not multiplayer, but two people playing on one device. Me and my cousin really like these types of games but it isn’t two player. And last but not least, I think that you should A. Tell the person what map is next, And B. Add some water maps. Maybe you can tell them that the next map is a water map, and we can also joust in the water with a boat type vehicle.
It’s a great game, but please look into these changes.
Love this game but need changes
Fri Oct 09 2020 sly gold physianHey I love this game I’m a gamer and would recommend this game on my channel but I think u should do some things first I don’t like the way you just give us random weapons and random shields and stuff I think people should be able to buy it with the coins they save up with because there’s really no telling what you might get and I really wish I could choose my weapons even pay for them with coins because then people would love this game I mean I have my favorite weapons but I can’t just choose them and buy them I love the game but I really think you should change that to help people can Buy my weapons and choose what they want for each war with the coins they save up with because I like enjoying upgrading my ink Paul health and the coin upgrading but I really think you should have more stuff like buying new types of wheels new characters more ink and more weapons because it really can get boring I would love to recommend this on my channel but I don’t want to give people something they get bored of light on please fix this and make up date soon I really love it thank you
It’s broken.
Tue Jun 23 2020 very good wife beaterSo I’m like rank 370ish atm and so I have a lot of upgrades on my power. Like, a ton. But see the problem is, sometimes even if I’m moving normally I’ll glitch out into a blue screen and lose for no apparent reason. If I’m more bong too fast in both directions ( moving back and forth) it’ll a glitch me into the sky and lose. It’s super annoying PLUS ink upgrades are stupid expensive, health doesn’t matter, offline earnings really doesn’t matter, and so the only upgrade to really get is power. But it’s broken if you get to where it’s worth 2k or more. You also barely make any money until your rank is dummy high like mine. It gets boring without any online play. There is also no customization or color options, which I guess is just customization. It’s only fun when you make stupid or tiny builds and try to win. (Defeating the purpose of the ink upgrade) Overall, would only play if I’m bored or just trying to pass by a few minutes, THOUGH it was pretty fun at first because of the neat concept. Make sure to turn off WiFi so you don’t get ads and turn it back on when you’re done playing, it’ll save you the trouble of ads.
Good game WITH some changes
Fri May 15 2020 Mr. Cowman324This is a good game, and there is no denying that. People who complain about ads are annoying because you can legit disconnect from your WiFi for the span of the game, and then reconnect.
Now, here’s a problem. I tested a theory where I moved one direction, and the bot, depending on the side of the screen, went the other way. I retreat, they retreat. I strike, they strike. The ai becomes easy to kill with just moving in one direction slowly. So if you could, make it able to have an attack pattern based on the name or shape of it. Another thing I noticed was even though I’m at level 80 for offline earnings, I don’t get a whole lot of money.
Also, I want character customization, like being able to change the way the character looks, and the colors of your vehicle. Also, online play would be fun. It’s a good way to play against other players of the same rank. I hope you consider these changes and fixes
It was, just ok
Fri Jun 19 2020 mcconnorpHonestly this game was pretty fun for a bit, but like all voodoo games it gets old fast once the paint peels back and you see how repetitive it truly is, after a while you don’t even feel like you’re getting stronger. Also I’m fairly convinced most of these types of games are bitcoin miners at this point, they run abhorrently slow at times, crash constantly, are extremely simplistic, and somehow consume the entirety of your device’s RAM despite their extremely simplistic barebones nature, and even after deleting this and a few other voodoo games from my device it hasn’t recovered, so I’m forced to assume these apps buried something in my device’s system that’s continuing to sap its processing power, because now completely normal apps like Netflix are crashing and hitting lag spikes on me and that’s never happened before, and my device isn’t even that old, and previous devices have never given me these issues despite being older models that are expected to chug.
Better than most other 2020-created games out there
Tue May 12 2020 RlyGudGaiWhile the concept is fairly basic, draw the right shape (mostly something else) and win, but there are many flaws to this game. If u don’t like ads, then I hope u enjoy an ad after every game because they need money, and don’t even think about purchasing the no ads offer as there is much better things to spend money on especially in this pandemic. Second, this game feels very unpolished, as only on the third level I managed to break the physics engine by having too much speed and clumped circles. And it may fool young people on the “players” in the game but nope they are bots. Turning airplane mode on during the game and seeing that the game goes on despite not having access to internet just shows this. At least it allows you to play offline unlike other games. Perhaps with an actual online mode would allow this game to be great but overall, above average 2020 game.
Great game! Just a few problems:
Thu Apr 20 2023 normal-average-dudeAmazing game! I play every day! Here are a few suggestions:
1. Ads. This game has just too many! Every time I play a round, it’s another one! Please tone it down!
2. Lag. Once you get 30+ ink, the game has a seizure every round. It’s super annoying! Maybe fix the water?
3. Graphics. The designs are cool, but it’s all white and the water looks weird! Unrealistic maybe? And maybe make it harder? Most of the time you can just shove them in the water. Easy win!
4. 2 player. Please make it two player! Also, I noticed that the opponent’s movement is always mirroring yours!
5. Seizures. Not the eye one. The vehicle one. A lot of the time, my vehicle starts jittering around and I die instantly. Really annoying!
6. Names. Every time I change my name, the next round, it instantly goes back to player(number). Repetitive!
7. Menu. There random objects on screen sometimes. Like refrigerator looking things and sometimes the opponent’s weapon!
8. Restart. The restart button doesn’t work sometimes!
9. Last one. Repetition. Make a difference in the boss fights! Also, make some opponents harder! Some of them don’t have roofs so i can just flip them over!
Thanks so much for reading!
This is one of my favorite ipad games, so thanks for making it!
Have a great day!
Very Buggy
Sun Jun 07 2020 dysoitdogtohgxycThis game is fun, for a couple minutes. It’s just the same thing over and over again. And the bugs are everywhere. Here are just some problems I had:
- If you spin a lot, your vehicle will continue to spin and then slam into the ground, killing you.
- The offline earnings don’t even work. I had 5 coins when I went to sleep and when I woke up, I still had 5. My level for offline earnings is 138, and I didn’t even earn a single penny! I don’t even know if the other upgrades work.
- You have way to little ink to draw anything cool, like what the other vehicles can do. If you want to upgrade it, then you will need a ton of coins because the ink gets expensive relatively fast.
- The type of weapons you get are completely random. You can’t even position the weapons. All you can do is connect the parts of the vehicle.
- There’s not much you can do. There’s no shop, no other modes, no ranking bar, nothing. There’s just your car and the upgrades underneath.
- The rumbling can get really annoying. There’s no way to turn it off. Every upgrade, every single drop of ink you touch and every single drop of ink you place, a rumble occurs. I wish you can turn off the rumbling.
Those are really all of the problems I had. I do hope these thing change. If they do, I will most likely give a higher rating.