Very Nostalgic
Sun Feb 12 2023 ChLoEeEEeE12345This game is trending on TikTok so I thought I might try it (well at least the song.) It bring back a lot of good memories of me and my brothers playing this. Going into the game I found it’s not as entertaining as it used to be and some of the games are very short. However, I have a small attention span so if whoever is reading this also does, this game is a good one to try out. I find that the ads are a little stretched out. I tried skipping using the 2 arrows that kinda look like this >>. However, when I did it told me to wait another 5 seconds on the new ad. Then I clicked it once it was done and it did it again. I get I skipped the ad but it was very stretched out. Ads are more often then I would like but that’s for a lot of games. Other than that dumb ways to die is very nostalgic and I love to play this game. It fits a large age group which I can appreciate. That’s all I have. I hope you guys enjoy this game just as much as I do. Have a great day!
Dumb Ways to Die
Sun Jul 07 2024 AverageGDenjoyerSet fire to your hair, poke a stick at a grizzly bear, eat medicine that’s out of date, use your private parts as piranha bait. Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to die-ie-ie so many dumb ways to die. Get your toast out with a fork, do your own electrical work, teach yourself how to fly, eat a two-week old unfridgerated pie, dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to die-ie-ie so many dumb ways to die. Invite a psycho killer inside, scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride, take your helmet off in outer space, use a clothes dryer as a hiding place, dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to die-ie-ie so many dumb ways to die. Keep a rattlesnake as a pet, sell both your kidneys on the internet, eat a tube of superglue, “Oh I wonder what this red button do?” Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die, dumb ways to die-ie-ie so many dumb ways to die. Dress up like a moose during hunting season, disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason, stand on the edge of a train station platform, drive around the boom gates at a level crossing, run across the tracks between platforms, they may not rhyme but they quite possibly. The dumbest ways to die, the dumbest ways to die, the dumbest ways to die-ie-ie… so many dumb ways, so many dumb ways to die.
Amazing game but to many ads
Mon Sep 03 2018 Pigdog16I have had this game forever and remember listening to the dump ways to die song over and over with my cousins and playing constantly to see who could get the best score. I had always had the app on an old iPad that couldn’t update apps so, I always had the same version of the app. I recently got a new phone and was trying to find all the apps that I liked to download and found this app. I was really exited because I heard of all the new updates such as, build a bean, more ways to die😂, daily challenges, and being able to practice different challenges. But with the this new update came sooooooo many ads! Every time you get three tombstones and “die” there’s an ad! Sometimes once you get all three tombstones and “die” they will give you an option to get another life by watching an ad. I will usually skip it but then when I press play again there’s an ad! So what’s the point of watching the ad in the first place! You’re just going to watch one after! Overall this app is really fun, probably one of my favorite apps but these ads are just letting me down.
Forced ads ruined the game
Sat Feb 25 2023 Not too bad so far.I recently downloaded this new game app that I was really excited to try out. However, my experience with it has been seriously hampered by the overwhelming number of forced advertisements. I understand that ads are necessary to support the app, but this game takes it to a whole new level.
There are so many ads that they disrupt the flow of the game and make it practically unplayable. It's frustrating to be in the middle of a level and suddenly be forced to watch a 30-second ad that you can't skip. And to make matters worse, some of these advertisements are not safe for children. I wouldn't want my little one to stumble upon one of these ads while playing the game.
Overall, the gameplay itself is enjoyable, but the excessive ads ruin the experience. It's a shame because I really wanted to like this app, but I don't think I'll be keeping it on my phone for much longer. If the developers can find a way to reduce the number of ads and ensure that all of them are appropriate for all ages, I would definitely reconsider. But until then, I can't recommend this app to anyone who wants to actually enjoy playing games on their phone.
Nostalgic and Fun
Fri Jun 17 2022 CAUTIONartist in trainingI used to love playing this game on my cousins phone whenever we visited them, and since they live far I haven’t seen them In awhile so I forgot about it, though the catchy theme song would be in my head randomly.
I met my cousins again after a year or two and was reminded of this game, so I downloaded it. It brings back a ton of memories and I like it more than I actually thought I would !
I’ll admit some of the challenges are a bit easy, but it’s geared towards younger kids so that’s why. It keeps me pretty entertained and I like the animations. I recommend getting it for when you’re bored or are in the mood to play.
Some people are annoyed by the amount of ads played, which I normally am too and delete apps all the time because there were just too many annoying ads. While there are frequent ads, I understand that it’s one of the only ways this game makes any money, and I enjoy the game enough to endure the ads. You can also pay for a no-ad package if you like. It really depends on your preference and if your willing to watch a couple ads in between challenges ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways I'd recommend this game to anyone interested and I'm giving it 5 stars, but of course it's really up to you but I'd try it out cuz no harm in trying, right ? :))
(Apologies for a long review but I felt like sharing so yEaH)
If You Are Downloading For The First Time, Please Read!
Sun Nov 17 2019 Sooooo impressedThis game is astounding. AWESOME!! STUPENDOUS!! It's an amazing game, and stress relieving! This game, like many of the other reviews say, it also makes you think! The only downside is, is that younger audiences could/will be disturbed by this game. Basically, the point of the game is to keep from dying. You get three lives, and there are several fun levels to play in. However, there is blood, head decapitation, showing of bones, fish trying to bite private parts, sewing wounds shut, killing wasps, serial killers, being hit by vehicles, being electrocuted, and more things like that. I do not recommend this game for people who are sensitive to the topics above. Otherwise, the game is hilarious! I, for one, am not sensitive whatsoever and adore this game! I do wish that You could play all levels when practicing without having to pay earned coins, but other than that, this game couldn't be better!
Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die
Wed Jul 14 2021 audmac34Set fire to your hair. Poke a stick at a grizzly bear. Eat medicine that’s out of date. Use your private parts as piranha bait. Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die. Dumb ways to die-ie-ie. So many dumb ways to die. Get your toast out with a fork. Do your own electrical walk. Teach yourself how to fly. Eat a 2 week old unrefrigerated pie. Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die. Dumb ways to die-ie-ie. So many dumb ways to die. Invite a psycho killer in side. Scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride. Take your helmet of in outer space. Use a clothe’s drier as a hiding place. Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die. Dumb ways to die-ie-ie. So many dumb ways to die. Keep a rattlesnake as a pet. Eat a tube of super glue. Oh, i wonder what this red button do. Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die. Dumb ways to die-ie-ie so many dumb ways, so many dumb ways, so many dumb ways to die.
I was there
Fri Feb 17 2023 ldrt12345I was there when this first came out. At the time I was In my upper high school years. We used to have competitions with this in band class in the low brass section. We all had it on our phones and we would see who was the highest score. It awesome that you guys have continued developing the original game and not just shut it down when the second game came out. This game will be forever cemented in my brain as the OG game. Don’t ever stop doing what you guys are doing not just in the game developing world but also in bringing awareness to railroad safety.
I wish y’all had a game that the rail companies and government in the US could play to help prevent all of these derailments. I guess we found out what the red button did after all. Any way great game. Great message and great company.
Good game but...
Fri Jun 05 2020 BloodWolf27This game came out in 2012 and my friend showed it to me. I thought it was funny and interesting so I downloaded it. Back then there were no ads on it at all and it was so much fun. I could just play and play. Now every time I play and quit a game there is an ad. I do anything on it and I get ads. Also I get some of the mini games are sensitive but the ones that are easy to figure out and do however make it to where you tilt and it doesn’t work or I swipe and it doesn’t do anything. I’ve played this game so many times and I know that I’m capable of doing it but when I wipe coming off the screen and it doesn’t do anything where I’m swiping my hardest and nothing works then something needs to be done. I love the dumb ways to die games but something needs to be done. I get updates need to happen but can’t things be updated without the use of ads every second. Bring back the 2012 version with the same amount of mini games.
Honestly one of my favorite free apps out there
Mon Apr 02 2018 nathanial2013I used to LOVE this game. It's cute, stressful, and full of small creatures dying. Lots of fun. I deleted it a while ago because I was getting distracted too often while writing my thesis. I had let it out of my mind for a while and then someone brought it up recently so I decided it was time to redownload it. I absolutely understand that you don't just go around making apps that everyone loves because it's something you enjoy doing pro bono. Money is important and it allows you to keep making new stuff. There definitely is a line though and it's certainly been crossed in this app. Throw up an ad here and there between games, fine. I'll just mute it and wait until I can try again. Putting ads up every time you click a button is pushing it past my limits. I had the app on my phone for 5 minutes and had to delete it because it was simply unbearable. Such a shame too because the game is actually fun. Not worth spending any money to get rid of ads, but definitely one of my favorite free apps.