Fun but sometimes frustrating
Wed Jul 29 2020 Chezman0713I first started playing this a while back but just more recently got into the game again. I have noticed some very helpful changes and I’m glad to see the developers are constantly working on it but my one critique is that is some levels it’s oddly specific like in lvl 116 it’s a tree that has to grow and it needs water sun and fertilizer. That one for me was easy to get the water and sun but the fertilizer was tricky. First I wrote dirt X next soil X then I was like is it photosynthesis?, chlorophyll? But this game would be relatively easy right. So I went and watched the ad and the clue was sun. Understanding that sometimes the first clue isn’t as helpful I watched another ad. The clue was water. OK I watch the third ad and the game quits out. This is probably my phones fault not the game but it still adds to my frustration as I now have to watch the ad over again to get my clue. Finally I get it and it says fertilizer. This annoys me because I feel like it should have accepted any version of soul dirt fertilizer or other. I understand that the developers try there best but it can be frustrating at times.
Could use a bit of work but overall pretty good
Fri Mar 08 2024 Rando0801I’ve beat the game and I’m waiting for more levels and I do like it(I guess that’s obvious or I wouldn’t have played the whole thing) but for starters I think theirs too many ads. Every time I’ve opened the app and there’s an ad before I even tap on anything, it’s absolutely infuriating and I’ve almost deleted it just because of that. I could understand ads every few levels(NOT STAGES) and one for the hints but not in between EVERY OTHER STAGE. Aside from ads, the few complaints I have could be solved easily. Some hints are way too vague or aren’t helpful in the slightest, and some of the puzzles where you have to put something in a specific place are too sensitive. I would make the zone that says it’s in the correct spot a little bigger. Oh and there’s a few puzzles that are just way out of the normal game mechanics like only a few puzzles had the solution or part of it be that you shake your device or position it in a certain way. I think it feels out of place when 99% of it is just tapping or swiping, I feel like there should be more of those or none at all but that’s just my opinion. Other than that, I think it’s a really solid game and was a little upset that there wasn’t any monthly levels this time since I have no more to do lol.
Good Enough but Lacking
Wed Apr 01 2020 Grampa192My fist time playing a game of this style was “The Impossible Quiz” quite some time ago on a flash site (which I believe may be available now on the App Store). I also have played similar games more recently from the App Store and in my personal opinion, this is the worst one I’ve played. The puzzles just seem as though not a lot of thought went into them and it was more about trying to recreate their version of this sort of game and cash in. I say this cause some of the tricks and outside the box thinking that made the other games great are not very clever this go around and seem forced. For example, I believe it was question 8 or 9 where they ask which glass contained more water and you can see that displacement of water makes the glass with the paper clip in it the correct answer, yet you have to first take all the items out of each glass so that you can see what you already knew. Why I’m giving it three stars is while I do think the game feels a bit rushed, with a lack of creativity, if you’ve never played a game like this before then it will feel more unique, creative and perhaps a good way to get your foot in the door. Also I believe for kids this version may be a much better fit. It does the job well enough but lacks the polish, creativity and innovation to be worth too much of your time.
Fun & challenging
Tue Jun 30 2020 Bluejay1013The levels are fun but not too easy. You do see a repetitive pattern as to how to arrive at a solution, but for the most part the levels make you think. For those of us with limited patience, there are hints & skip buttons.
A bi problem for me is that sometimes the game will not recognize your attempt to enlarge an item or move an item to solve the puzzle. Then you use the hint button & it tells you to do the same thing you have been trying to do, it’s so annoying, I just use the skip button. Developers, please fix this!! I shouldn’t have to attempt the same move several times to get the game to respond.
There are ads, but they are relatively short, though some show you the ad, then try to get you to play. Those ads are longer & pretty annoying. Also developers, repeating the same ad 25 times doesn’t make me want an app more. But overall, this is a good game, better than most brain games.
Game play is fun but minor problem that bugged me
Sun Mar 19 2023 Lunar❄️So I downloaded this game a couple weeks ago and I was in love I love how you did the little characters like Mozart and stuff I’m on stage like 89 or something but I realized level nine was not in the picture of how it looks like you know? So I started to get mad bec other pictures were incorrectly shown I mean if you wanna make a game you have to make real posts for it of course just like any other GAME IT FRUSTRATES ME SO MUCHHHH every time I get a game I have to delete it bec I can’t even understand it or do anything (except for PK XD,sky,genshin impact,Roblox and play together and Gacha and all the games from crazy labs and voodoo) I like think that those people who made the games listed are talented and you of course im constantly complaining to much on a Roblox game and others a literal mpc said I was constantly complaining in chat and that’s true which is kinda creepy I play this to calm down along with sky but instead it frustrates me too much but that’s all of course no efence you just need a little commonsence other wise it’s AMAZINGLY GODLY ☺️💞♐️
Fun but wish it was more descriptive
Sat Feb 22 2020 KaidenceKI did the update and it really didn’t do much for me. I was just fine with how the original was without the update. Otherwise, the game is really fun besides the fact that the instructions are nothing close to describing what you need to do. I mean think about it how many hints do you have to use just to figure it out??? On some for me none but on others one and on a good bit of them both. For example, there is one level where it’s like Tetris you have to put all the pieces on and not one bit of any of the prices can be out. It doesn’t tell you that you can twist it by tapping it until you use a hint. Then the second hint just shows you how to do it when your even more confused. I don’t know about you but isn’t this game supposed to be about thinking and using your logic?? Yeah it is. It even says that in the App Store. So why give you the answer?? It’s not why I got this game just for the hints to just tell me the answer. No. I got it so I could use my logic to work things out. To fix this all the creators have to do is make the original directions a little bit more descriptive. Don’t you agree???
Love the game, but I do have one minor issue
Fri Jun 09 2023 Sage. SI absolutely love this game. I’ve been playing it for years and still enjoy it. The game is super fun, however, every 2 or so levels there is a thirty second add. I know it is advertising but it really gets annoying when I’m bored and try to play this game. It’s like 40% game 60% adds and, honestly, it’s almost a deal breaker. Although I do not like this about this app, I do truly recommend this game as it will help you brain growth and it is super fun to play. If you need to waste time, this is the app for it. I love the variety of things to do as well. Although, the “puzzles” I know a lot of people love them, and they’re fine, but there are always a lot of those and personally, they are so simply for me. I may be the only person to feel this way, but that’s my opinion. Over all, great app, and if your thinking of getting it to try it out, get it. And hey, if you don’t like it (which is highly unlikely), then it’s just an app. Try it out and explore it for yourself! Hope this was helpful!
They joined the crowd…😥
Thu Aug 12 2021 1stCeyeI have enjoyed this game very, very much. Yesterday and today, I am unhappy to say, that these brave artists have succumbed to ads after each game play. They way, when I joined was, an ad every few games and the ad was short. The ads are not as short and the same one plays over and over after each game. This kind of ad handling is what drives me away from really good games. I pray that you have the courage and cash on hand to be able to go back. I really enjoy this game. The constant repeating of ads is bad. ****I hate leaving this game because it is well thought out and I have enjoyed figuring out most of the challenges. Today, I (unhappily) watched the same add seven times in 5 minutes….The developers did answer my last review, saying they have no control over the number of ads shown. That’s too bad. I tried to tolerate all these ads, but I am at the end….I’m not happy. WHY CANNOT THERE BE A HAPPY MEDIUM HERE?? How can you stay in business DRIVING your players away….? Bye…😥
Fun game, but so many ads
Mon Jan 18 2021 Photography27-;)It is a really fun game, that puts your mind to work, and makes you think. The only problem I have with the game is that once you finish a level there is an ad. Not just every once-in-a-while, but after every single round.
Also, the game can be very frustrating at times, because the levels can be unclear, and tough, but you have to watch ads to get hints, and if you still don’t get it after you’ve unlocked all of the hints, you have to watch another ad to skip the level. (And you can’t skip, until you’ve unlocked all hints.) So you’re basically just watching ads a lot.
The nice thing is though, that there image no in-app purchases. ( which is good, and unhelpful at the same time. Sometimes I will sh that there was a way to buy a certain amount of hints, but the only way to unlock them is to watch ads.)
The only complaint about this app is the ads. I think there are just too many. :|
The ads vs playing time
Wed Apr 08 2020 PrincessAJPWI rarely write reviews. I do like this game, but there are tons more of these, and for a game that isn’t all that challenging, there are far too many ads.
Let me explain
It gives me an ad every two questions. The questions are fairly easy, and don’t require you to think all that hard. So I get maybe thirty seconds of playing time; thirty seconds of ad. I know, it’s not supposed to be insanely hard, but some of them are either ridiculously easy, or the logic is completely off.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good game. It’s aesthetically pleasing and the problems are fun to solve, but when the ads overwhelm the time that I’m actually spending on the app... There’s a problem
If you would maybe consider upping the level of difficulty and reducing the number of ads, my rating would jump right up to a four or five. If you read, thanks, and great job on a good game. I know they’re hard to develop, and I appreciate the effort the people that made Easy Game put into it :)