Finally a game without ads shoved down your throat.
Sat Jun 08 2024 Blahhh blahhhhhI love how they have the option to watch adds at the point of expansion versus every time you finish a mission or level. I delete 100% of games that shove it down your throat. Those same adds for the same stupid games that you’ll never download or you did but immediately deleted because it was nothing like the add. This game is actually very accurate and true to its advertisement. It’s so much nicer having the option on the adds and I appreciate the creators of this game greatly for that. The game itself is actually very addicting. The levels are designed close to the required gear levels so you actually need to be somewhat tactful on how you use your firepower. It tests your accuracy, especially when it comes to the timed challenges for extra gems. The premium subscription is reasonably priced. It’s just an all around good game and I hope the developers read this and feel proud of themselves for finally creating a game that requires some skill and thinking versus just throwing a bunch of money at it for power or stupid add ons. That actually makes me want to spend my money on their game. The authenticity of it. Keep up the good work guys. I’m looking forward to what else you bring to the table.
Have been looking for something like this
Thu May 09 2024 GarretttttttttttttttI really have been looking for a game that scratches that itch of being all-powerful and in control of the guns from an AC130 gunship, similar to the COD missions, and this game is it.
It starts kinda slow, and you do much less damage than you’d expect, but you can’t start out in a game at the top tier, you’ve gotta work to upgrade your weapons and get bonuses and passive boosts, and you learn how to take accurate shots in the process. Once you do, the game becomes a ton of fun. Lots of different types of vehicles and enemies of varying damage, health and range to take out, nice weapons and unlockables to use, and the ragdoll physics are always satisfying.
I never buy mobile games but this one was worth it. The graphics are awesome with the white hot thermal view, it plays very smoothly (although drains my battery like absolute crazy playing at 60fps with max graphics) and has a very quality feel to it. Looking at the version history, it seems like they continue to add more to the game, and that’s something I’m hopeful for since I’m just about done completing the 10 current levels. Great job on this game to the devs, seriously. I love it. Thank you
good game, great game when you spend the money
Thu Jun 06 2024 Needs11111111Ever since that old AC130 game where you protected a group of survivors from zombies, I’ve always wanted another, more updated, concept of that game. This hits that spot perfectly. The many attachments, weapon upgrades, and predominantly the story progression give you something to work towards unlike a traditional survival platform, which btw, this game also has. The only negative is that if you don't spend the $10 for the premium pass, you only get 11 plays (10 automatically with enough time to recharge one more) before you have to quit and wait again. The initial progression is quite slow without the premium and can feel unrewarding, but I got past that without premium and started to really have fun, so I bought premium to play even more. You can most definitely get away without it, but not having to worry about recharging energy makes this game a million times more enjoyable. I’ve always hated that sort of money grab in a game, but thats really the only way these well-crafted mobile games can make any money so I understand it. I’m more than willing to support this game though, so try it out and make your own decision, but I personally recommend this as one of the better mobile games out right now.
Great Game Overall 🫡
Mon May 20 2024 chowmein4saleAwesome visuals, and genuinely challenging levels. I appreciate how you’re given the ability to double your upgrades or credits with ads, but aren’t forced to watch any ads at any point of the game. The actual gameplay is engaging with the different enemies, making you feel under constant pressure. Even the smallest insurgents become huge threats if overlooked and allowed to bunch up. Any ads are just there for ease of life if you choose to watch them.
The only issue I have with the game is a bug that happened to me a couple times in which the game was interrupted by a call or something similar while in the end screen or while opening crates. If interrupted, it cancels out whatever you just did, and the credits you got from the mission is lost, even if you beat the mission. In the case of opening crates, I saved up 250 to open 10 crates, and someone called me and when I went back into the app, I didn’t get any of the remaining crates but still lost the gems. Overall, great game, I still give it a 10/10 purely because of the devs honest approach to mobile gaming compared to most of the other games on the App Store forcing micro transactions to make worthwhile progress or shoving ads down your throat every 3 min.
Just so solid
Mon Jul 08 2024 xSetYourGoalsxI do not write reviews very often, I had to for Goliath. THIS is what mobile gaming should be.
Free to play with generous amounts of time offered, and if you want an upgraded unlimited experience it’s $10, one time. You can choose to watch ads to make a little extra currency, but they are never forced. The game itself is fun, challenging, visually interesting, extremely satisfying, full of content, has a fun but simple weapon progression system, and is perfect for mobile. However, this game would be worth $10 if it was a standalone title on Steam. The gameplay has a similar structural feeling to the sniper mode of the new Hitman games, in that you’re basically solving a constantly moving puzzle with your only tool being a gun.
Hats off to the devs, I think they really hit it out of the park. After I’ve played 1000 other garbage mobile games that shoved ads down my throat and constantly plied me for money…I was more than happy to throw $10 at this game. Those other games never got a dime out of me, this is worth your time and money.
It has good bones.
Sat Jul 27 2024 Skee YeetI really do like almost everything about this game and have so little things I actually dislike. The weapons are crazy inaccurate, and with a game where you have limited ammo that is quite frustrating. Talking about locking my crosshairs on an enemy and leading shots perfectly just for my round to go six feet to the right. Even when they’re standing still I’ll just be shooting circles around them, and trust me I play a lot of games if it was a personal accuracy issue I wouldn’t bother typing a review. It’s very hard to conserve any ammo when you have to fire 15 rounds at an enemy just trying to hit 2. The splash damage is almost unnoticeable without an LTM. I’m trying to love this game because it’s potential is unmatched by any other game in this category, but it’s very difficult when one of the only controls feels almost entirely RNG based. Please let me know if I’m either missing something or haven’t made it far enough to upgrade my accuracy. Even if you have to unlock accuracy.. why? It makes progression so slow, it doesn’t even feel possible to beat a level first try. In a game with a story I’d like to be able to save my guys without watching them die 10 times first while I upgrade my weaponry to get more ammo.
Great game
Wed Jul 03 2024 Brivn gvbrielCan we please get a setting to remove the HUD and all in game notifications for more immersion, change crosshairs to more realistic ones or remove crosshairs entirely for post production purposes, and also get landscape compatibility? It’s a great game and I went through all the missions and have been unlocking everything, the only thing I would have to say is it’s too arcadey or mobile gamey, not that it’s a bad thing at all, but if we could remove the hit multipliers and in game popups for more immersion, play in landscape with custom button mapping or HUD removal just for more peripheral, and change or remove the crosshairs to different styles specifically the style from modern warfare or an AH-64 Apache style or remove it entirely for post processing man that would be really cool I’d love to see that happen and have the option to have that extra immersion or option for cinematic oppurtunity. Maybe even different zoom levels as well, whatever seems fun it’s a great game already.
Finally something to scratch an itch, but..
Wed May 29 2024 ryanisdyinI’ve been playing this game for hours now, and I think I love it. I even bought premium because of it. But they’re needs to be more benefits from it. Like why is they’re no 1.5x for gems? Theyres a lot of progression to this game and I’m all for that, but gems need to be given more because you’ll need a lot of crates to open to finally start to feel like an absolute unit in the sky. Other than that, I think this game has a lot of potential, as long as it doesn’t get predatory with its micro transactions.
Also theyre needs to be a fix to the trials because there's quite a lot of times when the enemies don’t even show up, losing me a lot of gems and credits that I could have earned to progress further into the game. Also why can’t I earn credits for replaying previous missions? You could have atleast give me half credits for completing them. Especially since you’re going to 100% replay the same mission ever single time.
More glitches and bugs everyday
Sat Jun 08 2024 W1nluvUpdate. The game is starting to get buggy. Videos to restore fuel aren’t working, you click the button and no video loads, your two chances to watch videos for fuel just disappear and nothing happens. Another bug is on prestige two, some challenges for missions never have enemies appear, so you can’t complete the missions for gems and gold coins. The latest bug is dealing with getting your daily 1000 coins and 20 gems for watching videos. With this bug if you click on the button it says you don’t have an internet connection. But amazingly, you have a connection if you want to purchase gems, red diamonds or gold coins lol. Also without an internet connection the game would not load or play, so clearly this is another bug. I hope the developers fix this, because it’s discouraging me from playing the game.
Ultra realistic for a handheld game. Fire for effect! So much fun, especially with the limited ammo which adds another layer or realism.
Trials and Tribulations
Tue Jul 09 2024 ZurnvsUPDATE!! Don’t play this game and expect support from the app. I gave them $10 freely on May 9th which was 2 months ago today. I noticed issues with the trials but said nothing. Then on June 15 I contacted shd on instant and was told the issue was being addressed and to expect an update. Then on July 1st I was trying to promote Vll to Vlll and nothing. Once again i contacted shd in instagram. They said they’re aware of the issue and a update was being tested and update is to come. Contacted them again on the 6th and said they were close to putting out the update. But I don’t think this is true I’ve ask requested the Apple provide me with a refund because the app isn’t giving me what I have paid for in this transaction. The 7 to 8 promotion has been an issue since at least the first week of June. I say some mention it in a review back then and obviously more than a month later it has been fixed and there hasn’t been 1 update. So give them money but know you will be playing for a limited time. Good Day