Losing stuff as I get it
Fri May 22 2020 thriftyblob_I was casually playing gdw on one morning. And that’s when I got two keys, I go to the chest room and open two chest’s. I get this cool death effect/affect and a lava shard. That death effect/affect was my very first one, and a new robot from collecting 35 lava shards. As I collect them, I go immediately to my character and put them on. I go to do “The Challenge” just for memes but also to test out the affect/effect. I let my self die a couple times to admire the coolness. And as I’m admiring it, my game freezes, I press the pause button to see if it’ll help, just making it even WORSE! It kicks me out of the game and doesn’t let me entry it for a couple of seconds. Then finally, I was able to reenter the game, not only to see that my characters color was reset to how I had it before, but to see that it had removed my robot and my death affect/effect. So, RobTop, if you can please fix this bug, it would be amazing and thankful because I know I could just buy them, but the one I got was cool. Overall, this is a great game even though some people say that once you finish the main levels, there’s nothing else to do, but there is. So please RobTop, it would be amazing. And also, all your other games are awesome too. Oh and one other thing, I have lost other things, but was able to buy them back or just retrieve it.
Great Game, but...
Sun Oct 20 2019 ScorchedLavenderI honestly love most things about Geometry Dash: World. As a beginner it’s a great introduction into the full version and each level is introductory to a new mechanic, plus the world aspect and avatars are fun. The game is super addicting, but I do have a few complaints.
First off, the gameplay is too easy. After playing through each level a few times with around 4-15 attempts, I started to pass the full levels in up to 2 attempts. This is great for a person new to the game, but not after a while.
Second, ADS. The full version and SubZero both either rarely or don’t have this problem, but World is PACKED with ads. I’m fine with the short, video-like ads, but there are ads in World that are huge and slapped on the top of the level. It’s distracting, unremovable, and covers the pause button, so you have to die repeatedly to get it to pause, which takes ultimately around 20-26 attempts to happen and has an ad in front of it. The only way to get rid of them is to die enough to pause the level, exit, and re-enter, and then a few attempts/levels later it’s back. It’s annoying, useless, and distracting. Please get rid of them in any future updates.
Don’t get me wrong; I love the game as a whole with all its features and introductory purposes. But the problems I’ve mentioned are bothersome and need fixing. Please read this and fix these! Thank you!
Only unlockable in geometry dash
Wed Dec 21 2016 533 7mithWhy are there so many things that are only unlockable in the full version of geometry dash. If the items are only unlockable in geometry dash, why even display them? It doesn't make much sense to me. The ads have also gotten worse across games. I know I should have expected it, as it's free, but it really messes the flow of gameplay up. I and many others would appreciate if you would tone down the ads, so as to not show them during levels.
On the other hand, it has very impressive levels. It was a very good idea to give player made levels a try, but one again, most of the useful options for player made levels are restricted to geometry dash. Once again, why are the buttons even there if they're not available? The only player made levels you can get are from the featured, so it gives very little exposure to the smaller creators. Other than these complaints, it is an overall good sequel to the original game. If not for these few issues, I would rate it 5 stars. If robtop is reading this, if you can, please fix these issues. It would make the game go a lot smoother for the players.
Thank you for your time,
Love it so much.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Sat Jul 29 2023 keegan bombI love this game so much. I really hope developers read this because it needs to be heard. I love everything about geometry dash!!!😍😍😍😍 I have The full version, The lite version, and geometry world. I really hate to complain but I need something fixed please please please please!!!!! I tap on geometry dash full version and the RobTop logo shows and then I exit back to Home Screen. IT JUST CRASHES! AHHHH!!!! 😱😱😱😱It Doesn’t sound like this is the first time either… All my friends have it and it does the same thing to them too! All they had to do was delete it and then re-download it for it to work. I don’t know if it’s that the game is not compatible to my device, but it says it is so I’m not sure. I left basically the same exact review about six months ago but I still haven’t gotten a response please just look at it and see if you can fix anything you’re really hoping for a response and see if there’s something wrong with me or if it’s wrong with the game but please help me. again I love this game so so so much thank you in advance for everything.
I just read another report and they had the Sam problem. If you don’t believe me check the review. There name is fruition tutti. Please fix😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Thu Jun 02 2022 frutti tutti 🍓i literally loved this game so much and i was so far in all the levels since i loved playing this so much. i’m not really much of a huge video gamer, but i’m telling you i loved this! i was going to play it one day and i had already had it for a few months and it just went to the opening “RobTop” screen and then kicked me off. i have tried getting on so many times i have considered deleting it and coming back, but that would erase all of my passed levels. i wouldn’t be so skeptical about deleting it, but you have to pass levels to advance to the next level or world vs. in the geometry dash lite, which is not as good as this one, you can skip all you want. the game is so fun but it obviously needs some serious bug fixes. i understand if it’s tons of ads, which stinks too, but when you can’t even get on the game after turning your device on and off all the way multiple times is something different. what a shame that i’ll probably be deleting this after all y’all’s great game development and figuring out what this game would be. thank y’all so much for reading, and i hope future players don’t have this same problem. once again, thanks for your time reading this, and please fix the bug problem!
Geometry Dash is Okay
Mon Feb 12 2024 Boykinspaniel lover❤️❤️❤️Okay, so here is my honest review of geometry dash. The game is okay, and I love how there are really cool lights and everything, plus the monsters add a really cool touch. You can also change your color int he game, which is nice so it adds a nice personal theme. But there are a lot of hinges I wish they could change. First off: ads. This app gives you like two ads every THREE minutes, which is SO annoying and I don’t like at all, because you would only get to try like five times and then you have to wait for like two minutes. Second: there are only TWO developer made worlds. I feel like if you want to call this game geometry dash WORLD then you should at least have more levels. Thirdly: when you get to be able to play user made levels, just know what to expect: some of it is really good, but some of them are really crazy and hard and you don’t know where to look. (Not developers fault, I’m just saying that it’s not as straightforward as devolver made levels.) Anyway… I really love this game and I would recommend… but if you wanted more levels then I would get the other games plus this because this will not take you very long to beat. Hope this was a helpful review☺️
Not for the pros...
Tue Dec 27 2016 LJerrx44The game is fair, I prefer the first 2 the same reason of pretty much everyone else. This game is easy, mainly due to the short duration of the level. It isn't a bad thing to add easier levels for new people but people from the original players (people who haven't quit: meaning we are fair at the game) it's a boring cake walk, I question why you didn't add this to meltdown, as a secondary story mode? A game should have a mix of hard and easy levels, adding this to meltdown satisfies a need for slightly easier levels for those lower level players. Adding the chest and currency to meltdown could of been a easy process as well, it wouldn't do any harm as well? So I question why this game is even a another game and not a update? Maybe there is a good reason but as a game as a whole it's fine, I'm not a fan of most user created levels which I guess truly give a harder difficulty. Last but not least does anyone feel the difficulty rating on some of these user created levels feel a bit low? (It might be me I guess due to not playing this game since meltdown, but I swore it was much easier than this?) 9.2/10 stupid 5 star rating system ;D
Sun Jan 09 2022 ShadowyGeodesI think that this game has a lot of good stuff and it totally brings a new style to the game. but when you get into the editor of gdw then it gets a bit annoying, so when I try to put in a trigger but there is an ad on the top of my phone, I can’t really mess with the X bar and Y bar in the move trigger because the ad is blocking full view and when you close the ad by clicking why this ad and putting in a random aspect of the add it just says ad closed by google so then I have to close the game, also to go with it I do have the full version of Gd but it doesn’t do anything even when I load my progress in and so I can’t use the editor but I use a glitch to get into the editor and to top it the 2.2 EDITOR. But if I close the game then all my progress on the level gets deleted and I can’t upload it and this all leads back to my first complaint with the ads on the top of the screen that doesn’t even let you exit the editor and you have to crash your game to get out of the editor but again your progress gets deleted. I think this is a great game BUT DELETE THE ADS FOR GODS SAKE.
Cool game
Tue Oct 12 2021 Draila55This game is not bad at all! As seen in other reviews, however there are many ads that distract you when you are really concentrating on a level. There are many pros to the game though. The levels are easy and fun. As a 9 year old, for a while, this will be a very entertaining game to play in spare time. There are a few more cons I want to put out there. The levels are so quick to play, you fly through them. Then you just end up repeating the same levels over and over again. In my opinion, they should have added more by now. But don’t get me wrong, I love World, and I would definitely recommend it to those who have not downloaded it. Unlike Subzero or Meltdown, there are tons of levels to play. My fav out of all of the World levels is Years. It has a smooth beat that I loved and still play now. Anyway, in summary I love this game very much and I have described all my problems. If they can change those struggles in the game, I would really appreciate that. ✌️
Tue Oct 10 2023 CirrusssbAs a result of the sad iOS 17 glitch, I was forced to move to World, where I could only play levels I had saved over a year ago because of the GD account issues. I’ve beaten three demons since then (losing progress on two others) and I’m tired of all the extra ad revenue RobTop is making when I already paid for the removal via Full version. Whenever the game starts trying to load ads in the background, the game has issues with lagging. It’s different than the game partially freezing and getting the audio ahead; instead it shows the game stopping when it actually keeps going, easily making it to where mistiming is common. I have to turn off cellular data whenever I play the game. And lastly, it can cause weird issues on individual levels that I don’t even think can be fixed; for example, the easy demon Egg becomes unbeatable at 66%, because one speed changer that’s confirmed to be there in the regular level - a level I have beaten - is missing, does not change my speed, and results in my death.
If RobTop actually cared about his game or community, he should have found help or hot fixed the game by now to save it from takedowns.