Great game
Thu Jul 09 2020 Davie afI along with most others writing a review just finished the game, because at the end it asks if you want to support the game by giving it a review, and I wanted to because it’s all I’ve been playing since I got it and I loved it. In my opinion the games difficulty is perfect, you may die quite a few times on a level but you will know you can be able to beat it. It isn’t one of those games with the really annoying ads that ends up not even being what the ads about or one were it’s literally impossible to lose. They have a couple challenging parts in them where you have to think about how to beat it. I personally like how they add new functions to the game, the first level with a new function will always be pretty easy so you can clearly see how it works then with each function the levels progressively get more difficult. I’m not gonna lie though there are a few glitches that I found on my journey. Some levels you could skip an entire part of and others there were times you could get stuck or just come to a complete stop. One thing I wish was that you could get currency quicker after finishing ask the levels I still don’t have all the different skins. Overall I’m giving this game a 5 star because it is so enjoyable that you can look past any small problems. I’d recommend this game to anyone.
I didn’t spell check so if I messed up some where that’s why.
Sun Feb 07 2021 jnevlbSome of the levels glitch and it’s not your fault but sometimes you get stuck in random places and you’ll have to reset it and sometimes it gets frustrating because you can’t be a level and then you hit skip a level and it does not work glitches are really bad and you need to like fix them and you can have fun with it but it does require you to have something with you to relieve stress because it’s really hard and it’s gets frustrating again when he be a level you can’t be the level I mean and then again again it’s just like and I feel like if I didn’t have so much much it would be so much funner and you guys should definitely check it out and make sure you read the reviews before any game you get so this game does not cost any money but so ever but it will ask you to support him and give you 299 so don’t if you don’t want to support them you don’t have to but it doesn’t cost any money for you to play the game and it’s on definitely a good idea to read their all these reviews because they’ll give you different feedback but I definitely think you should download the game and check it out but make sure the glitches I have to do is hit the play button up and they well reset your button so then you can just try again on it does get frustrating again so just try and don’t get frustrated have fun playing and definitely give it a try bye
Great game! A few minor thing though
Wed Oct 16 2024 Ice Cream Truck Baby!This game is very fun! The levels are easy to play but boring. It’s a good game to play if you’re in a place with bad cell service, or need ti kill some time. However, the are three minor things that bug me.
For one, the balls don’t roll. It just slides on the platforms and it’s a bit annoying, because I worked hard to get the designs that I want, and to just see them sliding around and not roll is weird.
Another problem, the ball won’t jump sometimes, no matter how much I tap the screen. Usually I don’t mind, but sometimes when playing my favorite levels or challenging my friends, the jump won’t work, and that frustrates me because the jump should work every time.
And lastly, sometimes there are way too much ads. Notice how I said -sometimes-, because the ad level is perfectly fine most of the time! But after 10 or so levels of playing, the ads are suddenly laid on like they’re trying to smother me. Before you play, if you run into a spike, when you win, or try to exit to the homepage to go to another level. It usually goes away after a few levels, but it’s still a little off putting.
Again, this game is very fun! The sounds and levels are nice and easygoing! But if these type of things bother you, you might want to take these into account.
A Wonderful Game With A Tiny Flaw
Mon Jun 07 2021 Maren HThis game is a very wonderful game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The levels are just the right amount of difficulty and after messing up a few times you know what is going to happen. Also, I really liked that each section introduced a different “Function” which is like a new object that performs something different. As much as I love this game though, there are 202 levels and I have completed all of them. By going into settings, you can see when the last time you have played something. It has been pretty much a year since I have last played and it said at the end that they were working on new levels. The game was undownloaded because I had beat all the levels and there was no reason to play it. They have not given any details to when new ones are actually coming out. As a consumer this is very frustrating because I have to decide if I should delete the app because there are no new levels coming. Also, on the App Store where the updates are it says new things coming soon, bugs fixed, and vey rarely says new levels. I would love if you would check that out yourself so it makes more sense. Overall though, I really loved the game when I was doing all the levels, the only issue is after you finish all the levels because you don’t know what to do with the game.
The most addicting game
Sun Aug 22 2021 xkgcgochlcphcgocyoycI’ve been playing this game for two years now ,and I absolutely love it like legit love it I have all of the balls I’ve completed all of the levels ,and it has this little message at the end where says they’re working on some new levels which I’m so excited for, and it asks if you want to leave a review so here I am when you’re bored you play it when you have nothing to do you play it when you’re just sitting there you play it ,it’s always something you could just play sit there and play like on the bus and play you can play it anywhere and it’s just the best game ever,I never had any trouble with it game and as I’m sitting here looking at all the reviews I see that there’s not one bad review ,and it’s like a difficult game it’s a puzzle game it’s not something that you can just tap tap and win it’s something that you have to really think about, and really like get your head focused it’s something that could help you like get focused or if you have like some focusing problems it can help you with that or if you don’t I don’t care and that’s my review and I love this game I’m gonna keep playing even though I finished all the levels thank you for making this game
Very fun game
Thu Apr 18 2019 Darley L.I just beat the game and my thoughts are that this game is one of those games where if you start playing you usually can’t stop playing unless you get stopped because the levels aren’t that hard and you can beat them all on the first try so once you beat a level you’ll want to finish the next level. Some suggestions I have are obviously to add more levels because I had fun playing the game, add more skins, and maybe make it so that like if you touch the left side of the screen the ball would jump to the left and if you touch the right side of the screen the ball would jump to the right because this would make it so the ball jumps in the direction you want it to because this has happened to me several times and it would make you have to use both hands (if you have two hands). This could make the game slightly harder but it could also help out. Another thing I noticed is that there are some shortcuts on some levels where you can basically skip like most of the map so it would be good if you fixed that and made sure that can’t happen in future levels if more get added.
i love the game!
Wed Oct 09 2024 noenoe808I love the game so much but there are a few glitches in it… I love how it’s challenging and not too complicated, the glitches that I see are nothing too big, it’s just the levels that have the two lines and then the spikes on either sides and you have to click really fast, I can’t seem to get past them easily, but again I got past them and I finished the game. I honestly can’t wait for you guys to add the new pack so I can keep playing… I mean I can still replay them but I like new levels, definitely feel like there needs more levels… another glitch I encountered was that it says that if you watch an ad it will let you skip the level, but I’ve tried to do that and it makes me watch the ad but doesn’t let me skip the level. I like how it doesn’t require wi-fi but it’s still fun, I like how it’s exactly like what it said in the ads, and you didn’t say like “no ad game!” And then have ads, cause I’ve seen a lot of those scams lately, I like how fun it is it’s just very well done and not too glitchy, I did finish all the levels very fast, but overall it’s an amazing experience for me and I can’t wait for the new pack to come out.
Thank you for reading this message and i hope you have a great day/night.😄
Love this amazing game
Tue Feb 08 2022 AnubisylilI absolutely love this game. I saw ads and stuff about it and completely ignored them, but one time I was like “ok I will give it a shot.” The game is completely addicting and any of the times I wasn’t doing anything, you could probably find me doing this game. There were a few moments when I was angry at the game and just completely stop playing for a couple days. The reason why I did that was because every once and a while I would come across glitches like platforms moving right underneath and the ball falls to death or I fall on one of the spikes(I may or may not have some anger issues.) There was one thing j was really upset about this game, it was all of the annoying ads, every time you die there is a ad, and every time you complete a level, once again ads. I am like ok with ads and everything, but the thing is it was the same as over and over and that’s when things got annoying. Over all I loved the game and completed it in two months and I hope more levels are coming out because I would def play them.
Absolutely Amazing & Addictive
Mon Sep 02 2019 🦄🤩😁😁First off, I completely recommend this game to anyone looking for something to download. It is easy, but not terribly easy. I was addicted instantly. It is my go-to game at anytime. Many people complain about ads, well I’ve got y’all all a solution, just turn off WiFi and turn on airplane mode. It works for other apps with way too many ads as well. Though there are some things like skipping while playing or getting stuck during gameplay causing you to start all over, but that can easily be fixed.
To the developers: You have done an outstanding job! I hope you add more things to this game in the future. Such as, more levels, more skins, and stuff like adding friends and competing in races to see who can complete the course the quickest, and things like that. Maybe even a chat! And make it so that people have a choice to either play as a guest (and be sure the guest and players with a profile can save the progress they make before the update as well) or make a profile. Hope you see this and use my advice! :)
❤️Fun! But needs some tinkering.
Sun Jun 09 2019 t.orelleSo this is the only game I actually *like* on my phone right now. I was so sick of playing amaze, and helix jump. So I downloaded this, and instantly enjoyed it. It gets trickier, so it’s not one of those continuous games that remains simple. However, the reason as to why I gave this 4 stars rather than 5, is because of the following issues;
•For one thing, you would expect this game to be “touch sensitive,” right? Wrong. This game actually doesn’t always react well to your fingers. There have been at least 4 times (maybe even more) when I tap and it doesn’t work, and I end up having to re-start the level, so the committee of this game needs to fix this.
•Secondly, the amount of adds in this game isn’t awful, but it is annoying. Thankfully, there is a substantial amount, and most times (if not always) you get to skip. I find it best to put my phone on airplane mode though so that I don’t have to watch the adds (this works for other apps too).
That’s it. I hope you found this review helpful! It’s a fun game, it just needs some additional work. ❤️❤️❤️