IT IS FREE!!!In-App Purchase
- Fantasy Pack - $1.99
- Space Pack - $1.99
- Prank Pack - $1.99
- Classics Pack - $1.99
Version 2.0.72024-03-12
Bug fixes and minor improvements
This is GoatZ, this is your story.
GoatZ is the latest official addition to the Goat Simulator universe, and is a fine contender for the dumbest thing to come from Coffee Stain Studios yet - GOATS AND ZOMBIES IN THE SAME GAME! Well if you’re not already yelling at your mom to buy the game for you right away, maybe this will impress you a bit more:
* Official new app from the idiots that brought you Goat Simulator
* Mandatory crafting system - Craft anything in the world, as long as it’s one of the half dozen weapons in the game.
* Zombies, zombies everywhere because this is a zombie game, remember?
* A pretty big map with some stuff on it.
* Fully fledged survival mode where you have to eat every five minutes to survive, just like your grandmother.
* Turn humans into Zombies and loot some crates. Just like your grandmother.
* Also a casual mode for people who don’t like feeding their goat every five minutes
* Tons of new unlockable goats with special powers - shrink people’s heads, hang glide, wreak havoc, spit and be a goat. For real.
Content IncludesFrequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Medical/Treatment InformationInfrequent/Mild Realistic ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Horror/Fear ThemesInfrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesInfrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor
Coffee Stain Studios, the creative minds behind your favorite farm-animal-themed video games, has just unveiled Goat Simulator 3 on mobile.
Android Police Mon Jan 01 2024
The long wait for exclusivity is over for Goat Simulator 3, as Coffee Stain Publishing confirmed this week the game will come to Steam in...
Bleeding Cool News Thu Feb 01 2024
Goat Simulator sequel: Coffee Stain publishing's iconic deliberately broken open-world game receives the third in its series, despite never...
PCGamesN Fri Jul 01 2022
Coffee Stain Publishing, Coffee Stain North and PLAION are excited to announce that Goat Simulator 3 has been released into the world.
WebWire Thu Dec 01 2022
Goat Simulator 3 will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Epic Games Store on November 17, Coffee Stain Publishing and...
Gematsu Mon Aug 01 2022
Coffee Stain has confirmed the details of the Goat Simulator 3 Summer update, which is available right now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox. Sat Jul 01 2023
Coffee Stain Studios made a big splash at Summer Game Fest with the reveal of "Goat Simulator 3." Revealed with a shot for shot remake of...
SVG Thu Sep 01 2022
Goat Simulator developer Coffee Stain announced today that it has acquired a majority share in studio Gone North Games, which will now be...
VentureBeat Thu Mar 01 2018
Goat Simulator 3? Best reveal trailer ever, you say? Yep, we're saying it. Announced as the sequel to the much divisive Goat Simulator,...
TheXboxHub Fri Jul 01 2022
Goat Simulator 3 recently came out, and with it came a brand new launch trailer showing off more aspects of the game and its insanity.
Bleeding Cool News Thu Dec 01 2022