IT IS FREE!!!In-App Purchase
- No ads - $4.99
- Free reward tickets - $0.99
- Starter pack - $7.99
- Little companion - $0.99
- Elements - $2.99
Version 182024-07-18
Bug fixes.
You play as a new girl in high school. Gossip spreads fast here and you must quickly adapt. Talk to people, find new friends and spread some gossip. Ready for a high school adventure full of drama?
Content IncludesInfrequent/Mild Sexual Content and NudityInfrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive ThemesInfrequent/Mild Realistic ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Medical/Treatment InformationInfrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude HumorInfrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or ReferencesInfrequent/Mild Horror/Fear ThemesInfrequent/Mild Simulated Gambling
i beat the whole game in a day and a half. it was the most fun i’ve ever had and i could really feel like i was a gossip master and a sigma male like damien. ask any of my friends, i was playing it every chance i had. i’ve never loved a game more than this. i’m very happy that i beat it, like every other person would be, but i’m also so sad and so MAD. i was so ready for more. LIKE WHY CANT YOU MAKE A FREAKING SEASON 3. i wanted to see what would happen with the 15 million different boyfriends i had. (jp was my favorite) i don’t get why i got so many opportunities to cheat on poor JP, he like just disappeared?? i played this gave religiously and i was so into it and enjoyed it with all my heart. i will be thinking about this game for the rest of my life. i will be checking to see if there is a season 3 everyday, someone let me know when i can play it. i know people have complained about the ads and whatever, but its all worth it. this game is so amazing and i can’t place words on how fun it is. i shed a few tears when i beat the game because as soon as i saw the “thanks for playing” message. whoever made this game, thank you. i love you. i don’t care how long the game was it was just so juicy and so fun and i felt so connected to all the characters. only “complaint” i have is that there is so season 3. once season 3 is out i will be playing 24/7 again. thank you 🤗❤️
Went on a trip and didn’t have service, but downloaded this a few weeks b4 on impulse and figured I’d give it a shot. OMG!!! I loved it ! I beat the whole game, and was so sad when my time at the mall ended. Also I was dating a boy in High school, JP. And when the mall started after prom I never saw him again :^( I was bummed because while I was at the mall I wouldn’t date anyone because I thought I was still dating JP so I stayed faithful cuz people in this game be GOSSIPING!! But it ended after we busted the administrator, and I thought I’d go back to school, but instead it said “thanks for playing, you’re welcome to start over” I was SO SAD !! I felt like the characters were friends (not really, but I didn’t have service to call my friends all week) and never got to say bye to JP !!! This game was the best, trying to avoid starting over in case they add more levels ! Also, in the like 3rd chapter I found a style box, it gave me an Olympic swimmer cap ?? I tried to deny the “upgrade” but it was too late. Every style box after asked me to watch an ad to unlock, but I didn’t have service so I couldn’t. I went THE ENTIRE GAME with a swim cap on !!! I couldn’t take it off ! lol proof looks don’t matter, I was still “school queen”the whole game.
I luv this game, but I just want to say that I’m using an iPad, so it’s different to me, than some… but anyway… when I complete a level I have to exit the app, refresh it, so I can go to the next level, I would put 4 and a half stars, but since I can’t I put 5, I’m hoping I figure out this glitch, but I wanna tell you some abt the game. FIRST OFF, the game is super fun, instead of just spreading gossips, you go in missions, to make deals and what not… and you don’t just have gossip somewhere in ur brain and then you just remember, no! You actually have to find the gossip, and avoid them catching you! It’s so fun! And, unlike the ads (this is a good thing) the games aren’t so easy every time, it’s hard to connect to spread gossip, sometimes. I love the way you get sent on missions by your best friend, (Veronica, if I have the same ones you all do) sometimes people spread rumors about you, making the game interesting, on top of that, you have crushes too, so it’s not based off one thing (spreading gossip) it’s a game of missions! I very much recommend this game! Just note, (game devs, I want u to reply please) I need to know how to stop the glitch in the first paragraph! (Great game tho)
I think its a fun game , i was a little sad when it ended at the prom i felt like it shouldve given a little bit more and i think it would help if we could pick out own characters , names and be able to write what we want it would alsaw mean people could replay the game without getting tired of it because it could be a brand new story since we get to pick what to say and who we want to date because they didnt give much options , and yes i understand that they cant do us writing ourself because then they would have to program the other characters to say a million alternatives but i hope they atleast take the suggestions into considerations . Ok now this might be something that has to take longer or you are already working on it but i want there to be different games you can play like for example “youre crush” or whatever the title may be but you can choose wich one you want rather than finishing it and having to replay anyways that was it but over all i liked the game hope you guys take a look at my review , byee
Honestly seeing the adds made me think that this game was like all of the others. (Doing the same thing each level) I was completely wrong, and became obsessed after the first few gossips. I never knew this game would have a story line, and I can’t wait for Season 3 to come out. Although felt like a problem started when I replayed. After a few minutes I started getting ads after almost every conversation. I’m not sure if that was going on earlier but thats my only complaint. I do also have a few suggestions! Once you complete the game you should be able to switch seasons and go through chapters. I also think you should maybe add VIP to the game so you don’t always have to watch adds and buy No Ads. (And also get a few skins). Another thing I recommend is one of the skipping tickets once you get 25% or 50% through a chapter, possibly when you complete one too. For those looking in the reviews, I wouldn’t buy this if you don’t like seeing ads. I would buy it if you’re interested in drama and (maybe) romance. I personally love the game and can’t wait for the new season!
I got this game cause I was bored and I expected it to be those bad games that basically repeat themselves over and over, but I found myself getting invested in the story and finishing the game in one day. But suggestions to make the game better would probably be 1. It would be nice if we could customize the main character and give ourselves a name 2. Idk if maybe I just didn’t explore the game enough but I wish there was like a chapters menu. There’s so many instances where I wonder what would have happened if I picked the other option but i don’t feel like playing the entire game just to get to the part I want. It would also make it so much easier for when new chapters are released 3. Text can be a little janky at times with weird grammar but I understand it’s probably because the game has been translated. it would be nice if we had a sort of, fast forward button so the dialogue could show up faster Overall I’m surprised! Can’t wait to see how the story continues to unfold
As I was playing the game I couldn’t stop playing it lol, almost all the time since I downloaded it I was playing it, there’s just few things I disliked, for one, I myself do not like guys 😭 so I kinda just ended up rejecting them all and when the options to kiss like any girl came up id take that 😭 but well nothing would really happen with that, it’s just like a one off type of thing, never anything further, with the guys you can progress a relationship type of thing with them yk? It’s just kinda eh on that front, and I’m so sad that I beat it 😭 like I liked the game so much beating it was depressing, and there’s not even an option to pick between seasons or anything, I’ve beaten the whole game and I’m forced to basically restart, but id like to see maybe some season selection, more seasons 💔, and like a more in depth relationship type of style with the girls lol, again tho it’s a great game! If there were more seasons added I would 100% be playing again
I feel like there should be more chapters, and I could tell by reading the other reviews that others agree with me, and I agree with them as well. At the prom I noticed that it wasn’t a glitch, but instead the end of the game. I feel like there should be a continuation, or maybe Gossip master 2, continuing the storyline from before. But I found it quite funny at first how it left me, and other players at a cliffhanger. I, and a lot of other players would appreciate it if you/dev team could make some more chapters. I’ve heard other reviews stating how good this game is, and I will say, it’s an amazing game. I just feel like it can have a lot more potential than it already has just by making more chapters, this game is very entertaining a kills boredom, but as I said, me, and other players would greatly appreciate it if you or your dev team can make more chapters. Thanks for taking your time to read this, have a good day/night.
The game is great but there are many bugs. The most annoying bug is when you open a style box and nothing happens. It’s just white. Number two there are some ads where you can’t skip or end it and you have to refresh your game. Also, there are many grammar issues but probably because the game was translated. Also, the game has so much potential but ends in a cliffhanger. One of the problems is that the game starts to get very repetitive and boring towards the end, I personally noticed I started skipping many dialogue towards the end because it wasn’t very interesting. The game does add interesting mechanics toward the end of the game when you are spreading gossip, but some mechanics do not really make any sense. It would be cool if the game was a little longer but tweaked so you don’t get bored so quickly. Overall, it’s definitely a really good game and worth your time. I recommend checking it out, it’s really fun but definitely needs a few tweaks here and there. 100% recommend playing!!!
It’s not a bad game, it’s actually a really fun and interesting one, but there are just a few problems. Number one is how there are ads where you can’t skip so you have to refresh the app, please fix that one! Number two is how you guys pick who they like, some people are lqbtq+ and some people just don’t want the guys you offered. Number three is messaging, sure when it’s a mission you would message only the certain person. But I think when you’re done with the mission you should have Atleast 2 minutes to talk with people. Number 4 is messaging, I think that when we message certain people we could chose to pick between the answers you gave us or to type what we want to say/do. Number 5 is a longer ending/different endings. I think that there should be hidden endings, and that you could add like, another 3 levels to the game. Number six is gender option. I think that you should give us the option to be either a boy or girl. I can’t think of any other reasons so yeah!
Descargar GossipMaster para Android �ltima Versi�n Gratis. GossipMaster es un t�tulo que nos pone en la piel de un estudiante dispuesto a practicar la...
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