Great Game
Mon May 29 2023 SeabssssssjsjjssjndnsI downloaded this game on a flight from NYC to LA. I’m not much of a gamer but I must admit I’m very impressed. I was able to get all the way to 1# in the Diamond League within 4 hours. I am quite proud to have the opportunity to be 1# in the world at a game like this. I am delighted to have the obligation to have my name on yet another top leaderboard. I really liked how easy and simple this game is. I do wish that it became a little more challenging as the levels go on. I think that anyone and I mean ANYONE could get to 1#. Which stinks because I worked hard to WIN. It’s not fair that some kid with a low skill level can beat me. So please maybe increase the difficulty level throughout the levels. The boss levels were really easy for me. I think that they should be harder. I think that it was too easy for me to get 1# in the diamond level. Maybe I’m just too good against these other “players”. All in all in the 45 years I’ve been alive, this is probably the most addictive/fun game I’ve ever played. I hope that there is some sort of recognition for me reaching 1# in this game. I worked really hard to be in the situation I am in, and I am nothing but grateful for the chance to succeed at yet another thing. Thank you Helix Jump
Sat Mar 02 2019 UniKittie 🦄This game is so addicting! My friend and I can’t stop playing it. It’s a fantastic game, and the quality is great! It’s fairly well done! I just have a few suggestions or minor issues with the game I’d like to say.
First off, ads! Of course, you have to have ads to earn money, but the fact that you have an ad that’s on the screen before you play (thank god its not there while you play) is just a little, idk, odd? It annoys me a bit. I mean, ads are kind of there all the time with you anyways. There are those ads at the bottom, the ones that come when you die and say continue with a video pictured on it, the ad that comes after the continue section. It’s quite annoying. But then again, it’s not that bad. Some games are worst.
To add on, I’m sure many people have already said this but I can’t unlock that last skin. I have unlocked over 5 skins. I’ve actually unlocked all the skins except for that one. Idk if this is some kind of bug or glitch of whatever, but it’s not exactly great.
Another reason is when you watch an ad to continue, it drops you onto the other color that makes you die. There’s not even a count down!
Fun passing of time at best
Wed Jan 30 2019 RishiTheGoatSo the concept behind this game is really interesting and very addicting. But besides that this is simply your very basic dime a dozen game that was clearly made with the intent to make money rather than to make an entertaining and fun game. First of all the ads are rampant in this one. That’s nothing new and it’s been far worse in the past, it’s still really annoying. (I would recommend turning off your cellular data for this game in settings and just play with data and all the ads will be gone). The other thing is while this game isn’t necessarily a buggy mess it still has some huge game breaking bugs that at times makes me want to throw my phone across the room. The most annoying one is when you hit a green arrow right before you reach the bottom and it will break the bottom block and you’ll just be suspended in air forever and the only way to fix this is to restart the game which resets your score and level. (I got a score of 390,000 just to have this happen to me. Other bugs include things like teleporting through walls and the platform you’re on breaking but these are barely noticeable and not even a big problem. In conclusion this is a fun passing of time if you can find someway to disable the ads but the game lacks polish and doesn’t share the spirit of game development that other games have and in the end just seems like a large quick grab for money.
Having trouble with ads??
Sun Apr 14 2019 Lauren-=0=-GilbrideThis is a awesome game. Time will pass really quickly. My favorite part is how the levels don’t get any harder it’s the same levels. I really like how easy yet challenging it is to pass a level. I do thinks that it was more fun when the levels were a bit more of a challenge. But there is one thing. On an iPad the game is smooth and great, but when I play it on my phone then it gets really glitchy and it pauses and makes me loose the level. I really love this game but I can’t enjoy it on my phone. I wish that there was a switch in the settings that could make it easier or harder. Because I have seen a lot of people like how easy it is and a lot who think that it is too easy and needs more challenge aspects
If you are having troubles with the ads I have found a hack. The app works without WiFi and data so. If you turn your phone to airplane mode then all the ads will disappear because it can’t load them. I hope this was helpful.
Also after I downloaded the update it keeps on asking me to verify that I am over the age of fifteen and that it has my consent to use personal data to give me certain ads. Well I don’t know what that is and I would please like some help. It is really annoying and is making me want to get rid of the game
You can’t turn off ads they need a tw
Sat Dec 10 2022 jj niaI played this game for a while I got around level 500 and so eventually I did the levels so fast that I got sick of the ads and so I got the no ads thing but I still got ads and did not get a refund even though nothing happened. One of the other reasons I wanted to get rid of the ads is because they were kind of triggering. They have ads for horror shows with people being k*lled and people covered in bl00d. This kind of stuff can freak me out especially this time because the ads are so sudden. I know this app is 12+ and so it’s allowed to do that but when I baby sit kids and they play on my phone they sometimes play this game but there are those ads. Normally I can just pay for the ads to go away but here it doesn’t work. This game seems fine at first too nothing in the actual game play needs a trigger warning but some of the ads do. My advice to people who are thinking about this game is 1. Be prepared for some things that are a bit triggering in the ads 2. Don’t buy the no ads option and 3. There are other games like this without these problems. All these problems aren’t too hard to fix for the creators so I hope they can see the problem and fix it and when they do I will be fine with this app but for now I just can’t support it
Developer, plz read
Mon May 27 2019 RedAngel2005I would’ve given this game 5 stars, but the annoying intro when u log onto the game is so annoying, I gave it 3 stars. The intro shows the Helix ball going through all ur lvls u previously passed and I’m on lvl 222, so that takes forever to finish. Whenever an ad came on, I would’ve just exit the game and log back on, but now that that annoying intro keeps interfering and wasting time, I don’t even bother logging back onto the game. You may think that that intro is preventing Helix jump players from skipping the ads, but in reality ur preventing Helix jump players from playing ur game. Get rid of that intro or make it wayy shorter, and this review will jump to 5 stars. If u want to developer, respond to my message but I don’t need u to. I’ll know u read this if u got rid of the intro/make it wayy shorter
That was my old review, but now I can’t even play the game at all cuz it’s stuck on the loading screen. And what’s more? The developer never responded to my last review, so this shows me that the developer doesn’t read the recent reviews. Now my review has dropped from 3* to 1*. If the developer would just fix the app MAJORLY, then it would jump to 5*, but no. I can already tell that that is not gonna happen and this game is officially too messed up to be fixed. Most players have already been playing for a long time and therefore do not want to start over, so that’s all I have to say.
Mon Jan 21 2019 👿😤😩👿😤😩I'm not here because I think my review is going to improve the game at all. Voodoo never listens to reviews and lashback, I'm just letting future players know what theyre getting into. The game is amazing but practically unplayable. Voodoo has so many games with millions of players, and i don't understand why they need so many adds. They would get significantly more players if people didn't quit playing because they were frustrated with the amount of adds. If they were to cut the adds in half, they would make just as much (possibly more) ad revenue due to more players playing for longer instead of rage quitting. When you die in a match, the game asks you if you want to watch an add to keep your progress. I usually say no as i can (on a good round) finish the round in the time it takes me to get through an add. But they give me an add anyway!! It doesn't matter if I say yes or no, it's just a matter of keeping my progress or not! Voodoo cares nothing for they're players, wants nothing but ad revenue, and doesn't care if they make a game miserable or not. They put no thought into making a game that is actually enjoyable for players and see every game as just another source of money that we inevitably end up giving them
Is it just me
Mon Jul 27 2020 crazyrabbit104Ok this game is great. Don’t get me wrong. It’s really nice. I play it all the time. Now there are a few things i could do without. Number one, the adds. Maybe it’s just me but the adds are always the same and pop up after every 3 tries. It just gets really annoying. I always just get frustrated and play a different game. I suggest switching up the adds sometimes and playing them less often. That would be amazing. Second issue, the glitches. This, for me, is the biggest problem because the glitches on my device are super bad. Is it just me? Like I can’t even go two “bars” before it glitches and I die. I even have to turn off WiFi just to be able to play it continuously. That gets really annoying having to turn it off and on. So, I suggest finding out whatever bug that is and fixing it. That would make the game a LOT more enjoyable. Honestly other than that, I’m on level 209 and it’s super fun. This game is a great way to pass time and it doesn’t require internet connection. I don’t have Cellular data so it helps a bunch for car rides. Anyway thanks for reading my review. I will continue to play this game and I would like to say thank you and well done to the producers of Helix Jump. Bye 👋.
The tea
Sun Nov 22 2020 ramennoodle girlI started playing this game about a year ago and the main reason I played it was because it was different then other games the way you could unlock different balls and customize the game was amazing until the update. The update made the game more and more like the other games on the App Store it is now much easier to unlock customization options and there really isn’t much of a challenge now the way you get coins is almost identical to other games like helix jump, also the way high scores are now counted would probably be my least favorite thing about the game. It used to be you would keep your score from the level and the score would continue to rise as you went from level to level until you die. Ones I played through 7 levels before I died and had a really big high score. Now with the new update your score resets every time you pass a level. I had to delete the game because of tech issues witch took away my old high score now with the update my score will never come close to even half of my old high score. You could say this game was born with a glow up and just had a BIG glow down. I really hope they change the ways the game is back to its original system thanks for taking the time to read this.
Ads ruin it
Sat Jun 30 2018 JustARandomCatloverI downloaded it on a whim because it was popular and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It was fun at first, and the little video saving thing was very helpful if I was only a few away from the end. But the ads, and their obvious greed for money. For one, they cram ads ANYWHERE they can. There are ads at the bottom constantly, there are ads after you “die”, there are ads when you reach a new level, there are ads when you restart a level, there is an ad on the side of the screen before you start a game. I’ve had a ad play just because I took to long to start playing/bouncing. And I’ve had an ad play in the middle of a game. This is unacceptable. Keep the ads to maybe after you “die” (short ads), when you progress to a new level, and the helpful video that can be the difference between finishing the level and not, beating your high score and not. But recently, the button just doesn’t work. Now, I’m not sure if that’s just a glitch or if they started doing that to be sneaky, but either way it needs to be fixed.
The only reason I gave this 2 stars and not one was because it can actually be an enjoyable game to pass the time, if you don’t mind the ads.
PS. I kept my WiFi on for the emergency video save but now that it isn’t working I’m considering turning it off to get rid of the ads