Love it
Fri Aug 21 2020 heyyyyyyy$$$$!?!?I love this game!!! Some people say granny is to mean but she has given me so much money and rarely talks to you. Not much else to say but I would recommend it to both people with barely in time and a lot of time. It is a great game and there is only ads when you want them!!! 5 Star app, found it and it was in the top 5 of the week so love it!!! But watch out it is so obsessive😳😂😂😂 I also have a few suggestions for this game. I think you should be able to sell furniture because if you just don’t want your furniture instead of just having to hoard it you should sell. Also I think that all the packs should just be ALOT of money in the game (not real money) or ALOT of gems 💎. Overall this game has had no problems and you get pretty rich 💵! So some people are complaining about grandmas ads, you can choose weather or not to watch the ad so you can’t really complain about you choosing to watch them plus the ads a really short and the they give you money at the end. I would probably be just finishing the one house without the ads. And I agree with the other people it could be nice to be a little more interactive, to add more jobs and to be able to really interact with your job. I know that would really change the concept and it would be hard to do but please acknowledge my questions and suggestions to make the game have a better future.
Good game but has some flaws
Sun Jul 14 2024 Fellow MSP gamerI love this game i love decorating and buying furniture and improving my job there’s just two problems one there’s way too many pop up ads and just ads in general to do pretty much anything you have to watch a ad or an ad just pops up please take the royal match ads down a notch I get so many of the same two variations of that games ads it’s also really annoying because literally every app game I’ve owned has the royal match ads so it gets kinda annoying when it’s repeated so much aside from the ads this is a pretty addicting game my second problem is that it’s glitchy i never had problems with glitching when I first downloaded the game but then I deleted it and just recently decided to redownload it and now it’s being glitchy I’ll log on and it puts me back at 299,000 when I was at 300,000 and then an ad pops up and it’ll be a black screen for awhile but the audio still plays and then when the picture finally pops up the audio is almost over and the picture is way behind and then when the audio finishes the picture stays still and the game music plays and it doesn’t fix itself after multiple attempts to get past the ad it just gives me a black screen when I try to log on and gives me this staticky sound that doesn’t sound like a good thing please fix this I really love this game and want to continue to play with this fixed and it says that the games compatible with my device so I don’t know what to do please fix this
Mon Apr 20 2020 SAUSSAGE_25Hello!! I would like to share an idea I had in mind not too long ago , I just installed the game yesterday ...and I’ve already reached the 1,000,000$ house 😂, is very addictive and fun to play , and the graphics are beautiful, is a very enjoyable game, but , I have some suggestions I would like to share that I think will make the game even more enjoyable and fun . Imagine , an Idle-Online game where you can interact with fiends and visit each other’s houses , give each other gifts ! Now imagine expanding the quantity of jobs and the interaction within the careers, add shops for different things and change the little blue car 😂 , take this as an example :” I’m on the sports career and I’ve advanced enough to choose the sport I want to do , and I choose basketball , well it would be fun to be able to do some of the training taping the screen or sliding” , now let’s say I didn’t want to do sports , but I wanted to cook , add a list of recipes you could follow and buy ingredients from a grocery store and unlock more as you go “with this you don’t only have more options within the options but you also get more interaction and you also have intrigue to know what’s going to happen next ! Maybe it’s not the same view you have for the game in the future the view you have of the game , but I just wanted to share it because I think it would make it more enjoyable:))
This Game is Great!
Fri May 29 2020 Ella SparklezI have no idea why people hate in this game so much. I saw one review saying how the Grandma is ‘too mean’. Too mean?! That’s what gives her character for goodness sake! It’s supposed to be funny! And I’ve omly had this for two days so maybe I can’t say much, but in those two days I decided to buy the little beginner’s package. This game is very well developed. There’s a weird thing where sometimes when you switch characters, the screen goes all white and nothing happens, but you just have to refresh. That is the only problem I have. It looks like this game is fairy new, and I am really excited to see the other options and great potential it has in store. It is creative and thoughfully put together, as there is text and descriptions and such in many places that most developers would not care to take the time to add in. All in all, I hope this game updates and updates and expands more and more and more, because it is very fun. Especially in quarantine, this is a really fun thing for me to flip through, and I really like how you can interior design, and you don’t have to place some items anymore, like some of the ugly basic wall ones! I would highly reccomend this game to my friends because it is a very fun game for sure. Thank you, you have done great work, and I am counting on seeing even more exceptional work from the developers!!!
Truly an Outstanding Game
Wed Apr 29 2020 Garry ButterflyThis game is incredible. It is an idle game, which means you will spend time waiting around being idle while playing; it essentially plays itself at its core, but there is ample opportunity for customization and play. The best parts are the customization and the captivating graphics. I made my character look exactly like me (one of the first games ever to feature a decent-looking hairstyle that is shaved on the sides). I was excited for the shaved hair because it looks exactly like mine, and I hadn't seen any other game use this hairstyle before. The game makes a lot of really progressive choices, such as utilizing a single agender body base as a rebuttle against gender expectations and supposed dimorphism. I appreciate this simple yet profound choice. Ultimately, this game does so many things right, it is worth checking out and spending at least a couple hours playing.
My one qualm is that levels are determined by the furniture you have currently placed, which forces me to jam all my furniture into the house tetris-style. It isn't pretty, but I did what I had to do in order to level up. My one improvement for the game would be to permanently reward us status when we purchase a housing item, so that we do not need to place every item and clutter our house. Otherwise, amazing game, and I hope to see future content updates!
AMAZING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri Aug 21 2020 nightmares134If you already read the title it’s true! This game is awesome! I just got this game a few days ago and it’s SUPER fun!!! At first I saw a few ads like,
“ don’t buy this game it’s an add farm! “ and about how grandma is mean or whatever.. but to me I LOVE grandma’s character she’s so funny! I’m also already at farm house! I must say the houses are pricey.. but like in the saying if you want it you work for it! ( I’m pretty sure that’s how it’s said... ) but anyway back to the positives..! One of the many reasons this game is great is because it’s an idle simulator.. yes.. but..! YOU CAN ALSO DECORATE YOUR HOUSE!!! Which I absolutely love! In most idle simulators you can’t decorate your house or anything! Or even make a character!!! ( it’s rare to get an idle game where you can make a character). But anyway I also gotta say the decorations like the beds ect, is AMAZING! There’s so many designs! And your character even uses them! Though I do have a suggestion.. I wish we ( all the people who play the game ) could adopt pets!!! That would make the game even better! But again the game is already pretty cool! Unfortunately that’s all I’m going to state in this review because this is probably really long... 😅. and I don’t think anyone wants to read this forever 😂. So again this game is awesome! I highly recommend this game to everyone!
Could be better…
Sun May 05 2024 824kitkatsI used to play this game & I loved it, but when installed it again after a long time I realized it wasn’t really all that. It has tons of ads when you enter or leave something, even if after a few minutes or maybe even seconds you WILL get an ad unless you pay to not get them. Literally everywhere you click after a few seconds your sure to get an ad. Atleast a good amount of the game is just ads. It’s a whole ad farm. What irks me is that fact you can’t restart the game & your progress if you made an account with your Apple ID. I downloaded it again after a good few years to see my progress from before was still there, I pressed around the game to see if I could restart & there was one button that asked if you wanted to disconnect your Apple account. I clicked it tons of times but nothing was happening even if I got out the game and back in.
It’s annoying. I mean, it’s good it saves your progress but the fact it doesn’t let you restart is annoying. The game itself also needs something more interesting, I think it’s good but there’s nothing big that keeps you intrigued. I’ll play it for a good 4 minutes figuring out how to play the game & another 3 or 4 minutes actually playing the game. Other than that, I really like the art style & how the game works except the terrifying amount of ads you get every 5 to 10 minutes.
Check it ✅
Sat May 09 2020 lol ,': )Look, I think it’s a GREAT game tbh, I think it’s super creative and addicting. 10/10! HOWEVER, I do have some suggestions that can make it even better. I think it’s awesome how your little character can walk around the house and tinker with everything but once you get the million dollar house there’s a giant pool in the back and your character doesn’t interact with it al all, which is kind of a bummer because it would be really nice to see the character react more with the environment. Also it’d be super cool if there was an option to buy more pets other than the no ads corgi, or if you can have house parties and be able to have multiple people in your house other than the main one by themselves. It would also be super great if there was an online mode where you can check on other friend’s houses and such. I personally think that’d be fantastic. One last thing: it would be GREAT if there were options to buy cars for your character other than the blue one you get in the beginning. Like it would be super cool to be able to buy a mustang or a Ferrari you know? Other than that I think the games a huge hit and recommend people to get it :)
Amazing but a few suggestions
Sun Nov 28 2021 Simone279I’ve had this app for a while and I have not gotten tired of it yet. It’s so fun to have your own career, house, and your own furniture all digitally! I love it but I have a few suggestions. Starting with, there should be more career choices. (Doctor, Singer, Actor/dancer, Writer, Scientist, etc.)
I also think there should be more characters. Like since you already have a Grandma and Max the designer, there should be a sister that you can customize and maybe make a character that could live with you. There should also be a pet shop to get pets maybe.
Since you can get many houses, I think you should be allowed to go back to your old houses and/or sell your house to other people since you can have the house once. And lastly, I think if you have a career, you should be able to go there. What I mean is, is if you are an artist, you should be able to go to the studio. If your a basketball athlete, you should be able to go to the stadium/gym. Sorry if I’m unclear.
Just one more thing, I just wish there was a way I can reset all my data, because I can’t, if I delete it and re-get it, then I still have my data.
fun, but a lot of ads
Sat May 18 2024 yorksforlifeforgive any grammatical errors because I'm using voice to text. This game is really fun, especially the concept of the overall game. I think it's really fun to decorate a house and have a job. however it's really difficult to see the stark emphasis on the amount of ads that this game has relative to what you actually do in the game.
I really feel that there's no purpose in working or buying furniture because almost all of the things in the game you can buy, which defeats the purpose of these types of simulation games. I understand that the developers are looking for a lot of cash because of the work they put into making this game but it's really easy to get bored of this game after a short while of playing it. For example I've only had this game for one or two days and I'm already bored of it.
it was good at first, but gaming experience just falls flat because of the amount of ads that I had to watch to even accomplish anything. if you're looking for a game to play for a long period of time, this is not a good game to play. however, if you're looking for a short game to play that will earn the developers of this game a lot of money because of ads, then this would be the right game for you.