Love this interactive game!!!!
Sun Jan 24 2016 A-maz-ing-space-gameThis game was so much fun. I played lifeline than the second part of lifeline then I spent the $0.99 for silent night. I really liked Silent night, if you pay attention to Taylor and really think about the situations he goes through you can get to the best possible out come. I haven't played an interactive game like this before and I have to say it has my internet over any other app I've ever played. I love reading though so this was lie the best of both world because I got to be apart of the main characters journey. And If I didn't help him in the right way, not only would his journey be over but so would mine. I honestly found myself getting nervous for Taylor and happy when we did something right. The creators really did well with making his personality, witty, humorous and sarcastic. I found myself getting attached to the character, which I believe is the goal of the game, it keeps you playing and wanting more. I'd recommend this game to anyone and everyone. I think the people that give the game low ratings aren't really thinking or reading what Taylor is asking, if you pay attention and go back and re-read the conversations it can help you get further into the game.
Download for sure!
Didn't get as into it as the other two
Sat Jan 09 2016 lightracer356I was very glad to see another Lifeline pop up in the app store, but this one didn't quite live up to the other two for me. While I did enjoy playing through it, when I reached the end I was a bit disappointed at the short length of the game and how I wasn't as invested in Taylor's character as I had been with Arika's in Lifeline 2 or even Taylor in the original. The attempts at pop culture references are getting pretty annoying by now - as a university student, I'm about the same age as Taylor, yet I don't get most of the references and they seem kinda forced now. They seem more geared towards a slightly older crowd, and amusingly, there's even a line in-game saying that the pop culture refences made sound like they're coming from someone twice Taylor's age, so clearly the writer himself understands his limits as someone not from the younger generation. Anyway, this was just part of why I didn't really feel attached to Taylor; another big part was how short it was. I finished the game in a little over a day with the good ending, and I honestly didn't feel a need to go back and explore the other options because it was too rushed to make me feel invested in the game. I hope that Lifeline 4 does a better job with length/character (hopefully, they bring Arika back because I really cared about her character).
Worth the money
Sun Jun 19 2016 Cutegirl1324I'm deeply in love with all of the Lifeline games. I had played this game, along with the other two, a while back, but I felt like writing a review (haven't gotten to Whiteout, but will soon) I had cared for Taylor's well-being from the beginning of the first game, I believe he's a really great character, and I also love all the pop culture references(which a lot of the reviews are saying they didn't like it????) his witty persona is what made me happy and enjoy the game all the more immensely; sometimes, I actually forgot he wasn't a real person. I loved Akira also, she also had the personality type I find enduring and made me invested in her outcome, but I feel like I liked Taylor just a bit more. The games are defiantly worth the buy, they may be a little short, in a sense, but the stories produced are riveting. I also found that it is just as interesting if you replay them, trying out different answers, to see what happens to the story and the characters. All in all, I think the Lifeline series is wonderful, and they, and their characters, make me very happy and worth a try for anyone who is interested in interactive games that involve a lot of reading and visualizing.
Just as enjoyable as the first part
Thu Jan 19 2017 AerincalI have to preface all my reviews of these games with: stuff like this normally isn't my thing. I don't enjoy the digital choose your own adventure type games at all, and on the surface that is what these seem to be.. But they're not. You are actually communicating with the hero of the story. Granted you can't choose what to say, but the options they give you work very well. You get invested in the story and the character's well being.
In this particular episode, you're following up on the life of someone from another episode. It was honestly nice to hear from him again and see what he was up to. His personality was still the same, and I liked this virtual person enough that I was concerned for his safety. The plot was interesting and not too transparent, and the varied wait times between messages seemed appropriate and made things funner.
If you're on the fence about these games and have the change to spare, I would say go for it. I was very hesitant at first and ended up going for a package deal with several of these games and I'm really glad I did. I think they are now my favorite game app on my phone.
Daunting, Breathtaking, and Outstanding game.
Thu Feb 25 2016 Comrade.ChenkovWe're in space again! Taylor is back! And guess what? He's in trouble... again. With the suspense and anxiety coming back. The million dollar question is: "Will Taylor still survive at the end of the story, or not." Every decision you will make will affect Taylor's future and his survival. New story and new people to interact with. Honestly, I prefer this game over Lifeline 2: Bloodline. Maybe because I wasn't into magic that much. And I like how we interact again with Taylor. I really enjoyed playing this game, and it attained my expectation. So far, I haven't died in this game, which is exceptional. And by the way, there is a 3 minute game bundle that is available as of today, where "Lifeline, Lifeline 2: Bloodline, and Lifeline: Silent Night" only cost $1.99 only! Which is insane! I mean, what a bargain, right? If you are going to purchase this game, and you haven't played Lifeline, I suggest you play that game first, because it will give you a background of Taylor, and what catastrophe he had gone through before stepping in on the next horrifying occurrence of Lifeline: Silent Night.
Good Game.
Sun Jan 24 2016 Grim217This and Lifeline 2 (with Akira) are the first two apps I've ever bought. Unfortunately, I feel the original Taylor story was better than this installment. Couple reasons why; Taylor seems to not really take the situation he's/she's surrounded in seriously as Taylor is almost always making pop culture references. Taylor is also kind of a genius but like a bit toooooo smart, Taylor's intelligence level makes the story lack in the realism aspect of things. He/She is surrounded by a crew of people and they're all useless, he/she seems to be the only smart person in the story. The story isn't as suspenseful as the first and that's because us the players, are aware of the threat, while playing part one I had no idea that the threat was gonna be what it would eventually be and that's unavoidable. The game also went too fast, understandable since Taylor is now in a ship and not on a planet so, responses will come sooner. Another small thing that seemed off was the behavior of the threat. In one instance they disemboweled a fellow crew member of Taylors' opposed to making him one of them. That behavior from the green hostiles was pretty inaccurate with what's been exposed of them before. Overall, I enjoyed the game and looking forward to future installments.
Mon Jan 04 2016 I am the PLATYPUSThis game is great! It has an incredible and captivating story that really draws you in and care about Taylor, the student astronaut who you help get through this intense adventure by making choices for him. The game is heavily based off of your decisions because of every choice you make. Unlike other games that do this, Lifeline makes their choices actually matter and almost every choice will alter how the game's story will be told. I've played through the game three times already and by changing one choice in the game I got completely different story arcs.
Unfortunately this game is not as good as the original (which I would highly recommend by the way) but it is a great follow up. Now I really hope they make another one because I absolutely love this series and the character Taylor.
My suggestion would be to make the story longer and just more impactful like the first one. At times I felt the game was more of a Christmas special instead of a full game. Despite that though the game was excellent and has kept me very invested for days now. I highly recommend this game for everyone who wants either a casual game to play and/or a great story to be a part of.
Absolutely Amazing
Sun Jan 03 2016 CufufiffiiffikffkkffkfkThis series has been one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Every once in a while, I would jokingly check if there was another lifeline as I loved the first and there was lifeline 2. After a while, I found silent night on the front page of the App Store. The story is very gripping and leaves you wanting more as soon as it ends. The only things I would change *Spoilers* is the whole bomb experience. Without the ice pack, Taylor is doomed as the marines will always kill him/her at the marine cockpit. Even using the fire hydrant didn't make any change and only somewhat delayed. Also, the map was sometimes inaccurate as Taylor would start walking to the cargo bay from somewhere like the ready room and the map would say he/she was at the cargo bay. One last thing, in the previous lifeline wasn't there an ending which resulted in the death of Captain Aya and the nuking of the moon? If there wasn't, disregard this last bit. Overall, the entire series is one of the best series I've ever played.
Love it, but one major gripe
Sat Dec 26 2015 RenamskiI love this lifeline as much as the other two. I hope they continue to create these games. It is exciting and satisfying to get Taylor to the end, but I have one major gripe: The two options given to help guide Taylor are often the same, really rude or annoying, or the situation is not really furthered by the interaction. I'll give an example that fits all three of those (I'll keep this pretty spoiler free): In one interaction Taylor is running. Taylor has already expressed that he(or she) is tired of you telling him to do things he is already doing (though there have been no alternatives to this in the previous couple of encounters; just two versions of one option.) Even though he has already complained about it, in the next encounter he explains that he is heading to the cockpit. The two options given to guide him are: "head to the cockpit" and " go cockpit-wise." When you choose one or the other Taylor gets annoyed and cuts you off.
This type of interaction occurs several times in the game. It is pointless, and annoying to me, and Taylor, obviously. Have the creators run out of ideas? Not sure, but it would be great if the next game did not have these pointless interactions.
Tue Nov 22 2016 EnderDragon8Taylor is such an amazing character! I got so attached to this character I actually cried when the game ended... If the creators of this game actually read these reviews... PLEASE BRING TAYLOR BACK AGAIN. I love this game so much. I actually forgot he wasn't real at a point because he's just so human! I love how this is like a chat kind of set up. Sometimes games get too carried away with the graphics and the story lacks quality and depth. But not this game! It's insane how much I want taylor to be brought back in another app. This app and all the lifelines are amazing and are worth it! But to make this even better please bring back Taylor in another lifeline and make it a bit longer. The first app took me a week or two to complete but this app I finished in a time span of 24 hours (Not continuously). But overall great work! Please continue to make these apps so I can continue annoying my friends about how they have to play them. Awesome job!!!