Mon Nov 20 2023 ✨Geo_Moonstone✨It’s a cool concept for a game. It would be amazing if the ads would chill out. Like… seriously what’s the point in playing if all that I’m doing is watching ads. I spend more time watching useless ads than I actually spend “playing” the game. And apparently you can remove ALL ads for the price of $4.99. So they spam u with ads so that you get so annoyed bc you just wanna experience the game, so it compels u to buy their ad remover so they make bank. That’s their intentions. So unless u wanna spend the $5 to enjoy this game, go ahead! But imma keep my $5 bc they could’ve been more creative with their concept of this game. Instead of spamming ads you could include like “buy this pack for .99¢!” Or “special offer! Select packages .37¢ for the next 30 minutes! Get yours now!” Which I can see a person spending more $$ to get actual cards they want, rather than pay to remove ads. I’d just delete the app instead. Like I’m about to do!! Plus most of the “opponents” cards DON’T make sense in any way, But then they still get more ppl liking their hand.
I WOULD NOT Recommend For People Who Don’t Like Ads
Wed Dec 27 2023 ollie rooThere are so many ads that it makes it not fun anymore. I just barley downloaded it about 2 minutes ago and I already had around 8 ads! The amount of ads that this game gives you is INSANE! Whenever I finish a round I get around 2 ads, and even j sometimes get an ad after I play a card! Whenever you get a new pack of cards they are usually duplicates SK it’s not fun to play after 5 rounds. I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually can handle ads on games
Like this, but there are too many ads for me to play this game and not rage. I really wish that this game did not have as many ads because it would make it so it’s fun to play and then the makers of this game will not get bad reviews. There will be so many more people that play this game if the makers did not put as many ads, like I just don’t get it! Sure, their trying to make it so that other people who make games can have players on their games as well, but they MOST DEFINITELY do not have to do that many ads. If you are fine with ads, then you would love this game! But if you are like me and you are not patient then I would not recommend this game. I’m so sorry if I caused any problems with this review j just hope that the makers of the game will see this, because then they could make a little less ads. It would honestly make it better for everyone!
Why the ads and getting The same cards over and over again?😡
Wed Jan 25 2023 gfjshkdkdydkhsifhfHey y’all what’s up so this game is really fun but like two minutes after the first couple of rounds then you get the same card over and over again about five cards will be a duplicate or like three cards will be a duplicate with what is up with that???😡 and like how your place wherever you do the stuff at like around when you first start the game it’s like so messy and like it looks like I’m going to people who don’t know how to clean they decided “’m not gonna clean if I can and I’m just gonna be in this place” like no it’s just crazy and the people when they laugh too hard they be going through the stools like how is that supposed to happen and like the design of the game is pretty bad I mean like what type of graphics is that if your characters are going through the stools and not actually standing like not actually like falling on the floor like…… OK onto the ads part so you wanna know what happens every time that you actually finish a round…. You’ve guessed it ✨ADS✨ no don’t git me wrong I’m not a Karen but the ads there too much this game is filled with ads and just it’s weird I don’t like it so yeah if you want to this game read this review also happy new year if you’re reading this today byeeeeeee (Jan 25)
Read this before downloading it!
Sun Jan 01 2023 Valleymommy2You might be wondering, why did I rate this app 3 stars? I’m about to clarify all the pros and cons about this game. Let’s start with pros. Once you download this game you start by collecting meme cards and playing against someone in a “meme challenge”. I honestly let out a few chuckles by the cards and the memes, so if you would like a funny game that burns time I would recommend this game! Also, you can get epic cards by watching an ad, and if you’re idling meanwhile the ad is playing, it’s a peace of cake. It’s also fun to collect the cards and upgrade your room or basement or whatever it is you’re playing the meme challenge in. Moving on to cons, to begin, it is overloaded with ads. As I said, I’d you idle it’s not so bad, but if you’re looking to actually have fun on this game, it’s a slight chance. After every single match there’s an ad. After whatever mini game there’s an ad. Upgrading cost an ad. If you don’t like ads every second, I don't recommend this game! Also, it gets repetitive after the first 5-10 levels. The graphics are meh, same with the characters. Overall, this game deserves 3 stars. None less, and none more. Happy new year to everyone reading this today! (Jan 1)
It’s alright but oh, the adds
Tue Jul 11 2023 Mr_G5926This overall is a great game! It’s funny, creative, and a good game to play when you have nothing else to do. The only problem I have is the adds. I understand needing adds for money to develop the game and possibly make new games, but the amount of adds is a bit excessive. You get adds after every “turn” or activity, and it’s the same adds over and over. I also don’t understand why there are so many adds, because I keep seeing adds for this on other games so that’s why I decided to try it out. It seems to be getting a lot of promotions and the game is very good, clear animations, good graphics, and they’re actual meme’s instead of the game developers making up their own adds. I am giving this game 3 stars because overall great game, but a few to many adds. Maybe change up the adds to a wider variety of games, or stop producing so many adds. But yes, I play this game all the time and it’s an awesome game.
Thank you for reading
Sat Apr 27 2024 Nickie vanI made a separate review ajout so many ads but did I mention how long the ads are I’m literally just sitting there for like a good minute minute and a half maybe even two minutes just watching a stupid ad. I don’t mean to be hurtful but like it’s a good game I love this game. It’s so fun but the ads will give us a good five but the ads will give us a four but the ads I’m gonna give it a three but it’s there’s too many ads for me. There’s too many it takes too long the ads take way too long. I put my phone down and walk away to go get water or use the bathroom because of how long the ad take, I love this amazing concept but like I don’t wanna be sitting here watching ad I got this app to play a game not to watch ads but it’s just frustrating to have to watch ads. I feel like every time I finish like around kiss me gives me give me an ad and I finish around in like one minute so like it’s kind of boring and annoying, but I love the concept of the game just not the ads.
It’s OK, but there’s a lot of commercials
Sun Mar 31 2024 no more hatersDon’t give me wrong. I love the game. It’s so fun but there’s so many commercials it’s after every single game and after you get a new card and even ask for a commercial when you get rewards it, ask you if you want to watch a commercial for that reward and I always hit no thanks because there are plenty of commercials but like why not just hit the button and take the rewards because it’s gonna give you a commercial after it anyways so if there was a little less commercials, I would definitely rate it higher like maybe a 5 1/2 or 4 1/2 but like just all the commercials make it a lot less fun because it’s after everything you do, it’s commercial. Oh, do a trading commercial. Oh, do a meme challenge. Oh commercial oh, pick your packet commercial after everything and it just gets annoying and I love the game. It’s so fun but the commercials just kill me.
Fun but bad
Tue Oct 25 2022 Sximply bubbly tea YTMenaal’s review-
OK so the first time I downloaded the game was like two hours ago, but I didn’t play that much but now I’m playing it was fun but every single time you trade or put a card down an ad comes. Like, after every single move, you make, and ad comes in. It’s really annoying and all the NPC’s or robots just keep on laughing even though you put a bad card or a good card, they just laugh, and it’s impossible to win. Sometimes the robot that you’re playing with either wins or loses, and that just repeats over and over again so it’s repetitive. Besides, that is pretty fun, but this should not be for 9+ because I am a 12 year old who’s playing this and I can tell that this is very inappropriate for kids. like it talks about sex and masturbating. so I recommend this for at least 12 or 13-year-olds and make the age go up. But besides that it’s a little fun, but you can have some improvements added to the game.
Inappropriate not 9+ and Ads EXPLOSION
Tue May 30 2023 your lovely 43 year old motherI would rate this app a 0 but I can’t so I am giving this a 1 because the amount of ads and inappropriate content is absolutely absurd and ridiculous especially for a 9-12 year old. As a mother of 5 and a 43 year old woman I can’t stand the content including periods,drugs, and sexual content. If I saw my sweet little girl interacting with a screen that has this game on it I would spontaneously combust because my darlings are too precious to be exposed to this ridiculous mess of a game. Next the ads are completely and utterly ridiculous to the core, put a card down,ad, find an opponent, ad, move a nerve, BOOM, ANOHER AD. I swear out of all my years I have never seen so many ads especially on a kids game so if you are looking to play a game for a whole day to only get 2 minutes of play time then go up and download it but if not keep your grubby little toes and flanges away from a iPhone and iPad screen with this app on it. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT DOWNLOAD THIS APP!!!!! -from mom PS:love you sweetheart
Mon Oct 24 2022 itsmeceduhbruhThis game says 9+ but they’re are cuss words and sexual things in here. “When your doctor asks if you are sexually active” Really? Y’all definitely payed Pepsi to right a good review just saying. And the ads are terrible, I mean terrible. One after another. I swear the ads never stop. I’ve never had a game with this many ads before, it’s crazy. This game was actually a good idea and was really fun at first but then it was just the same questions and the same cards. And the ads of course. Than the mini games with the card trading and the matching cards, those were annoying. I wanted to play the actually game and you can’t even do that because an ads pops up after every one of them. Also some of those “rare” cards should have been common and some of the common cards should have been rare. This is gen z lol, no one wants to sit and watch a bunch of ad. And they were all the same ads. But this game was a really good idea and could be so much more fun!! xx