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Obama Run: The most fun and addictive game in existence!
Your mission? Race through action-packed levels as Barack Obama himself, collecting Obama Coins, dodging obstacles, and spreading Obama energy everywhere. It’s the OG version you know and love - back, better, and as epic as ever.
Why play Obama Run? Well, it’s simple:
- Simply the best runner out there
- Extremely fun while still challenging
- Hilarious Obama-themed gameplay
- Incredible music and sound effects
- Gorgeous, nostalgic visuals from the original
- Epic skins to unlock
We’ve brought back everything that made Obama Run iconic. Relive the legendary game that started it all, but with new twists to keep you coming back for more. No distractions, no fluff - just you, Obama, and the most addictive runner experience ever.
And remember, Obama Run isn’t just a game - it’s a celebration of everything epic about Obama. Unleash your inner Obama today. Enjoy :)
Before I played Obama run I was a massive Fortnite nerd who sent 12 ours a day playing and spent 50 dollars a day. One day I had just got back from church and so I hopped on Fortnite and screamed at 9 year olds but then I met a guy with a deep voice who said his name was frank and 14 and said he had 69 girlfriends (cap). He said my account had a ton of viruses like BofA, ligma, and sugmu. He said he would fix it if I gave him my account info so I did. After I did he started laughing at me and before I new it I got kicked out of my account. We both stated roasting each other. When all hope was lost I heard is mic fall and hit the floor it was a terrible open connect mic so I could hear everything in the whole room. I hear the guy scream then someone picks up the mic. I heard the voice of Obama and he said I’m sorry for that my chilled this one has sinned. Then I heard nothing. Im startled by a noise a beautiful a perfect noise I look down in my to see my ps69 controller turned into a iPhone 420 high quality xd and on the phone there was one only one app on it… Obama run. I decided to play one game and one game only but once I start playing I can’t stop the beautiful graphics and design just make me keep playing. I don’t know how much time passed but my mom rushes into my room saying my friend Candace has been cued of of a very severe form of ligma I know it’s not a coincidence so all I have to say is Thank you Obama run, thank you
One day there was a very nice man in a white van that asked me if I wanted some candy. I said yes cause I can’t pass on free candy. He handed me a tootsie roll and I ate it. It put me in a very nice sleep. I woke up in a old man’s basement. a very nice lady who turned out to be a nurse came in and told me I was diagnosed with a severe case of “my dad not coming back with the milk” This was very shocking to me. So shocking I passed out. When I woke up I was tied to a wooden table. People in dark robes surrounded me. I could not see any of their faces. I think I was about to get game-ended until Obama rushed into save me. Not only did he have the milk, but he also had a phone. He said “here my child. This will help you.” I took the phone from him. It required a password. I typed in the only thing that came to mind. Among us. It worked and unlocked to reveal just one app. Ligma. Just kidding. Obama run. I opened it not sure of what else to do. I played one round and after what seemed like a few games, but turned out to millions, I looked up to reveal I was safe back home in my dumpster. Obama came to visit me again and said I could keep the phone. I tried to thank him but before I could, he sheeshed and disappeared. I continued to keep playing and played until I lacked enough food to keep living. I died that day. Obama run may be a life saver, but it can also be a life ender. I would definitely downloaded in case you get captured by a cult. 🙂
Before I played Obama Run, I was an 11 year old among us kid who spent 21 hours a day saying people’s moms are fat, and calling red a sussy baca. I was never more hopeless. I was projecting my own insecurities hoping it would be better to deny them but it only made everything worse. I reached the edge. The cliff called to me, and I wanted to jump. One night I went to my moms apartment building, and went to the roof. However, right before I took the final step of my life I heard a noise, a sweet, sacred noise. The noise kept growing and growing and keeping me from the ledge until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. Before I felt like Atlas, holding the weight of the world on my shoulders, but this hand felt like it took all the burden from me. I turn around, and shock enters my face. It was Obama. He said “my fellow Americans, a great injustice has been done today. This boy has lost faith in each and every one of you. We need to do better.” Then he handed me a phone and disappeared. I looked at the phone, it said iPhone 24 Salvation Edition and it had one app installed. That app was Obama run. I’ve played this game, every hour, every minute, every waking second, of every day since that fateful moment, and it’s changed me. All my insecurities, all my anger, it was all gone. All I’m left to say is: thank you Obama Run, thank you.
Before I played Obama run I was addicted to every drug in the world. One day I was going home with some milk and I was driving by a alley and I saw a man, he was my dealer. I got out of my car and bought everything off of him. I used as much as I could while I was there and when I left I was hallucinating so bad I started to think there was a cliff in front of me. I then started to fall, and then I hit the ground. I went into a trans and I saw a man walking to me. I looked around and saw another man. One had a gun and told me to off myself, but the other had a phone I choose the man with the phone and he said “the app will save you,”. The phone only had one app but if I guessed it then I would be healed instantly. I said subway surfers and he looked mad he gave me the phone and then I woke up. There was a phone in my hand and I turned it on the Home Screen had one game, Obama Run. Once I played I stopped hallucinating and I went home only to see my wife wasn’t dead anymore. Thoughts of regret went through my head. And then my dad came back with some milk. I no longer had thoughts of regret and somehow my bank account was full with 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. My life has been blessed since that day. Thank you ObamaRun
before I played Obama run, my life was worthless. I felt that I had nothing to live for, no friends, no family no one to talk to. I was very sad but one day everything changed. my mother called me to let me know that she had caught ligma, a rare form of aids. I was very disappointed to hear this news and after that I didn't know if I had the will to live. I was seriously contemplating suicide, standing on the edge of the roof of my building, when suddenly a beautiful glowing being descended from the heavens upon me, and handed me an iPhone 3G. as I picked up the phone, it turned into an iPhone 17S Plus Max ultra, and all of the apps disappeared from it, save for one. it was titled "Obama run."as I open the app, I was met with an epiphany. This was my purpose, what I was born for, what I, what all humans, were placed on this earth to do. The purpose of humanity is to play this beautiful and wonderful extremely well designed and graphically amazing game titled Obama run after that $2 million appeared in my bank account, my mom's ligma was cured, and and my depression was gone. I have now played Obama Run for 14 hours a day, every day since then, and my life has never been better. Thank you Obama run, thank you.
Before I played Obama run, I was having a hard time getting by. I had a minimum wage job and could barely afford my rent every month. I felt extremely alone, nobody in my family wanted to talk to me, and all my friends had died of Eadma, a rare form of tuberculosis. I was lost. I didn’t know if life was still even worth living in a world where I have nothing and no one. Then one day, I was returning from work and about halfway to my apartment I heard a sound that sounded like “Obamna” coming from an alley. I looked inside the alley but the only thing there was a small IPhone 4. I picked it up, assuming that somebody had merely dropped their old phone back there, but as soon as I saw the screen everything changed. I saw the words “Obama Run” and suddenly a bright flash of light filled the alley. The iPhone 4 instantly turned into an IPhone 13S Max Plus Ultra and 20,00 dollars cash appeared in my pocket. The money helped me to leave my crappy McDonald’s job and Pursue my dreams of writing for the chogonma team at Harvard. I’ve now been working there for 7 months and I’ve recently begun dating one of my coworkers who I love more than the world. Thank you Obama Run. Thank you.
Back in January of 2009, I was in a happy relationship with my wife, 34 years of age, and her name was Mary Hendew. We had 4 kids, Riley, 4 years old male, Beth, 6 years old female, Jaqueline, 7 years old male, and John, 10 years old male. I worked as a cook at Olive Garden, and one night I had to work late. Our family was struggling a bit with money, and my wife and I had to work 3 jobs in total. I came back at around 2:34 am some random Tuesday night, and that was the night my life changed. I found my wife in bed with 4 big black men, cheating on me. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I ran off, and I slept on a bench that night. I abandoned my family. But what else was I supposed to do? My life had just been crushed. Everything and Everyone I thought I trusted and loved had betrayed me. I decided to flee the country. I went to a Mexican man, Miguel, who gave out fake passports. I got one, and I crossed the border to Mexico. I lived there for the next 13 years, homeless. One day, I found an phone on the floor, open on the game called Obama Run. The second I opened the game, my life changed. I suddenly had 54 girls, 15 loving kids, and 14.3 billions dollars. That’s how Obama run changed my life.😜
So before I even started Obama run game i was playing this off brand Version of subway surfers cause yk I can’t afford subway surfers and while I was playing that I got a text from my dad saying “hey daughter I went to go get the milk I might be back after a while” and then 2 days passed and my dad still hasn’t came with the milk. So I gave him 3 years and he still hasn’t came back with the milk. So I just didn’t care anymore but then one day I was watching TikTok and there was this girl that was trying to sing listen by Beyoncé and in the middle of the song she had a voice crack that sounded like a trumpet and 100 animals together so I was laughing out so loud until I couldn’t breath anymore. And then I scrolled and there was this video of a girl getting beat up and wasn’t fighting back and I said “me personally I would never let that slide but that’s just me though” but then after that video my phone just turned into a flip phone and when I was looking to see what was on it there was no apps but this one app called Obama run so I went and clicked on that game and ever since that day I’ve been playing Obama run for the rest of my life.
Before I downloaded obama run, my life was a mess. i watched corpse husband every minute of every hour of every day. my room smelled like sweat and had empty soda cans all over the floor. my clothes were thrown all over the floor to the point where you couldn’t see it. I never showered or went to school. My one purpose was corpse husband. I was addicted to watching corpse husbands amoung us streams on twitch. One day, the power went out and my computer shut off. I couldn’t bear to live another second when i couldnt watch my corpse husband! So, i went to the nearest mcdonalds and climbed the room to jump off of it. Then i heard a whisper in my ear.. “Obama.. Run…” I looked up to see Obama himself staring down at me from the sky. “Download Obama Run.” His voice boomed. I did what he said. At first I was shocked at how good this game was. Gradually, my room began to get cleaner, i started to shower and go to school. My room now smelled like axe body spray. I was a man. Girls started asking me out left and right. The whole world was at my fingertips. Now i have a wife and 13 kids. Download Obama run. It changed my life and i guarantee it will change yours too.
I opened up this white door, right? Yeah. I am right, shut up. Anyways, I fell into a foggy, bottomless pit. It was annoying it just kept on going on and on and on just stop. It finally stopped and I was just standing there because it was like a Roblox game kinda, there was nothing I was really standing on, it felt like I was standing on something but nothing was below me. It was a blue sky with clouds and the same picture of that was pasted on each side of the place. Whatever you call it. I looked up and then I saw Obama HE WAS SCREAMING AT ME, YELLING “BE NOT AFRAID” AND HE WAS BUILT LIKE A BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGEL IF THEY WERE PEZ DISPENSERS AND I WAS NOT TERRIFIED BUT JUST STARTLED SO I STARTED CALLING THE CROWS TO ORDER, THEY ALL TOOK PLACE IN SETTING HIS CROPS IN BUBONIC PLAGUE-ESQUE FLAMES. Anyways this timeframe was also set in 1999, so this will most likely cause a butterfly effect on earth and bring back John F. Kennedy. The only thing I find intriguing about this ordeal is how I was able to ride a motorcycle into the White House without any arms or legs. Did I even mention that? (no you didn’t mention that part) Okay, well don’t be rude. Ugly parentheses. (I wasn’t being rude you ignoramus)