Just 1 BIG complaint
Tue Aug 02 2022 Starfire373VERY Fun game of solitaire with many scenes to enjoy and fill with animals. 😃 You get to play the round before the ad, which I find less intrusive to gameplay. Ads are various enough that they are really not too bad.
My BIG request is to please ADD in more merge side-games!, like the one that came with Icy Snowland farm.
My NEXT BIG request is please continue the Icy Snowland merge game! I loved it!!! Why did you do away with that??
My BIG COMPLAINT is that I’ve been playing this game a few years now and I’ve earned 765 exp points, (which take time to get), but it never pays off. It shows the shadow of an animal and says “coming soon” forever. The exp points NEVER pay out any reward. VERY disappointing part of this app. ☹️
Yet overall I love the game, app works great and I’ll keep playing and enjoying it.
Worlds Greatest Advertiser!!! Ads, ads, ads!
Sun Aug 15 2021 Georgia BugdogIf you love spending 2/3 of your game time watching constant advertisements shoved in your face every time you do anything in a game, this one is for you!!! Make a move, watch an ad, select an option, watch an ad, complete a level, watch an ad, watch an ad, they give you another ad to watch.... But wait!!! There’s more!!! Some ads trap you or just waste your time by staying open waiting for you to purchase the ad instead of allowing you back to the game!!! And if you really love seeing the same ads over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, you will not be disappointed!!! I hate demonic zombie games but the ad generator insists that I should purchase it. And the ads showing Doctor Oz for weight loss, even after Doctor Oz said numerous times on his tv show that he NEVER endorses products... and here’s the funny thing, if you want more coins or additional help, you can choose to watch even MORE ADS!!! 😆👍So if you love watching more advertisements than actually playing a game, Please get this app!!! It will not disappoint!!! Love the game. Hate the constant nonstop incessant advertisements that take up 2/3 of your game time!!! 1/3 game play, 2/3 advertisements isn’t a way to get me to purchase more games from you!!!
Sun Feb 06 2022 Andileigh 1I am giving up on this game. It is one of my favorite games. But when you get an ad that you can’t get rid of and it goes one for minutes of hitting the “x” and then hitting the “done” and it goes on for minutes, that is enough. I love the animals, they are so cute and would enjoy the side games if you could play enough to get even close to winning them, but on top of all the ads that won’t go away so you can play again, just about the time you get a good run going, the game goes to a black screen and that is it. You’re through. So, I am through. I give up on this game. This is an edit of a review I did before that is below. I have gone down on my rating, not because of the game , but because of the poor way the ads are abused.
I have to agree with most of the reviews about the hang ups in the ads. I don’t mind the ads and watch more to get the coins, however, when you try to close an ad by hitting the “x” and it takes you to the App Store, and it does it 7 times before it goes back to the game, that is frustrating to put it nicely. Especially when you have seen the ad ten times already.
Also I wonder what you do to get a diamond. I think the game started with ten and I have never seen any more.
Too many ads/boring!
Fri Sep 29 2023 TreNec17Ridiculous ads after every single game. So ridiculous I was trying to exit out of the ad but it kept trying to open my browser. I use Face ID with my browser next thing I knew it said I exceeded the attempts to open with Face ID (as if though I was intentionally trying to open it when I wasn’t) I then had to enter my password to get back into it (which wasn’t a problem) but it was super annoying this crazy game is so littered with ads til clicking out of them is to frustrating to be bothered. Also while playing my phone start getting hot probably due to the ridiculous amount of ads it shove in your face after every game. It’s boring beyond belief. How exciting is it to be awarded five measly coins when you complete something?!?! The animals that you do win/buy is for scenery purposes only I guess which the cow is annoying hearing it moo all the time! It’s not like the animals contribute to more coins or something useful in the game therefore that part of the game failed miserably as well. Play at your own risk for fyi it’s not worth overloading your device! All the ads will discourage the next person especially when it’s already bored!
cool game, a lot of ads
Thu Jun 09 2022 kayliholaafter every deal you absolutely have to watch an ad which i find really annoying. you can’t play consistently or smoothly because it’s every time. I enjoy the animals and all the different stuff to do, but that also can be really overwhelming. There are like 4 event going on at once, plus the daily star rankings. Also, might i add, that the ads you get are the most annoying ones possible; There’s like 3 different X’s you have to tap because all the ads have so many layers. Watch the video, exit out of that, oh… i’ve been brought to the app store, exit out of that, then press a final X and you’re finally back to the game.
Fri Oct 08 2021 VelvetslgIt is really sad to continue to play this game, because you watch more ads than playing the game. What is this all about..you are taking so much of a person time with every corner you turn it’s Ads what a waste of time for my day…stop the madness with all these ads it is annoying and boring…and I spend money to start this game because the coins that was given was so small. If I knew then what I know now, I would never had spend that much money, All that did was pad your pocket for more ads…no more!!!
Why would I pay more money to remove ads, when you have paid to put them there. This is a stupid way at looking at it. You want me to pay more money to play this game, when the coins you issue don’t add up to nothing..10 coins…stop the madness, I will just move on…this is not worth my money…I will spend my money where I can get a better return…
Scam ads and glitching
Mon Nov 01 2021 wizkhaleesiNot sure why everyone’s complaining about all the ads. The quantity of them is pretty standard for a free game. One plays after every time you finish a game and if you get a reward one plays but you can ex out of them pretty quickly. My problem is it’s always the same ad for a scam weight loss pill using fake videos and pictures. Idk if the company has control over what ad plays but I play a lot of games on my phone and this one is the only one that has this awful ad.
Otherwise, it almost always glitches if you lose a deal and won’t restart the game automatically for you. You have to manually restart the app yourself, but at least then you get out of the ads!
i loved this game until i didn’t
Sun Sep 12 2021 stoopidkneeso when i first got this game i absolutely loved it. it was amazing and i loved the animals and everything.
then i started doing the treasure hunt with molly. and i played HOURS AND HOURS of solitaire because they made it seem like if you finished all the levels you’d get the grand prize at the end, which is something i was really looking forward to. but once i finished all of it, i find out i need to pay FIVE DOLLARS if i want the grand prize. i played all that solitaire for nothing! my brain started despising playing but i kept on going because of how badly i wanted that prize.
and yes other than that the games fine but i don’t care because that made me just want to stop playing the game altogether.
Thu Sep 16 2021 bearcrowdI love the animals but I am tired of not getting all the rewards. Many times I watch ads at the end of a game and do not get any rewards, including credit for the game. Now I have been playing and have reached level 44 in the shovel event. The reward is promised at level 45. I have played 10 more games but the level does not go to 45. It seems that after all these games (it takes multiple games to reach one level) I have to pay $4.98 for the prize reward. This is a big and very bad surprise. If the only way to get the prize at the end is to pay, why did I bother to play all those games? It was a big waste of time and effort. I am very disappointed and upset. VERY UNFAIR!!!! I also did not get the reward promised for updating the game.
Lost all my progress
Sat May 29 2021 seeerupI was totally in love with the concept of this game. I loved how the hints were free and you could play unlimited rounds in a day in addition to the daily challenge.
However, my phone died in the middle of a deal and now the game crashes every time I ry to open the app. I couldn’t find a way to fix this other than delete and redownload the app and now all my animals are gone. I don’t even want to go through all that effort again to get them back.
In addition to this, the amount of ads they show are overwhelming. It seems like they’re before and after every deal which is way too much if you decide to play a lot of rounds one day. This game is an amazing concept. Just too many bugs/crashes and ads.