Great improvements, one change please
Tue Apr 02 2024 Zebeard5I have been loving this series, honestly a little addicted. It’s a fun story, great gameplay and replay ability with good incentives and rewards. Fun and diverse play style with option between two guns and two throwables(explosives and support). Each version, Space Marshals 1, 2, and 3 have nice shifts and improvements. 1 already being strong. 2 with stealth take downs, Ava storyline, and the vending machine. Three with improving stealth takedowns and stealth function overall, improved vending machine and adding stores, adding bounties, reorganizing level selection, and hard mode. I would love to see an Ava story line added for three as well.
My only complaint so far is that in 3 there is no way(I can currently tell) to see which level I achieved max level on or if I bought the gear from the store. So I am having to play every level over again getting 5 stars to find the one I did not get 5 stars on. It would be nice to have the percentage meter from 1 & 2 to be carried over into 3. That said I do like the level layout more over the planet option before. The planet option was cool idea but challenging to find what level I was looking for. 3s level selection is much improved just needs a percentage meter.
Thanks! Looking forward to 4!
Ps: the price is worth it but please keep it affordable and more in the $3 range per levels like the bounty and Ava pack. Thanks 😁
Disappointed after finishing this game
Fri Feb 04 2022 BlackDragon First of all, I am a huge fan of this series as I finished the first two games from start to finish 100%.(Even for the ava dlc for sm2) However as we all know the prices went up for the full game and tbh at first I thought it was justified as the games visuals looked better and it looked more polished than before. However after playing through the game(chapter 1 and 2), especially on chapter 2, I remember playing 3 throwaway missions that even takes place in a map that looks identical with just some different layout where your objective is to just simply take out the enemies. Now I’m not going to say every single missions on the first two games were perfect what so ever but if you’re charging more money for the game you should at least put more effort into the missions and design. Plus some of the missions are way too short with small maps. However overall I did have a good time playing the game just not the level of enjoyment I had in the first two games. I’ve seen a lot of people hating on the gear limit system but I personally think it was a nice system added to the game as removing op weapons on the game made it more balanced in a way. Now if sm4 comes out in the future I wish you bring back the old transaction as being a 1 time purchase for the full game(and additional for dlc content) thank you.
Fri Jan 22 2021 GUCCIGAMEREVIEWPixelBite did it again. I just finished the first chapter and I loved it! This so far is the best game of the 3. The genius gear rank system keeps space marshals balanced and rewarding. When I first wrote this review I was skeptical about the price. But I must say it was worth it because the step up in price certainly matches the step up in quality. The graphics are much improved with the gameplay being slightly improved. It just feels more deliberate as the level design keeps improving as well. All things considered Space Marshals 3 is overall a great game. I highly recommend any to purchase the whole game.
Some thing I highly request for future updates is multiplayer. I know that’s a huge request but it would be so much fun if ever possible. There could be PVP, co-op bounties, and heists. Or if you could assemble a crew with friends and compete for the highest rank against other crews doing things I mentioned. All of it could be used to acquire gear and weapon customization but for online multiplayer or a fancier crew hideout. Just a thought. My other thought was if you introduced a level designer. That would give this game practically unlimited potential. Maybe something for the future.
Great game. Try gear score zero!
Fri Dec 31 2021 Lightly SaltedI have enjoyed all the Space Marshal games but despite the slightly high price this is the best one yet. At first I was skeptical of the gear limit system, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and encouraged me to find more elegant solutions to some levels. Overall the artwork if beautiful and the levels are challenging and have good variety. One minor note is that the order of the levels is occasionally head-scratching with relatively easy levels sometimes following super hard ones. If you want an extra challenge try playing all the levels with gear score of zero. I found all levels in chapters 1 and 2 were possible with gear score zero, although some took a considerable amount of planning or multiple attempts. (I found I needed one item that is only available after completing a higher level.) The levels in the bounty pack were also all doable with gear score zero and hard mode in both action and stealth modes, with the exception of one level I could see no way to complete in this fashion in action mode.
Fri Nov 06 2020 12mmrThis is my very first review on an app or game I’ve never written a review before but this is just hard to ignore the game is hands down one of the best if not the best game on mobile phone I’ve ever played it’s so beautifully designed and thought of. I love the story and the combat. I love having the option to either approach a mission with stealth or just charge in or do both. Controls are very simple nothing complicated which I really love and honestly i was hoping that a 3rd game would come out and you guys made it happen which is amazing I could not believe it when I saw it and above all it’s for free!
There are few things I would love to see improved in future versions or games from this developer and that is to include a voice over I think that would make it even a better more immersive experience, also I’ve played the 2nd game and to me I don’t see that much improvement in graphics wise which are not bad at all it just something I have noticed besides that it’s amazing game I love it thank you so much for it!
Continues to Deliver
Mon Feb 28 2022 ErmigudnisAlways been a fan of the series; if you liked the first two, you’ll like this. And I like the chapter by chapter releases thing they have going on. One thing I’d like to offer as a suggestion is that the max gear requirements for missions are both good and not so good. While they certainly offer a challenge (and I do mean challenge), it felt like it was becoming a chore in the later levels. I would prefer that the max gear scores be used in some levels rather than all; again, I do enjoy the challenge. Hopefully the max score will go up a little in the coming chapters, if they continue to be every level. Summary: 10/10 bananas, cool hard bit but gets a little tedious later on. Another thing: I know next to nothing about producing games, but I would pay a substantial amount for this if it were on console.
Can’t stop
Fri Dec 18 2020 Cpaulino13I keep playing this game until I have unlocked everything!!! Very addicting and consistently looking back for chapter 2. If The chapters keep coming,.... then I’ll keep paying. I hope you guys have a quick way of generating stages for this game, because I finish the game way too fast. Soon I hope, you guys can add more ways to make the game (metal gear solidish) I mean I was never a big fan of disappearing bodies. Dragging and hiding bodies is also time consuming but fun. Or knocking on walls and leaving traps. Also brings me to a melee option if you are going to have dragging bodies. Also places to hide, in closets under tables where you can also drag enemies to hide them. Cameras with blind spots. And interact with objects to fool the enemy like car alarms or TVs. Other then this possible small upgrades. More chapters is just fine, lol. Maybe upgrades on the next game. Ohh thank you
Fantastic Series
Thu Sep 08 2022 LilBrostradamusAll the negative reviews I read totally missed the point. People complain that you are restricted on overpowered gear if you want to complete missions for perfect score but you only have to do that once. On replay you can use whatever you want. And the gear score cap is perfectly reasonable to keep missions challenging. You can still use plenty of powerful gear under the cap. It forces you to be creative and tailor gear to the mission not just mow down everything effortlessly.
Same for the sneaking. Stealth is obviously important when you’re one man vs an army. It’s much more thrilling to win through precision than brute force. You are a detective after all.
Overall, though I’ll admit it’s a bit pricey to unlock all content compared to previous installments, the quality is definitely worth it. The visuals are stunning, the missions are unique and challenging without being impossible, the storyline is immersive, and you really grow to love some of the characters. The game is fundamentally simple yet surprisingly complex at times if you want to be a completionist. It was obviously playtested well. I’ve not encountered any major bugs yet.
Highly recommend for people who want to easily spend 2-4 weeks on a single mobile rpg.
Fri Nov 06 2020 Zerogravity21Finally! So happy that Space Marshals 3 is here! Been waiting too long! One thing is that I feel in the beginning of the prologue, you’re just thrown into the story, (SPOILER), I thought the Artemis was destroyed at the end of Space Marshals 2 and was at the bottom of the ocean? Where did it come from? Second, my phone heats up like a toaster! It gets to the point that it starts to affect the phones functionality (IPhone X). What this means is I can only do one level then I have to exit the game and wait a while before I can play again. Did not have a problem with this on SM 1 and SM 2. Could be because game is significantly bigger. Other than those two things it is amazing!!!!!! Thanks for all you do and hope you can solve the superheating phone problem!!! If you have a solution... please respond to this review!
One of the best games available on IOS
Fri Nov 06 2020 SuprtGreat game - worth the price, which ends up being way cheaper than any pay to win offerings.
Space Marshalls has been the best game with this top-down stealth/shooter direction for the whole series, and three is another excellent installment. The gameplay is executed perfectly with nice, balanced, difficulty. The look and feel are superb. Sneak mode makes every level into a difficult puzzle. I am not writing this to encourage anyway to buy it, just to let the developer know how much I enjoy it. I was actually looking for updates on the status of the next installment like two months ago so very surprised to see it show up.
Feedback for the dev, there seems to be an issue with resume after switching out of the app. If i switch to take a call resuming reloads to camp.