I love this game!
Fri Nov 27 2020 SmarkelEdit: True to my word, I’m editing my review now that the bug is fixed. I came into this game hoping it was like the old Sims that I used to play on a now ancient PC. It’s not quite the same, but it’s not quite different if that makes sense. I do wish that EA would add more hobbies and make it easier to access careers from past events such as the photography career. More hobbies and careers would, in my opinion, make the game perfect. The addition of the eco workshop which allows players to craft past items that they’ve missed out on was an excellent idea and usually offers a good selection of items once players have unlocked all four slots. In order to progress at the rate that you want to, you probably will need to spend some real money. How quickly you want to progress determines how much you need to spend. The game provides an excellent escape from reality when you need it which, I feel, is the whole point of a life simulation game.
As someone who has spent quite a bit of real money in a game that I love, I’m extremely disappointed to see the casual response to the Black Friday Bronze Pack issue. Aside from the money I’ve previously spent, I spent money on the gold and silver packs only to find that the bronze is unavailable for iOS users and so we cannot get the free pack. EA’s lackadaisical response is reminiscent of the famous emoji. 🤷🏻♀️ Won’t be spending any more money or changing my review until it’s fixed or at least taken seriously.
Wonderful, but a few flaws
Mon Apr 26 2021 Ginnyweasley4lifeI had this game a while back and it got a bit boring so I deleted it but I got it again like a week ago. I forgot how fun it was! It isn’t technically like real life but it’s pretty close! I love how fir different relationships you can pick different paths because not all relationships are the same. There is a problem with that though. It’s really easy to cheat on your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife. All you gotta do is get flirty with someone then bam! First date at the cafe shows up. It doesn’t even matter if you have the soulmates path for your other partner. It’s kind of annoying and very unrealistic. I also think that 30 energy is not enough. Even if you have a 1 hour event and you make it through it without running out of energy, you will probably be low. I think at least fifty energy would be better. A lot of people’s parents don’t let them buy things on apps and lemme tell you, cupcakes are hard to come by without physically buying them. Also the limited time tasks are a bit unfair. If you give me 15 steps and 10 of them are 8 hours, and you give me two days to finish, it is impossible. It might not be 10 steps but it is a lot. Right now I’m on step 12 and I only have 4 hours left. And I really wanted a kid too. Other than those pet peeves this game is wonderful! I play it every day.
Great: But anything can improve
Tue Aug 04 2020 KahkonensI’ve been playing this game for a year or two now, and I love it. It’s super fun, but like I said in the title even the greatest things can become better. First: I’m on level 37 or 38 now, the only reward I get is a little Simcash. Second: I finished all the stories I’ve unlocked, and every time I retire a sim and try to get an heirloom for a new story I don’t, I get a trait. Or I get something I already have, and have to sell it. So add more stories, more jobs, more hobbies, more of everything. More of EVERYTHING! Third: I love the clothes they are unique and awesome, but I wish I could create clothes. Not like Izzy’s, that’s fun but I want to create my own clothing. Like where you can customize and create your own pieces of clothing. Fourth: Pets. I play three sim games. Sim City, Sims FreePlay, and this of course. I have pets in FreePlay. I like having pets and I can’t in this game. Fifth: My favorite events are when you collect Duckies or Competition Medals or Lunch Bags, and use four hundred of them to buy a bag where you get something. We don’t have enough of these events. Sixth: Sweet Treat Showdown is fun, but it takes a lot of time and if you lose you have to pay valuable SimCash, which honestly you have to save up which is really hard. So please, take my suggestions in consideration. This is a really fun game, but I want some changes. Thanks.
Yours Truly, A dedicated Player of Sims games.
Amazing idea.....but too slow
Wed May 26 2021 lilly pad FAN!!!I love this game I really do, because I love playing the sims on my pc. So when I found out it was on mobile I was so excited to get to play my favorite game wherever! Until I found out how different it was from the sims on other consoles. Of course being a mobile game I didn’t expect much. But I just expected a little more. It’s like the sims game on other consoles just without all the packs, which is great because I don’t need packs and add ons to have fun. So when I saw that there was none of that I was ok with it. But the game itself is just so slow in progress. I kinda expected to be of a more “move at your own speed” kinda game. And when I say slow I don’t mean that my phone has trouble running the game, I mean it’s a very very slow process. It takes hours to do one thing!!!!! And that really makes me loose my patience to do anything else. So I would stop playing for hours and come back only to have to do it again 2 minutes later. There’s no real “GAMEPLAY” in my opinion. It’s all waiting and waiting and waiting. And when you finally get a family and your sims are happy, I personally didn’t feel any self accomplishment. I didn’t feel like I did anything but wait to get to that point. But the idea of having the Sims Mobile is great really it is! But I think they just need to change how the game works and id play it for hours. So I’m giving it a 3 for the idea, the design, and the hard work put into making it.
Quests are impossible to complete without using money
Sun Feb 04 2024 UserJH100I love the sims, all of the versions I just want to say that. I’ve played freeplay since I was a kid, then mobile came out, I even play on the computer. With that being said I have never been able to complete the baby quest on mobile, I’ve tried three or four times. There is no reason there has to be four eight hour events, not to mention the repeating events? With only two days to complete evrything. Every time I get to the 13th part, out of 15 and then run out of time and it starts me over. Realistically, nobody is going to play for two days straight and that’s the only way I can imagine actually completing it. That or using your actual money to make it go faster. I mean you have to wait hours to be able to use the bathroom or bed to get more energy, and without those maybe thirty minutes. I want to be able to play the game and enjoy it, I’ve been through so many sims that are now retired and have had no actual families. It’s easier to have a family in the sims freeplay, and that’s so much older than this version. Politely make it make sense.
Not sure how long ago I wrote this review, but I’m coming back to say I finally did it!! After about six attempts (at least), retiring a sim to make my other sims husband playable, and I guess just getting my timing right with work. I’m on part 14 of 15, with 20 hours left!
Awesome game but…
Mon Feb 24 2025 Yana ValentineI really do enjoy the game and I like all the quests, career options, and storylines the game has to offer. However, I feel that it could use some additions as well as some fixes. Firstly, when a generation of sims moves out of a household, they should not disappear. I moved my sims out thinking they’d just become townies and still have contact with their son however I am unable to contact them at all. Secondly, I don’t like the fact that my sims run out of energy so quickly. The energy bar should start out with a higher number than 30 to begin with so I don’t have to wait hours before being able to do my daily tasks. I also think a bit more advanced/inclusive character customization should be added. More options for skin tones, perhaps sliders, as well as way more hair options, could be great additions to the game. More inclusive hair options for sims that are meant to be of African heritage specifically, as well as some looser curly styles for genders. There’s no reason one of the few styles available for sims with type 4 hair only comes in weird multicolors. Lastly, recoloring walls and floors in places outside of the sims homes is something small yet affected and could allow the player to choose more so what sort of aesthetic they want for their world. Overall a good game but I expected more from it and with the additions I listed it would be the perfect game for me. If you read this far I appreciate it, enjoy your day/night.
I wish it was more like the Sims 4 on PC
Fri May 01 2020 GymnastGirl2005I love the game and glad that mobile players have an updated way to play the Sims. However, the changes the creators made on the Sims Mobile are things that even the Sims Freeplay have. I wish the Sims’ needs were in this game instead of the 30 amount of energy players are limited to. Also, I wish that things weren’t so expensive to pay for. For example, 40,000 to buy another plot for another household of Sims. Another difference from the PC game is that the babies our Sims have don’t automatically get added to the household. As well as players having to pay SimCash or having to complete a quest to get another slot in order to add another Sim to our household. Lastly, I wish that the game didn’t use real-life time for events. That makes the game so much less fun for me and most limited time quests (or all of the ones I’ve had so far) have players complete the really long 8-hour events. I wish that the game used the Sims’ time in their world instead of real time to avoid events taking so long to complete. Basically, I want players to be able to complete events on the Sims Mobile like players are able to on the PC game. Please make these changes in order for the game to be more like the PC version. Mobile games tend to be less fun compared to their PC counterparts. I just want these changes made so that the mobile game is more like the PC version, if possible by developers.
Fun but kinda boring now
Sat May 19 2018 Lavaburst8888I’ve been playing the sims mobile for more than a couple weeks and it’s the same thing over and over to do each day. Work on your sims career, interact with people, start a relationship with someone, have a child etc... it’s boring to me now doing the same thing every time I go into the game. I wish they would make an update to add pets that way you could train a dog or even do a competition or show showing off the dogs tricks. I also wish when the baby turned into a toddler it could play with more things like a pool or be able to interact more with family and possible make some friends. I think the to do list is stupid. What’s the point of it? Nothing in my opinion. I also wish you could garden or have more hobbies for the sims to do. In my opinion, the sims free play is more interesting now than this game. I used to play it and there’s much more to do and even upgrade your house. If pets were added at least make it so the characters could play with them and you can shop for accessories for them and be able to make the child look however you want when it’s a toddler or at least a teenager. I hate having to wait until a sim is able to retire in order to control a other sim or change their appearance. Please take into these considerations the next time the app is updated. Also one more thing it seems like the quests are around the same thing which is annoying. Also I don’t understand why things break cuz it’s stupid to pay to get it fixed.
No Empathy for Users
Fri Jun 10 2022 bbaaeeI normally don’t write reviews, but over the last two days my experience has been quite horrible. I decided to purchase something small, cash dollars in the game and I didn’t receive my content. Not a big deal, but would ASSUME there would be a natural process for users, considering we purchase several items to just get through this game. I’m really a Sims PC player - I’ve been playing for over 20 years. And I’ve owned almost all the franchises. So it’s disappointing that the EA help can’t help you recover missing content through a game app. It’s incredible how you can use my data to market items to me, but you can’t track if content appeared or not? Or if a technical issue occurred? Or how about relating to users pain and give them an alternative solution. The EA Help team makes you feel that you didn’t purchase it and every single person I chatted with only took me in circles. I have two cases open for the same issue. That’s insane. I even had a person call me, but left a message. I call back and there’s no way to talk to anyone. The recording tells you to that no one is available to talk. Why can’t I get someone directly? The result, I asked for a refund from Apple. But as always, the user is left hanging without anything. Does this hurt my pocket, maybe not. However, it will make me reconsider if it’s worth purchasing anything again. There’s no empathy for the user if you contact help for this app.
Love, but could be better
Fri Jun 28 2019 cjtjrjgjfkakdntI absolutely love the game, I have so much fun. However it can be hard to play because the events take so long, and Sims run out of energy so fast. I’ve unlocked everything for restoring energy, and the power ups, but it’s still hard when you can only use them every 2-39 hours......especially since you spend 2 of your sim’s energy to knock off a whole 2-4 minutes of an 8 hour event. 30 energy does not go far, wish that increased with level. The cupcakes help, but are rare to come by, and EXPENSIVE. It can take upwards of 5 cupcakes to complete an 8hr event in one sitting, it’s hard to justify spending the money. Also with Simcash was a little easier to come by, it’s really impossible to save up for anything when you can hardly find ways to get it. And again, spending $5 for 200 simcash, does NOT go far. Same with fashion gems. And life tickets. Only other thing I wish was different, is that there was a little more of the original sims in the game. Would love to see benefits from the sims interacting outside of an event.
Overall, I think the game is much more focused on earning a high revenue than how enjoyable the game is. I think if you threw some extra “premium” goodies in the way of the users, and made the purchase options more reasonable, people would be much more inclined to both play often, and spend money. I have to say, I really find this game to be focused on earning money above everything else, the customer does NOT come first.