Maybe it’s just me
Fri May 03 2024 VicenzorealtorCyber Era in timeline 4 just feels impossible to beat. I have everything basically fully upgraded and the final block to destroy is around 750k and the one before that is 140k. It makes no sense, the rate that the health of the block goes up is significantly higher for the last block. The last three blocks go from 100k to 140k then 750k. I was going through this game at a decent pace and now am stuck for weeks. Fix the game! I have fully upgraded people with about 14 people in my group and I even use the plus 2 people if you watch an ad and I don’t even come close to beating it. I haven’t even go though the 140k but then I have to do 750k in less time?
Laggy and nerfs you
Sun Apr 14 2024 1Biff2The game is a pretty simplistic “ad” game and can be fun, one thing I love is the lack of interruptive ads. The game will lag and mess up your aim which can be frustrating, the game will also eliminate the option to watch an ad to double your earnings from the mission. Thus making it impossible to double income without having to purchase gems which is very annoying. The game will also miscalculate how many coins you earn throughout the level and will lower your coins.
Unfinished game/ don’t spend money on this
Mon May 06 2024 Rivra78I have now arrived at timeline 8 where skills should unlock, but they are not available even though the game says they are. After timeline 4 the last stages obstacle goes x10 the amount from the previous one. Timeline 7 was 1m… really. So they timegate it so nobody reaches timeline 8 but there’s a way to power through it with enough people. Just squeeze through. Latest update make the game worse. The battle arena now only lets you play it three times a day before it was unlimited. The dungeon which just came out the tickets take 24 hours to replenish. Developers do not respond to any of the reviews so don’t pay them. Just a half as repeated broken game. Nice time killer but that’s it. Once you get to timeline 4 just erase it make room for another thing
Sat Apr 27 2024 AdGamesExposedI’ve actually had the patience to stick with this game all the way up till timeline 7, and I’ve been disappointed to say the skill feature never unlocked. The progression in this game is hidden with extreme difficulty on the higher timelines but if you can manage to stick it out you can’t even get more things to unlock. At that point I ask why not just say it hasn’t been added to the game yet? All in all I believe it to be very deceitful to the player of these games to have undeliverable promises. 2 stars because at least the journey brought some enjoyment.
The paywall is timeline 5
Mon Apr 29 2024 zenlartheredThis is actually really fun & legitimately the game you think it is, March forward, shoot multipliers, etc. perfect.
Then the paywall hits at the end of Timeline 4. I’m $30 in for gems, have opened 10x cards over 20 times, have all blue or purple gear, and am marching forward with so many level 8 units that it’s glitching. Still barely 50% away from getting the last Barrier cleared
Insane paywall. Fun while it lasted
Fun To A Point
Wed May 01 2024 KmooRisingI can only waste my time to a point. Upgrades get ridiculous expensive as you go. Same thing happens just takes you longer and longer to get there.
A lot of potential, they could keep you playing longer if they allowed you to apply strategy.
Just a time waster game.
Paid to Remove Ads, didn’t remove them
Tue Apr 16 2024 Regina the PhalangeSo other reviews have pointed out how laggy this game is. I have experienced this on my end if I play the game for like 20-30 minutes, it lags like CRAZY. However, is it unforgivable that I paid to get the ads REMOVED, and I still am getting ads. For as many app games I’ve played on my phone, I’ve never had a purchase just not go through, especially because it was working before and now I’m getting ads. Not happy about this
Tue Apr 23 2024 dart465It’s a good game great for killing time I did pay for the ad free and haven’t seen any unless I click on them but I’m at timeline 8 and haven’t unlocked skills or runes and they should be as well the game does nef you when you get to a point and I haven’t been able to play any new characters even though I have opened more timelines so I’d say great if they fix the bugs but not worth the money for as free as it sits
Steals diamonds from you 4.5 ratings are computer generated
Sat May 04 2024 nottaken917485929The game is fun, but they’re still glitches numerous times since I’ve been playing this game I’ll beat the level get diamonds and then be forced to watch a video and when I get back to the game, a couple hundred of my diamonds have disappeared…. It’s really annoying…..update been stuck on same board for 3 weeks and I’m completely maxed out this game is 200% completely rigged
.01 for ad removal? Don’t believe it.
Mon May 06 2024 Thorstw1nsI saw lots of ads for this game and decided to try it. I found it fun enough to keep playing. After about 20-30 minutes of play ads started showing up after each level. Then I get an option to remove ads for .01 so I’m like sure. I’ll pay that. When I click, it tries charging me 6.99. Not sure why they bait and switch it like that.
Not cool and so, I’m out. Deleting.