Tue Jan 07 2025 JetLagg999I enjoy this game very much as it’s very simple yet it’s very fun and addictive. I unlocked every skin every map and i have a highscore of 1818. I can play it wherever either in class or at work even in my bed before sleeping, i recommend playing it with some music it really calms down the nerves. It doesn’t have ads either which shows how the developers made this game for people to have fun and not make money from it and it’s free too, that’s rare in todays offline mobile free games. My only problem with this game even though i’m still rating at 5 stars is that sometimes i play for like half an hour and i reach a really high score(1000+) and suddenly when i jump the game decides to just give up on me without registering my next jump so i just fall and die, it doesn’t seem that much of a problem but it happened a lot of times with me and with a outstanding score running you kind of get angry at it here. Please if one the developers read this get this glitch patched i play on an older iphone(xr) so i don’t know if anybody else have the same glitch but it would be much appreciated if it’s fixed. Other than that beautiful game🙏
Found the new “Flappy Bird”!
Tue Nov 27 2018 AhhhhhhhhpplesCheap In-app purchases are all cosmetics! Ads give half of a character’s price anyway (which you can mute most of the ads). You can acquire the characters and themes through tapping the “Win A Prize” button at the endgame screen. No pressure to spend any money on this beautifully designed game.
Money aside, this game is the definition of “skill”. Something so seemingly simple yet requires the utmost degrees of precision from just several taps. You can feel yourself getting better every time you open the app. Not to mention this game is flippin F.U.N! Haha! Huge critic of app games here! Most resort to abusing the power of number progression i.e higher numbers = better player, while also deceiving and hiding the number algorithms on how players obtain the higher numbers so the developers can brainwash their player base into supporting their game with cash. A.k.a p2p! Why did I go into this?! Well! This game right here! Is sooooo perfect! No number manipulation! No P2P! Just pure AWESOMENESS, SKILL, and FUN! Let’s talk about perfection really quick. Do you guys know Taylor Swift? Well! I haven’t enjoyed another app game as much as this one right here. Totally worth your time. Two enthusiastic thumbs-up from me! 👍👍
Suggestions for the game.
Sun Sep 17 2023 e B oIWall kickers is a very fun game. However, I think there could be some new game modes added. Some things that I think could be cool inside the game are one, a time trial mode. In this mode, players each go on the same course that will be the same every single time. When the first jump is made, a timer starts and counts up until you reach a score of 100. Players can compete on global game center leaderboards or just with their game center friends. Second, a backwards mode where players start at the top and infinitely work their way down rather than up. Lastly, I would like an easier way to view the wall kickers leaderboard. As of right now, the only way I’m aware to get the leaderboard displayed is by scoring over twenty and then selecting the leaderboard. I think adding a trophy icon similar to the head start icon, skin selection, and record gameplay buttons on the games start screen. Doing things like this would make the game more playable and generally boost the experience while playing the game. Wall kickers is one of my favorite mobile games and it is incredibly fun.
The best mobile game ever
Mon Feb 26 2024 LightlyToasted_I love Wall Kickers so much. I play almost every day. I have a high score of 875 and I’m in the top 1% of players worldwide. I’ve been playing this game for around four months now and it’s still just as fun as when I first picked it up. I’ve convinced four of my friends to play it and I love the challenge of competing with them to see who can keep the best high score. I highly recommend that anyone who needs something to pass the time install this game.
I love how simple yet still fun this game is. With the randomly generated map, it seems like you’ll never run out new fun to find. The game is easy to pick up and gets progressively harder at a good pace as you get higher. I love how there are no forced ads so you can play without interruptions.
I think it would be cool if the developers added some way for players to make their own challenge stages using the different walls you can find in the game, or maybe just a challenge mode with pre-made stages to try.
If the devs end up reading this, I hope you consider my suggestion. Thank you for making my favorite mobile game.
wait a mobile game thats good?
Sun Apr 09 2023 Rage RayThis may be kinda hard to believe, but this game is everything all mobile games want to be. With little to no microtransactions this game manages to be enjoyable, and gives off a homemade vibe. Its one of those games you put on during a road trip, kinda like flappy bird. Not to mention, that theres no unnecessary ads, unlike most mobile games, that cram an ad in front of your face every other second, this game only puts on ads for extra coins, and revives, instead of putting on every time you die, so you end up having to turn off your phone’s internet instead, and even then it would come up with some excuse like “you need wifi to play” when you dont but they want to get money off of ads. And if the creators are reading this, youve made a incredible game, with actual love, a hidden gem within a medium normally filled with greed and scum, and keep working at it, because this game is an immediate classic and im not taking it off my phone any time soon, so thank you guys, genuinely.
Thu Aug 18 2022 games2197340This is by far the BEST GAME EVER if you don’t want any ads you don’t need ads if you want ads you get ads! It’s fun and challenging you can unlock new skins and backgrounds and I believe (I don’t know because I never succeeded) that there is no top! This is one of the games that you can play for hours and you don’t get bored of it! You will get annoyed sometimes but it just push’s you to keep playing and try harder! And back to the skins there are so many it could take a YEAR of nonstop playing to get all of them! And they are all different! And the same with the background. Each skin has a description to to describe the character you got! And each skin has a background to match it! And this game needs no internet! In conclusion I really think you should get it it’s a free no internet fun game. And I really hope that this helps more people to get it. And this last part is for developers… I don’t think you should change a thing about this game I mean updates would be cool but I like the game just how it is.
This is the best game ever created
Sat Apr 02 2022 ba-dussyhello, this is your biggest fan writing you a review to tell you that this is the most fun entertaining game I have ever had the pleasure of playing, I have played many games and spent many money on those games but it does not matter, this game is better, wall kickers is better than all of them, I have a tattoo of my favorite video game but I love this game so much I will cut my own arm off along with the tattoo just so that I can prove this is my favorite game, I don’t care if it’s a mobile game, or if it’s simply a figment of the most wonderful daydream I’ve ever had, I will talk about this game to everyone I meet, I will shout it from windows, at strangers on the street, not for any purpose other than I feel bad for the people who don’t have the luxury to play this game. this game changed the trajectory of my life and I have never been more happy to love something more than this. have a wonderful day. I am in love with the creator of this game and the game itself thanks.
My favorite mobile game
Wed Aug 21 2024 Dogso.nlineI’m not usually the person who dishes out ratings, but I really think this game deserves some high praise. I love the simple, long lasting entertainment this game provides. With in app-purchases that aren’t required for continuous or enjoyable gameplay, you don’t have to spend money to obtain tedious “lives”, “hearts”, “gems” or “diamonds”. Skins and maps are easy to obtain, and there’s a decent selection of them. I don’t know about anyone else, but so far I haven’t seen a single ad. No annoying banner sitting at the bottom of my screen, or frustrating pop up ads for the newest block blaster. I was really starting to believe that mobile games without ads were a thing of the past.
Overall, 10/10. I really hope this game gets some updates in the future; new obstacles and maps would be fun to see! And for this game, I wouldn’t be irked if advertisements were a necessary evil in funding those updates. That’s how much I love it.
Casual, Entertaining Game
Tue Jun 20 2023 Joaquin Emiliano AguilarThe neat game design, coupled with quite a few interesting characters makes this game such a great experience. It is a simple game that I can play anywhere, whether I’m in the car or at home! I highly recommend this game if you love casual games that you can play whenever you’d like. The only reason I didn’t rate Wall Kickers as a 5-star game is due to the fact that I was able to complete the game by unlocking all of the characters and backgrounds in such a short period of time (under 2 weeks). Also, the low frequency of updates slightly downgrades this game. Although I’ve had the game downloaded for quite awhile, when I started playing it regularly it didn’t take much time to unlock everything. But at the same time, I didn’t mind watching ads which shortened the process of coin collected by quite a bit (the free gifts are helpful too, lol). In the end, this game might not be for hardcore gamers, but casual gamers would love to play Wall Kickers in their free time, or if they’re just bored on a road trip.
Amazing game, a couple suggestions
Sat Sep 22 2018 SuprK1I love this game, but there are a couple things that I think would make it better. I unlocked all of the characters and level skins fairly quickly, and now I'm getting more and more coins that do nothing. If there could be more skins added once in a while, or other uses for the coins, that would be great.
The game gets harder as you go on, but I usually can't get that far. Most of the time, I get to around 150. I'd love it if say, after you get to 200 for the first time, all of the timed obstacles, moving platforms, and the accelerator things before 50 speed up. And then once you get to 300, everything before 100 speeds up, and so on. That way, the beginning is interesting even for the advanced players, while also making it less frustrating and time consuming to get to the more difficult areas.
Also, I can't figure out if different characters have different stats and/or if different level skins have different obstacles.