Mon Jul 05 2021 steg0saurusThis is one of the best mobile games I have ever played! The graphics are good and have a cool style, and the gameplay is very satisfying and super fluid. This game is very relaxing, and my goodness the view. The backgrounds in this game are beautiful. They each have a different theme (desert, moon, or my favorite one which is mountain, etc.) and you can see the stars and a couple planets. On the mountain one the sky turns purple and dark blue when you get a good dive. Also this game has a few ads, but you are not at all bombarded as they are maybe every 4 games, and so far all of them have been rather appropriate. Great job developers! To those reading you need this game, it’s a good time waster and will keep you playing after you waste that time too. P.S. disregard the age rating below, I have no idea what’s going on there, this game has NOTHING that a toddler shouldn’t see. Thank you 🤙
EDIT: Sorry I know this review is really long but I just thought that you might be a parent sitting here not trusting the reviews that say the age rating is wrong, I just recommend downloading this on your child’s device and then looking at it without them so you can see for yourself. I promise this game is completely fine for ALL ages.
Love this, but kind of annoying in some ways
Sun Aug 30 2020 LebinaAngelHi. So I love the game Dune, I have had it for a year and a half and I love it. (I just said that didn’t I?) Well, there is only a few things I don’t like. First off, I had this on my iPod touch before my iPhone and it was great. Now, I had to reinstall the app from the App Store and I couldn’t log in or anything and my iPod is broken so I lost all my coins and balls and backgrounds. Second, on my iPod, it doesn’t vibrate. There’s no way to make an iPod vibrate. It just doesn’t. So when I got my iPhone after my iPod got broken, my iPhone vibrates. I do NOT like the fact that Dune vibrates when you get a smooth landing or die. I do NOT like it and I wish there was a way to turn it off. Third, apparently, also Dune doesn’t show up in Settings with the other apps so I have no idea if I could turn it off vibrations or not. Thank you and please add a place where you can turn vibrations off!
EDIT: apparently I’m stupid or dumb or something and I just found out how to turn vibrations off in a matter of 10 seconds. Anyway please do consider the #1 I want my coins back please!! Thank you!
Really good game!
Wed Jun 10 2020 mypuppyissocute234This game is great and I would recommend it to anyone, regardless of their age. I don’t know why it’s rated 12+, but it should be rated 4+. For any parents who are worried about this game being inappropriate for younger children, please don’t worry about Dune.
I like that they included a function to change the balls’ shapes, colors, and trails. You can unlock all of these functions with coins, which you get every round that you play. There is one ball that is a pink gem and is for premium only, but this ball can also be unlocked by using coins.
This game doesn’t have very many ads, maybe one every 2-3 rounds you play. It’s very smooth, and there’s almost no lag. Every once in a while, you come across an ad, but most of the ads I’ve seen in Dune can be skipped after 5-10 seconds.
Dune is not hard to play at all. You simply hold down your finger on the screen to speed up, and release it to jump. You can also dive while in the air by holding your finger down.
I would highly recommend this game to any of my friends and family. It’s a great game to play with and pass time. Thank you for reading my review!
Good but...
Sun Jul 28 2019 MddmontLemme just say i love this game. I only gave 4 stars because of the ads. Even when i click ‘continue, don't revive’ it gives me an ad! What?!?! I SAID NO TO REVIVING FOR AN AD. And get this. It gives me an ad but doesn't revive me. Ads every single time! And I'm NOT paying for them to go away. For anyone who doesn’t want the ads TURN OFF YOUR WIFI! The game still works great and no ads. I get it that ads are ways to promote products but when i get one every time i die, tbh I REALLY don't want the product then. The add just frustrate me. A LOT. On the brighter side I LOVE the rest of the game. The skins are hard to get but not impossible and its fun to unlock nee skins, Backgrounds, and grounds! Thank you to you guys for making the whole screen customizable! I also have some new skin ideas: make your own skin. You could give us a template of a round ball and we could add color. I get it if thats too hard to do, just an idea. You could aldo let us draw our own backgrounds and grounds. Again just a thought.
Thanks for reading!
Good, But need updates elsewhere
Tue Feb 25 2025 RandomGuy447The game is fun, even with the new recent gameplay updates, it’s just like when I first played it still after all these years, but even after all these years, there’s still just the same 30 balls you can use, and still the same map areas and sky areas, it’s been YEARS, I’ve been on and off this game and recently finally been playing as my go to waste time game, but even after all these years they only update the GAMEPLAY, not saying the gameplay and presentation isn’t something you can improve upon, but I’d it’s been years, and “all” you did was change the presentation and update gameplay without adding more of the reason why I played the game all those years ago, it bums you out, it’s truly a shame when they made all these improvements and still have no new cosmetics and areas in the game, but hey at least they aren’t locked around in game purchases or maybe that’s why it’s taking so long for new stuff since lol but OTHER than that, game is fun if your a new downloader, and if you a og, it’s still fun but not as fun a newbie.
Why? Just why?
Tue Dec 25 2018 Person That Reviews!First of all, I have a question. So, now, when you first enter the game, you need to confirm those little things, then press continue, or something like that. At first, I though it was just for the terms of use and like bugs that could slow down the device. (Meaning it will load slowly.) So, as most people, I ignored them and just carried on with the game, playing around, changing skins, background, etc. Then, today, I took the time to read them and to see what they actually have to say. The first o e was as I expected, the terms of use/service. But then I moved on to the second one, and what did I see? “I agree to play for free and that my PERSONAL DATA is COLLECTED VIA the SDK tools built into the application.” WHAT. THE. FLIP. You can’t just go and collect personal data from adults, more so, CHILDREN. Now, Every. Single. Time, I play this game, I feel un-safe. Please stop this. Oh, and also, I will not be playing the game till this is fixed. For the rest of this review, it’s the adds. Most of the time, I can’t even play the game before and add loads in to collect your interest. Thank you. Have a nice day. Good day.
Honest Dune Review
Mon Aug 13 2018 MimiTheDancerI used to absolutely be obsessed with this game, but ever since they made it a competition, I really don’t enjoy it. It might’ve been four stars if they didn’t make it harder. Why did they make it harder? Probably so you’d keep playing. But personally, I liked it when it wasn’t impossible. But that’s just me. If you like the new version of the impossible competition, congrats to you. Not trying to convince anyone not to play because it’s actually quite enjoyable but the competition aspect has made it more stressful instead of stress-relieving, which is what it used to be to me.
On the plus side, it doesn’t have many adds, which is quite unusual for a free game, and you get new balls, ground, and sky so you have variety.
This review could’ve been four stars if they didn't make it impossible to play, but because it is, I chose three stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I hope this review was helpful to anyone debating downloading this game. Once again, this is just an honest Dune review from my perspective. I would recommend downloading the game just to try it out. Some people may enjoy the competition.
Thanks for reading. Hope it helped!🤓🤪
Liked it but one problem
Mon Dec 25 2017 Ggen55This game has been one of my top favorites for a long time. I think t is so fun and I am addicted. It is kind of easy but has some really difficult points to the game as well. This has got to be one of my all time favorite games. I have one problem though. This game has so many ads!! First off, I know that free games like these are supposed to have ads, but this is just bad. I have other free games on my phone that are just as fun but don’t have nearly as many ads. This game has a revive feature to so if you die and are about reach your high score or something and want to be revived you can use this. The price to use it is just to watch an ad. One time I used the revive feature because I was about to pass my high score and was very excited but the ad didn’t let me X out of it. So I had to restart my game and I had watched that video for nothing. This has happened to me several times. And it is not because of the phone because my phone is brand new. Anyway, this game is nice and I think it is worth it but the ads are just very very annoying.
Love the game but…
Thu Jul 28 2022 baby otter34🦦I have always loved this game and recently I was thinking back and remembered that I used to play dune so I downloaded it again. After I got it I noticed a few things that were bothering me. Now there are ads every other round which gets kind of annoying and most of the ads are the same every time about therapy. Another thing that is really frustrating is the glitch. A lot of times my screen freezes when I’m playing this game and it isn’t just this game that glitches it breaks my entire phone. Because the game has no sound I’ll put my phone on silent so the ads don’t make noise and I’ll listen to music but the music will keep skipping and stop at random times when I’m playing. Whenever it glitches I try to turn my phone off and back on to see if that will help but not only will it just make my screen darker instead of turning it off but when it does turn off it doesn’t turn back on for 5 minutes at a time and it seems as if my phone had just died when really it’s nowhere near dying. I hope you can fix these problems soon.
Small fixes much needed
Fri Feb 16 2018 ChrisB228I play this game almost every day, sometimes several times a day. I enjoy it so much that I paid for the ad-free version (also because the ads were extremely annoying). And unfortunately there are some minor problems that would make this game much better if fixed. One of them is when I choose to watch an ad in order to continue my streak in the main game, and after the ad is over, I lose my streak and have to start back at zero. It just happened to me where I was at almost 100 points when I crashed, so I chose to watch the ad to continue from where I left off, and when I got back to the game after the ad it started me back at the beginning with a score of “0”. This is one of very few games I’ve actually paid for. And things like that make me regret it.
Also, if the developers could add a “retry challenge” button at the end of a run that would take you directly to the beginning of the challenge instead of the challenges menu, that would be awesome. Would just make binge-playing a bit easier. ;)