Spoilers >:)
Wed Jul 17 2024 Boba🧋🧋🧋I honestly love the game and the gore especially. Im a lil gorey freak X3 I loveee games that let me decorate somewhere along the way so thats a nice touch. And the fact that you get a little collection at the bottom of the screen each time you play is cool too. But the reason this is 4 outta 5 is because its called "Can Your Pet" emphasis on the "Pet." I would honestly love there to be cats, dogs, bunnies- just more stuff to murder, not just chickens. Another reason its a 4 outta 5 is because after each time I play it I have to exit the tab to get past the decorating stage. But those are recommendations and im fine with the extra 30 seconds. Overall, 4/5 game. AMAZING :D
Traumatizing game
Wed May 31 2023 Pick a masterSo I like the game I was just Wrigley playing the game and like at the last part there was a thing that looks like a bicycle so like I pressed it and then like the worst thing happened but like I’m not saying it because it’s inappropriate so in a bloody way so like I don’t like the game it’s traumatizing and like I’m never gonna eat chicken again it was so cute that I named it Rosalina and the little bucket thing itsaid Rosalina like what the heck also there was a happy little song, but like why would you put that song that’s not gonna make me feel better bro like what the heck also I played it again and then since I knew it was going to be a thing at the end, I named it Kaitlyn’s chicken leg and now I’m still gonna play even though it’s not OK if you want to see the weird thing that that was inappropriate because how bloody it was and stuff check it out I don’t think you wanna check it out though I am just traumatized and if you’re vegetarian, I advise you not to play the game the vegan teacher would probably try and sue the company. Whoever made this game like it was kind of fun though it’s like short still really traumatizing.😭
Amazing lesson
Sun Jun 20 2021 tanjae.This game was not created as a silly dark joke or to make some innocent kids cry. This was created to show how terrible it is when we raise chickens just to kill them for meat. I was extremely confused and sad when I completed the game, but my friend explained the meaning to it and I completely support the idea of the game. Personally, I haven’t eaten chicken since I was 8 because that’s when I learned how we farm chickens in absolutely horrendous conditions for meat, so this app actually made me really happy in the sense that someone created it to teach this lesson. Great app, great lesson.
(Also, a TW might be nice for the final scene. It can be extremely harmful to a person’s mental health, especially if they’re already struggling with something.)
It was so cool! Btw spolier alert
Wed Aug 02 2023 the one that is very weirdSo I named my chicken Oliver and I fed him and watered him then played with him he always threw the ball down and I was mad cause I just wanted to play normal then a bike came and I said wow a bike lets take u on a bike how about that but then I was confused why it was going upsides down then oviler died and I was happy cause he was annoying and I was danceing to the song and then I wanted to play again and then the chicken on the screen was grey and had blood and had small pupils and I was like oh ——- imma be the chicken tonight then I pressed play and named my other chicken Oliver 2 and then the can of Oliver was just there and I could see oliver’s tears and terrified eyes so I was like OH YEA- honestly I like scary stuff good game’!
Tue Apr 18 2023 aguila nietoOk so if you want to find out what happens in the game don't read this and find out for yourself. So if your wondering why people are saying it's bad and sad well that's because at the end there's this option where it is a 🚲 option but if you click it something terrifying happens... What it does your chick will fall into a black void or something and then the 🚲 option will change into a shredder like a meat one or something like what and then starts to murder your chick with it... And there's blood and chicken insides everywhere... And then it puts it into a can that's why it's called can your pet? Soo I wouldn't recommend playing this as a kid it's 17+ so yeah ALSO DON'T BE MAD AT ME LIKE I DIDN'T WARN YA I PUT SPOILERS ALERT So yeah that's it thanks for your time!
To the people out there:
Fri Oct 29 2021 shishacowOk. I have no reason but y’all are so blind not seeing that the age number is 17+ which means it’s not even for kids, if your wandering and not looking your eyes at the number of the age playing for this game your that dumb to make a review and hating this game. It even doesn’t mean kids out there downloading random games and randomly click on this. If your a mom and your kid downloads this your the stupidest person ever your supposed to make sure your kid is not under aged from 17+ get better.
Good for a prank :)
Fri Oct 29 2021 AudrwesOk so all of you all saying its bad, you never should play a game without reading about, and especially don't get it for your kids before doing that. And those of you saying you cried, i bet there is some KFC on your plate right now. So unless you are that vegan teacher, shush up. Also it is a really funny prank to do to your friend. I handed it to my friend saying, here look at this adorable game i found. Then my friend started playing. When she got to the bike button, the look of shock on her face was hilarious. Btw don't cry. Its is a digital chicken, not the one you are eating right now. Buh bye.
This game is terrible
Sun Oct 10 2021 onyxrayne570I got this game and made a cute little chicken and all that and my mom thought it was like another cute little game to. But, when I clicked on the bike it killed my chicken and I was extremely sad! This game is very terrible and horrible for kids and for other people! I don’t know why you think this is ok to do or make! I hope whoever sees this and think it’s a cute game…. IT IS NOT DO NOT GET THIS GAME, if you want to be sad go for it don’t let me stop you…. I’m just saying this is a very terrible game to get and it is very sad! I am very disappointed!! And your making us raise our pets just for us to eat it!! I am very sad and mad at the very same time! An whoever thinks this is a fun game and it’s teaches us a lesson…. YOU ARE STUPID IM VERY DISAPPOINTED YOU PEOPLE ARE HORRIBLE YOU RAISE A PET AND NAME IT JUST TO FREAKING EAT IT!!! horrible….
Scariest thing I have ever seen
Fri Aug 02 2024 bluebear da best :3So today my little sister made a about about ducks, which she wanted to make IRL, but First she wanted some inspiration. So she searched up “Duck games” And she saw this one. It was cute and fun at first but then when you tap on the bicycle it turns into a shredder and kills the duck. When she was done, she had a look of horror on her face. I went to see what was wrong and then I saw the tin can. I new something was sus. I have seen DHMIS 5. I know something is sus when I see tin cans. So I played the game for myself and the ending kinda made me cry. All the blood and gore made me wanna not eat chicken anymore. I have seen DHMIS, welcome home, Coraline, Edward scissorhands, and way more stuff with blood and disturbing things but this is the scariest. PLEASE DELETE THIS.
Sun Jan 16 2022 Toysruskid4lifeThis game was such a heartwarming experience, not only does it teach the miracle of birth but also how to care for and raise an animal. This game isn’t afraid to ask “can your pet?” When you hatch your chick you can teach them new things and they will learn how to do it once you give them food and water. The best part of all is teaching your chick how to ride a bicycle! That’s when you really find out if your pet can.