Mind Game
Sun Feb 04 2024 I give up lo loI love this game! It stimulates my mind. Some categories are a wee bit “out there” and very hard to actually combine but it’s great when you figure them out. After playing this game my mind seems to be sharper and gets me motivated to tackle tough jobs at work! Keep coming up with those “brain teaser” categories! It’s a fun mind game!
The game works, and that’s about it.
Sun Apr 07 2024 FinethisisthenameokayIf you want to play connections, great. But this app is not the way to do it. It repeats connections and words multiple times while playing, so each set of words doesn’t feel distinct. Since you can get the same connections in a row, you end up remembering those connections more than trying to find new ones. It doesn’t have the same satisfaction and the NYT game, because there isn’t as much challenge between the levels, so there ends up being a disconnect. That said, there are some interesting connections in there, and the game works as intended. So if you want to play more of the NYT game, then this is a fair way to do it, even if there is a drop in quality.
Okay game, but needs a bit more
Wed Feb 21 2024 KoopaTroopaFanI love the New York Times connections, and being able to play whenever I want feels great. But the NYT connections have a few more advantages over this game.
1. “One away” In the NYT connections, when you are one option off from a correct group, it has a little pop up saying “one away” if you add this to your game, maybe through the settings, it could make it much easier and more fun.
2. Difficulty. The NYT connections are infamously difficult. So by turning something on in the settings, it would give you harder puzzles.
Solid game, just a tad unpolished.
Love the game but ………
Thu Mar 07 2024 Color Me NBSThe ads between games are RIDICULOUSLY LONG and they are the same boring ads I’ve seen on every game out there, over and over and over and over and over………….. If a 20 second ad I’ve seen 10,000 times hasn’t lured me, how in the world does some money idiot think that making the ads LONGER and EXACTLY THE SAME AS ALWAYS is going to make a difference. It’s stupid when the app has more ad time than game time.
I DO LIKE THE GAME! I like being able to have unlimited attempts until i finally get that “Well duh!” moment. Please don’t change that.
Good but could be better
Mon Feb 26 2024 GAMESHARQI like this game because it really makes you think, but there are definitely things that could be improved upon.
One thing that I don’t like is how not all connections are based on words that are related. For example, some connections are names of movies or songs and you need to be familiar with all of them to get the connection. It would be better if all connections were actual words and not titles, names, etc.
I also don’t like how a lot of the connections are repeated from level to level. I’ve only been playing for a couple of weeks and I’ve already seen the same connections repeated multiple times.
One more thing that is a minor complaint but could be better is the lack of sounds, colors, and animations. The layout is extremely plain and boring.
I’ll happily increase my rating if these things get better.
Good but….
Fri Mar 01 2024 psychladyI really enjoy the game but I would appreciate the ability to get a hint/ clue. Essential, if your stuck … that’s it no more playing unless you play box trials which then makes the point of finding the actual reason for connections. This game helps build cognitive abilities and that is part of the value of play other than fun, but with no options for hints it is game over for life.
Thank You
Deleting the app
Mon Feb 19 2024 jehshskdnwkFell in love with the NYT game, but one game a day wasn’t enough for me. Off the bat these games were way easier. Lots of repeats. Also a lot of not so great categories and options. The two that finally convinced me to delete the app are the category “things that stick” containing “glue, tape, gum, and stick” what the heck is a stick and how does it stick? And when I was in an unsolvable game.. the correct answers would not solve the problem so I started selecting all versions of the options in order to press every single option to get through the level.. and none of them worked.
Too easy
Sun Jan 28 2024 I CandyI enjoy the daily NY Times game, but found the subscription to be way too much, but I really enjoy this type of game. I’ve just completed 5 levels and they’re waaay too easy. I’m drawn to these kinds of puzzles because they typically encourage critical thinking, creativity and present a challenge.
For whatever reason, I cannot read any of the reviews right now, but I know I can’t be the only person disappointed.
PERFECT amount of ads!
Thu Apr 25 2024 MaggatarAn ad after each round (sometimes not even that often!) and that’s about it. Beautiful. Perfect. How it should be. The only thing I’d change would be adding a hint feature but honestly not a big deal either way. Great app!
It’s okay
Sat Apr 20 2024 ugerninjaThe only reason I use this is because the better version is unavailable to me for some reason. I think there should be less adds but there is a way to get around that by turning off your internet and data; but others than that it is pretty worth it to download